View Full Version : Another sick kitty

09-29-2002, 05:38 AM
On the heels of losing Pepper, Kitten is now sick with another type of blood disorder. I took her to the vet yesterday, and they found that she did NOT have leukemia, but gave me some meds for her apetite. She is so weak that she could not hold up her head last night. The tech said that if she has any one of the 3 (long-named) cat blood diseases, that no matter what is done for her, she will not suvive. This morning nothing has changed. I am supposing that I may loose my Kitten also. Kitten is only about 11 weeks old and I have had her for about 3 weeks. She is emaciated, and very weak, her nose leather used to be pink, now it is white. They said that her body is not producing enough red blood cells.

What caused me to rescue her was her little feminine face. You have all seen pictures of kittens with very "cat-baby faces" with very feminine eyes, that is Kitten. In fact Chinadoll's cat named "Scout" looks like her. And she is so affectionate. I have been having her sleep with me for the past few nights, until yesterday, when she really began to be emaciated and weak.


09-29-2002, 07:00 AM
I can not express in words what I'm feeling.
I'm so sorry for you!
It's only a suggestion; what about have all your kitties cheked at the vet? Just to catch any illness in time.
what kind of medecines are given to you for her?
Even if it sound very weird can you buy or get some fresh blood, chiken blood, and fry it and try if she likes it.Blood is very good for the lack of red blood cells.Also iron (in a eatable form) which I imagine that you can find it at the chemist,at least you can here, is a med. for anemia.
We all know how much do you love your kitties.Best of luck. I will try to have some more information if you can give to me some more details. It happens that my father is a vet even if he's not specialized in pets,he best know "animal nutricion ", he must give me some advice or at least where to find information.

09-29-2002, 02:42 PM
Koxka. thanks for your reply. Kitten is not getting any better. that she is anemic is evedent by her licking the rust off of a iron cauldron that I burn scented candles inside of. I'm looking at the label for the meds they gave me. I do not see the name. Since I am feeding her through a syrenge into her mouth, supposing that this is the only thing that is keeping her alive. But every suceeding day, she is getting weaker. Considering all the failures I have endured for the past 2 weeks, I am resigned to believe that she will go also. They asked me to call them Monday morning for an update report. But I am supposing that they will put her to sleep because of her inability to eat anything. She will approach food as thought she wants to eat, but then after smelling or looking at it, she backs off. I am wondering if these kinds of diseases can be passed from one cat to another via flea bites. :(

Apparently, they gave her an antibiotic injection, also there is listed "lixotinic" -what ever that is.


09-29-2002, 05:17 PM
Oh Wayne - I'm so sad to hear poor Kitten is so poorly. I'm holding her, and you, in my thoughts and I know you'll do whatever is needed for Kitten. {{{{Hugs}}}}


09-29-2002, 05:20 PM
Hi Wayne, I'm not going to ask you how is Kitten.I guess there's any improvement.
I asked to my father, well I can not explain it in english but got some URL of various Univ. of the USA where you can find the information and did some reseaches that I will send to you via PM.
Also, did get Kitten X-ray? Just to discard there's any internal hemorrhagia that cause her loossing blood.

Have a look at Ohio Vet-University (http://www.vet.ohio-state.edu/docs/indoor_cats/index.html) is a good site for general indoor cat care.

Best of luck for you and Kitten.


PS:Lixotinic, is an excellent vitamin supplement
with Iron for animals recovering from illness, parasitic ...(Google sic.)

09-29-2002, 06:00 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about your kitten. I know it's hard. I recently lost a cat, and now my other cat is sick, and I'm a little worried. I hope everything turns out well and that your cat gets better. I'll keep you and your furbaby in my thoughts and prayers.

09-29-2002, 06:21 PM
Kitten is feeling a only little better. At least she is up and pooped on the floor, which is more than she could do last night. Koxka, you are correct about the meds they gave me. the stuff smells like rust (iron). Maybe, she will come out of it. She has started to eat some small bits of meaty cat food mixed with water to make a "soup" from it. Keep up your prayers for her. They seem to be doing something. And thanks for the technical information, I intend to copy if off.


09-29-2002, 07:13 PM
Ahhh, I'm glad that Kitten is doing better!!!
That's good news before going to bed (it's 2 AM here).Hold on it Kitten! :)

Yes, Scout have one of the sweetest kitty's face in the world, no wonder you fell in love wiht her.

She will be in my thoughts, meanwhile give her a warm cuddle from me.


09-29-2002, 11:41 PM
Wayne, I'm so sorry to hear that now Kitten is very sick. :( I sure hope that she's able to make a full recovery. I also hope that your other cats remain healthy. All fingers and paws are crossed here and prayers are on the way. Good luck.

Miss Meow
09-30-2002, 01:36 AM
Wayne, sorry to hear about Kitten. I hope she is on the way up, you don't deserve any more bad news. I'll keep her in my thoughts.

09-30-2002, 06:36 AM
Kitten appears to be doing better. She has gained a little weight, and was up and around this morning. Last night I "force fed" her with watered down meaty catfood with a syringe. I certainly hope she continues to gain weight and feels better.


