View Full Version : New pics of the boys

09-30-2002, 02:15 AM
Sorry, I'm doing it again. I just like posting pics, lol. Maybe part of it is the fact that is it is 1 a.m.? Who knows. Reggie and Smokey got to pose together, but Nebo had a separate "photo session." I tried getting them all together, but that didn't work, lol. As usual. One of these days I'm gonna get a good pic of them all........
Smokey looking cute
Ok that's enough, just give us the treats already!

09-30-2002, 02:16 AM
Smokey in his "box"
Did I hear a treat bag opening??
Does this count as a pose?
All right, enough already! Lets go to bed!

09-30-2002, 03:29 AM
Those pictures are so cute. I love seeing your pictures. Today at the dog park I saw a husky that reminded me of Nebo.

09-30-2002, 06:37 AM
Amy, thanks for posting those pictures! You know Pet Talkers LOVE pictures! :D

Reggie and Smokey are so cutie! And Nebo keeps getting bigger and bigger!!!

09-30-2002, 07:47 AM
I never get tired of seeing your sweeties, you know that! I'll look at as many as you want to post, so anytime you get the hankering, post away!

Dixieland Dancer
09-30-2002, 07:55 AM
OH MY!!! That first picture of Nebo is absolutely breath taking!!! They are all great but that one is my favorite! :D

09-30-2002, 08:16 AM
Thanks for sharing, Amy! I have to agree with dixieland--that first picture of Nebo is a winner! I love seeing pictures of your pooches! :D

09-30-2002, 09:01 AM
Aww...What sweet pictures!! Thanks for sharing!

09-30-2002, 11:55 AM
aw what a bunch of cutie pies, you are surrounded by doggie love. :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
09-30-2002, 11:16 PM
:eek: wow:eek: has Nebo gotten BIG!!!!
And Reggie and Smokey look just kissable!!!!!!!:D

10-01-2002, 12:26 AM
Wonderful pictures, Amy! What adorable pups you have!:) ;)

10-01-2002, 12:59 AM
Thanks everyone! YAY! Check out the pic I got tonight! Wahaha I finally did it! It's not the best, but it's a start...at least they are all 3 in it! lol. Wow, it's so hard to believe that Nebo was smaller then Smokey when I got him!

10-01-2002, 04:07 AM
Wow, that picture of all three is soo great!! they are all sitting like gentlemen! :D

10-01-2002, 07:49 AM
I like the last one of the 3 of them together the best. You can see how BIG Nebo is compared to the other two!:)

10-01-2002, 07:56 AM
Awww, what beauties!:) Little Smokey in his box....SO precious! Reggie is so handsome! And Nebo is calendar material!! We never get tired of pics of your sweeties!!!

10-01-2002, 08:56 AM
Great pictures! And that last one of the three of them together.. :eek: :D You can really see how Nebo has GROWN! Wow!

Are Smokey and Reggie just as suprised as we are? ;)

10-01-2002, 03:56 PM
Such great pictures :) I just love Reggies ears and Smokey is just so loveable. As for Nebo! Well, what can I say. Nebo is just Nebo, such a handsome fella!:D That last one of the three of them together is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

10-01-2002, 07:05 PM
WOAAAAAAAAAAH! :eek: @ Nebo.. what.. ok.. I swore he was like smaller the last time, lol.. now Amy, do my request - pick Nebo up and hold him and have your mom/dad take a picture of you holding him, and post up that first pic you had with him..

10-01-2002, 07:09 PM
thanks for sharing. :) nebo is huge! :eek: he really surprised me on how big he had gotten! i like the last picture best. can't you just picture them all in tuxes with a top hat? lol, i think it's time for bed..:rolleyes:

10-02-2002, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by CountryWolf07
WOAAAAAAAAAAH! :eek: @ Nebo.. what.. ok.. I swore he was like smaller the last time, lol.. now Amy, do my request - pick Nebo up and hold him and have your mom/dad take a picture of you holding him, and post up that first pic you had with him..

Rachel I already did. :D Check out this thread: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15227&highlight=big+boy