View Full Version : Our weekend....

09-28-2002, 09:11 PM
We just got back from a couple of days in Maine. We had a really nice time (well, kinda) but I really missed pettalk! The first thing was right near our hotel was a business by the name of Drake Island. Everytime we drove by it, all I could think of was Souraya's Drake. :D

Then we were down on the beach, and a 9 mo. puppy that looked JUST like Wolf_Q's Nebo came running up and he & Malone just played & played. It was soo fun. Besides that, we met several other puppies (we were attacked by a Chihuahua that has a complex against male dogs) and he ran and ran on the beach. Malone still isn't very crazy about the water, but the trainer has reassured me by saying that it probably will take 5 or 6 trips to the ocean for him to build his confidence up.

We ended coming home a little earlier than we expected though, due to a disaster. :eek: We were getting ready to check out of the hotel, and I was just checking around and Malone was "hoovering" around. He went into the bathroom (I didn't think much of it) but ran in there when I heard him slobbering. He found a bar of soap in the tub, and just as I grabbed him, *GULP* down it slid. I panicked, Mark called the vet, and it was hydrogen peroxide to the rescue. I felt soooo bad for him, I just held him & cried and told him I was sorry a hundred times. So we came home instead of staying at the beach for a few more hours. He did puke once more in the car (all over the seat *YUK*) and tonight he is really tired & lazy. I am hoping he will be back to his bouncy self tomorrow. He hasn't been allowed to eat all day, and he isn't even missing it! Times like this, I can't WAIT until he matures & stops eating everything in sight!!!

09-28-2002, 10:07 PM
Welcome back home, even though your vacation
was cut a bit short.
Glade Mr. Malone is fine. Poor baby.

09-28-2002, 10:09 PM
Glad you had a good time, at least until that.... Poor Malone!! Aww, that must have been scary!! Whenever I let Lady off the leash, I always shut the bathroom door because she digs in the garbage and eats things like tissue that she should not eat. I am so sorry, and I hope poor Malone is back to himself tomorrow too. Let us know how he is tomorrow. Feel better Mr. Malone!!!;)

09-28-2002, 10:21 PM
Glad you had a fun time. Except for Mister Malone eating soap!
I hope that he feels better soon!!

09-29-2002, 03:42 AM
Sounds like you had fun (except for Malone eating soap of course lol! I hope his tummy feels better soon!) Aww did you take any pics of the Nebo looking doggy? Shhh, it was really Nebo...I umm.....let him take a little trip to Maine...and uhh......hehe. I bet it was cute watching them play!

09-29-2002, 07:02 AM
Hannah is almost 7 and she still has a thing for soap. Luckily she has never eaten any but she will go into the bathroom and lick it if I forget to move it up away from the tub.

09-29-2002, 07:05 AM
Sounds like you had a good time...til the end. poor Malone! My girls have never tried to eat a bar of soap, but every now and then I'll will be in the shower, washing my hair eyes closed and all of a sudden feel a dog tongue on my back. The first time it was relly quite scary! Thankfully they seem to have out grown it!

09-29-2002, 07:26 AM
It's amazing when they are young what they will eat!
Roxey used to like licking soap off your arm when your in the tub, but she never really had an interest in eating the soap:p
Sorry your great trip has such a bad ending, & I really hope Malone feels better & wants to eat (that's just not like him is is:eek: )
Hope you have a good day sweet Malone, & you too Anna!

09-29-2002, 02:34 PM
Thanks everybody!! I am so happy that Malone is back to "normal" bouncy & happy today. He really wanted his breakfast by this morning, and was just too excited to take a walk (where he is now with mark).

I am going to get film developed this afternoon (it was drizzling on Friday & didn't want to ruin our new digital camera so it's back to film developing). I hope they came out good, and I'll post them this evening hopefully.

09-29-2002, 03:02 PM
Glad to hear he is doing fine!!:D

09-29-2002, 05:18 PM
Poor Mr. Malone, was he barking in bubbles for a while?:D
No really I can understand what you were going through, puppies can be just as much trouble as little kids on vacation. I can recall one trip a few years back to a beach in Maine that had to be cut short due to illness and injury and rainy weather! I hope you got to enjoy some of it anyway and that you got some nice photos at least. :)

09-30-2002, 07:06 AM
Sounds like you guys had a good time in Maine. I may have to check out Drake Island one day when I go to Maine!

Sorry to hear about Malone's incident :( It made me think of the times when I was young and my mom would threaten to wash my mouth out with soap if I said something mean to my brothers.
I am sure he will be back to normal very soon :)

Dakota's Mommy
10-02-2002, 10:04 AM
Congratulations on having a good trip..... til the end! Glad to hear Malone is going okay. Before you know it, she'll be back to normal!