View Full Version : Handsome Finnegan

07-08-2009, 07:18 AM
Finnegan!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a very handsome baby. I am very happy that you have found a very loving family. Your story has a happy ending. I wish all animals did but I am very happy for you. You are so pretty. I just love the way your bottom teeth show. Congratulations on DOTD. Have a wonderful life.:love::love::love:

A Dog Lover:love:
Words cannot express
an animals love.

07-08-2009, 07:32 AM
Good morning Finnegan, you are such a beautiful boy. And your coat is just gorgeous, I know you are glad not to be shaggy and neglected any more. I'm sorry about your awful early life, but very happy now that you have your forever family. No more lonely days and nights for Finnegan. Wish I could give you a hug, sweet boy. I'm sure mommy will give you one for me though, and probably some treats to go with it. Congratulations dear Finnegan on being our DOTD.

07-08-2009, 11:16 AM
Well, Good afternoon and a HAPPY Dog of the Day to you, Finnegan! You are a very handsome little boy! :)I LOVE:love:that beautiful fur coat you are wearing! It is very becoming on you.:D I was very happy to hear about your wonderful love story with your new Mom and Dad. They must love you VERY much.:):love: You just look loveable and they are right, you Could be a movie star!:D:cool: But I think you are very wise to stay at home with people who love you unconditionally! We wish you a long, healthy, happy life filled with love and fun!:cool: Have a wonderful Dog of the Day afternoon with your loving family, and be sure to have a few special treats!


Daisy and Delilah
07-08-2009, 11:32 AM
Hello to you, handsome man!!! We are in love with you. sweetheart!! You are just as cute as a button. Whether you go to Hollywood or not, we can see you're a big star already!!! No wonder your family fell in love with you. Rescue doggies are the best doggies. Just look at you, sweetie!! We send big congrats to our adorable DOTD!! Please tell the family to plant millions of kisses on that curly head from us today. Happiness always!!! :love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny, Hot, Florida :cool: :cool:

Lorrie 1952
07-08-2009, 01:47 PM
Thank you all so much for all your nice wishes
We love Finnie with all our heart, he is our boy...:love::)

07-08-2009, 01:56 PM
Hello Finnegan,

What a sweet face you have fella.:) I am so glad to hear that you
now have a great home with people to love & care for you forever.:)
You remind me so much of my children's pooch named Skipper.:) I
want to offer my congrats on your honors today as DOG OF THE DAY.
I am sure you could be DOTD everyday at your house.:love: Sending
lots of cyber hugs & kisses too.:)

Lorrie 1952
07-08-2009, 02:50 PM
Finnie says hello and thank you for your good wishes.
His peeps give you a big :love:, and hug also:)

07-08-2009, 03:27 PM
Hi there adorable Finnegan! Happy, happy Dog of the Day to you, sweet baby boy!:love: From the very first moment I laid eyes on my first Border Terrier, Border Terrier "mix," I was in love! And that trademark Border Terrier "scruffy" coat is one of your most endearing characteristics! As your Mommy says, you're a beauty, inside and out! I could definitely see you in Hollywood Finnie, being cast in a starring role! (Thinking Petticoat Junction:D) But it's at home, and in your humans' hearts, that your s*t*a*r shines most brightly, and that's right where you belong!!!:cool: Your Mommy took the words right out of my mouth, sweetheart! Our rescue pups, the unconditional, "bottomless" love they bless our lives with is priceless, and how lucky your family is to have a doggie as precious as you in their lives, how well their kindness and compassion have been rewarded!:love: My heart breaks thinking of you ever being homeless and alone, little man; neglected or worse. But no more worries for you, Finnie! You're finally home, forever, with nothing but good times and happy days to look forward to from here on in! Oh how I wish I were there in person! I'd scoop you up and give you a big hug and cover that precious, fuzzy wuzzy face of yours with a gazillion kisses! Maybe your Mom will stand in for me and share some extra hugs, kisses and a yummy treat with you, for me!:D Congratulations and "bottomless" love to you, precious Finnie! Enjoy your well earned day of honor celebrating with your proud family, sweetheart!:love::love::love: And thanks to your Mommy Lorrie for checking in today, too!:cool: OK, get back to partying! hehe

07-08-2009, 10:27 PM

Daisy and Delilah
07-08-2009, 10:28 PM
We have returned several times today to look at Finnegan's pics again. What a sweet guy!!! Welcome to Pet Talk, Finnegan's Mom. We have a member that hasn't seen him yet. When she does, she'll flip!!
Terry, Daisy and Delilah