View Full Version : I need more advice.

09-29-2002, 01:33 PM
I'm almost 100% sure I'll be getting a German Shepherd or Shepherd mix from a Rescue! I've got my husband and son (age 12) sold on the idea. The only one who won't be sold is my teenage daughter.

I'm going to be searching for a dog 3 years old or older, who does well with cats, kids, and other dogs.

I live in a small town, with lots of kids running by the house all the time, so I want to be extra careful not to upset or scare anybody.

Our house is about 10 feet away from the neighbor's house, and we have a 40-foot-long fenced-in area between the two houses. Nobody ever goes into the fenced-in area. I've heard Shepherds can jump fences so, in addition to the fence, I'm going to install a dog run.

I have a 12-year-old son, 15-year-old daughter, a cat, and a large (47 lb) male Sheltie. Should I get a female GSD?

Any more suggestions on how I can make this a success??? :)

09-29-2002, 01:48 PM
Oooh, goody, a doggie's gonna get a good home! Okay, I would contact a Shepherd rescue in your area. They will know each dog's temperment, and whether they are good with people, kids, cats, whatever.

My very first dog - the best smartest dog in the whole wide world - was a female German Shepherd maybe mix. Not that I'm partial ;) but I'd get a girl! Don't think that makes as much difference as the temperment, though.

Let the dogs meet on neutral territory - maybe bring your Sheltie to wherever your future dog is to have a "meeting of the minds" there before bringing the new dog home.

Be sure to let the Sheltie know you still love him.

There are so many Shepherds and Shepherd mixes needing homes, I know you'll find one!

(Now I'm gonna PM Sudilar, a Shep-mom, and ask her over to this thread.)

09-29-2002, 02:13 PM
Wonderful!! I agree with Karen on this one. A dog from a GSD rescue would be your best bet. The foster home will know the dog's personality and which one will fit in best with your family. I personally would get a female to complement your male. Opposite sexes should get along better. Be sure to let both dogs know that YOU are alpha. As to fence jumping, yes they can do it. My first GSD, even with hip dysplasia surgery, jumped the four ft. fence in our yard to get into the neighbor's yard because my son was playing there. However, that was the only time in the 10 years that he jumped it.
The GSD breed is intelligent, beautiful, brave and a natural protector. What a wonderful choice and especially a rescue. There's something about a rescue....they really do appreciate the fact that you saved them. My two are fantastic. They are both so loving. Good luck!!

I see that you are located on the Michigan UP. I'll try to get a list of rescues for you. There are some fosters out there that are gorgeous, too. Are you ready to adopt now or how soon in the future?

09-29-2002, 03:07 PM
A girl would be good!! Lady gets along just fine with us, but I'm just speaking from experoence. They do bark a lot, so if they hear someone, they will start barking. I have these neighbors across the street from me, and whenever they come over to play with my sister, they hear Lady bark and scream and run away. :)

09-29-2002, 05:00 PM
This forum is the best! I can't believe how helpful everybody is!

I'll certainly be ready to adopt by spring - maybe before then. I do sincerely appreciate your help in locating a good rescue! I looked around a little bit and didn't see one any closer than Chicago. That's quite a drive. But - for the perfect dog, a long drive or even a plane ride would be worth it.

I want to keep this dog for many years - so it's important to me to find the perfect dog, and I'm willing to wait a long time to find it.

Like I mentioned before, I'd like a dog 3 or older. I think a female would be best because my other dog is a male. I'd like a really sweet, loving, and loyal dog. One who growls and barks at strangers but wouldn't bite unless it absolutely had to. The dog absolutely must be good with cats (my husband loves the beasts) and kids and other dogs. I'd be tickled pink if the dog also loved to play fetch and loved car rides. I'd be in heaven if she also had some previous training. We have a kennel club here, but the waiting list is verrrrrrry long.

The dog will be indoors 80% or more of the time. I'd like to give her the run of the house, but I can crate her when we're gone if absolutely necessary. I don't think I'd leave her outdoors when I wasn't home, even in a fence and on the dog run. Our climate is very, very cold. I'm looking into building a heated dog house for the time when she/he would be outdoors.

Where can I get more information specific to German Shepherd handling? Specifically, I want to know what to tell my kids and their friends, to avoid any problems when the friends are over.

I'm so excited! I feel silly - I'm acting like I'm adopting a child or something! I actually find myself daydreaming about adopting a dog! Maybe I'm mentally ill or something - hehe.

09-29-2002, 07:02 PM
Being owned by a GSD is a wonderful experience!!

To start, you could get a lot of info at http://www.realgsd.info/ . For more info, you can follow the web ring.

When you are ready to get this wonderful rescue, let me know. I'll see which fosters are available at the time. I can also give you some rescue websites to look at. In the meantime, you can browse through www.petfinder.org to find what's available near you.

I'm glad you plan on keeping this GSD in the house. They are family dogs and require being involved in family life. They need to get involved. Take a look at petfinders, but don't get too excited yet, unless you're ready to adopt now! :D

09-30-2002, 12:07 PM
i had a german shepard one. i got him after i hat my yorkie. my yorkie liked him until she noticed that he was getting more attention from being the newer dog. you will want to pay more attention to the sheltie then aventually give them equal amouts of love.
german shepards are wonderful dogs,but are wild sometimes.they are soo smart mine knew how to take his coller off!:eek:
after that we changed his name to hoodeennee