09-30-2002, 09:54 AM
Yay for Kitten! You can do it, honey, I know you can! She's a brave little girl. I just read this thread today, Wayne, and I'm adding my prayers to the others here that Kitten will pull through and grow up to be a healthy, happy cat! She's obviously a fighter. Go Kitten, Go!

09-30-2002, 09:59 AM
Wayne, I'll be following Kitten's progress closely. Please know that you and she are in our prayers. :)


09-30-2002, 12:43 PM
Wayne - so pleased Kitten is rallying and trying to eat. I hope she continues making good progress - your both still in my thoughts. {{{{Hugs}}}}


09-30-2002, 02:12 PM
Our prayers, good wishes and positive thoughts are with you and Kitten, Wayne. So glad to hear that Kitten is taking in some food. Paw crossed for her more postive updates. Hugs to you dear Kitten. Sandra, Mr. B and Oliver

09-30-2002, 03:19 PM
Hey Wayne, that's great news she gains some weight.
Kitten keep up the good eating!

09-30-2002, 03:47 PM
Oh Wayne, you don't need this on top of all the rest! :( I hope Kitten will continue to eat, however little, - the food you're giving her is obviously helping. :) It may take a while, but I really hope she'll pull through!

We'll keep our fingers and paws crossed for her! :)

09-30-2002, 09:35 PM
Wayne, I'm so glad to hear that Kitten is eating and gaining weight. :) All fingers and paws are still crossed here and prayers are still being sent for Kitten's full recovery.

10-01-2002, 07:14 AM
Thanks all, for your responses. I know it is not popular to continue to post negative situations in one's cat experiences. But following on the heels of Pepper's demise, well, I suppose you all can understand.

Kitten continues to recover, although her nose leather is not pink, yet. This morning she is eating much better, and is getting around more. Her coat is still ruffled, instead of being all prim and well kept. I stopped by the vets yesterday afernoon, and told them of her slow recovery. The vet said that she didn't believe that she would last over the weekend, "but what ever you are doing, is good for her. Keep doing it." And to be honest with all of you I thought I would loose her over Saturnday night, she was so weak and looked like Pepper. But after prayer she began to snap out of it. Thanks all for your efforts at causing her to heal -slow as it is. She is so tiny.


10-01-2002, 08:54 AM
Wayne, I have been reading your posts since your move to Kansas. I have felt for you and all of the animals, moving is a difficult transition and combined with the other problems it has been a hard time.

I am so happy :D that Kitten is doing better. Obviously the love and attention you are providing for her has helped give her a will to live.

10-01-2002, 12:48 PM
so sorry to hear about Kitten, she is in my prayers! Hang in there Wayne

10-01-2002, 01:43 PM
This noon time I wiped her down with a sponge and warm water. she looked so frazzled and dirty and then I laid her down on the couch top in the morning sunlight. All Kitten does is sleep all day and night, but she is gaining weight, and is up and about a little more each day. The vet said that "we are not out of the woods yet". So, all I can do is to feed her, whether she wants to eat or not. But she is eating more with each passing day, on her own volition.


10-01-2002, 02:33 PM
Wayne, you're the best! Keep on - she'll make it with your care!! :) :) :)

10-01-2002, 03:04 PM
Wayne - Kitten is so being looked after with your love and care - bless you. Come on Kitten you can do it xxx


10-03-2002, 07:27 AM
Kitten continues to recover. Last night she slept with me for the first time since getting sick. Now, she goes with the others to feed, just as she used to do. But she is still weak and sickly looking. Perhaps this bout with whatever she has will pass also.


10-03-2002, 04:26 PM
What a relief to hear that she is feeling better. I'm thrilled for all of you.

10-03-2002, 10:37 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Kitten is eating with the others. I sure hope that she has a full recovery. :) All fingers and paws are still crossed here. Good luck. :)

10-04-2002, 08:02 AM
Kitten continues to gain and be herself again, although she is still weak. The main thing that bothers me is that her nose leather is not pink but is still white -anemic. But I am not complaining. As soon as her nose leather becomes pink again, then I will know that she is definitely on the mend.


10-04-2002, 08:31 AM
Yeah! Kitty! Keep up the good work Wayne...you are doing it!!! Can you give her any supplements, either food or mediation to bring about a change in the anemic condition??? I am pulling for you two (you ten), and the herd at home is crossing all available limbs and tails for your house of cats!:)

Cinder & Smoke
10-05-2002, 07:15 PM
:( Wayne's message...

"I am sorry to report that Kitten just now passed into the RB. She was gaining strength, until this afternoon. But she still remained weak. and thin. Early this evening she started to meow out, and move only her front paws into the air. I picked her up and walked around the house for about 20 minutes and she passed away. In a way I suppose it is good, in that now she will not be weak and sickley anymore.

Kitten, we hardly got to know you.
why did you have to leave us so soon?
You were so cute to look at.
but now you have crossed the Rainbow bridge
Sleep on my little one.
maybe someday we will meet again.


Post you thoughts for Wayne on this thread:

Kitten just now passed to the Rainbow Bridge... (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15607)