View Full Version : Marvelous Little Mamzel !!!!!

Daisy and Delilah
06-21-2009, 09:53 AM
We can't believe we're the first to greet you this morning, sweetheart!! Wait until our other resident Bichon owners see you today. You are absolutely beautiful, Miss Mamzel. Such a perfect little doll. We're so sorry to hear that your Dad got sick but your skin sister is right, everything happens for a reason. You are there to help Dad get through those long days. We know they can be long because our Mom had to do that too. You sound like the perfect little Bichon cuddlebug. We have several other gorgeous Bichons in our Pet Talk community and you sound like you have some things in common with them. Congrats on being our beautiful, white, fluffy, DOTD!! Please tell all the family to give you some kisses today to celebrate your honor. Those are from us, all the way from Florida!!! Happiness always!!! :love::love::love::love::love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in "Please don't get any hotter", Florida:cool: :cool:

06-21-2009, 11:53 AM
You sure are a cutie Mamzel,Fritz would like you,you are both the same age,have a cross bite that makes you smile all the time,sleep on beds, are spoiled and are great company.You keep great of your owners and have a good day as Dog of the Day!

06-21-2009, 12:08 PM
Greetings gorgeous, marvelous Ms. Mamzel!:love: What a beautiful girl you are Mamzel!:eek: You sure do know how to strike a pose sweetheart, and oh how the camera loves you!:) I know a few Pet Talkers/Bichon moms and dads here who are going to squeal with delight when they see just who's our very special Father's Day Sunday honoree!:D

I was moved to tears reading your skin sister's beautifully written tribute! I'm so sorry to hear of your Daddy's illness Mamzel, but thankfully you were there to help him through those tough times; comforting him and brightening his days with your unbridled joy for life, putting smile on his face and motivating him to get well! You're not only a heart melter Mamzel, you're a heart (and body) healer!:love:

We're so happy to have the opportunity to honor you and all that you mean to your family Mamzel, especially your Dad, on this extra special Father's Day Sunday!:love: Lots of love, hugs and smoochies to you, precious Mamzel! Hope you and your wonderful family enjoy a very happy and fun filled Dog of the Day, and many, many more happy, love filled years with your wonderful family!:love::love::love:

06-21-2009, 12:13 PM
Oh Mamzel, we are so very happy when a bichon appears as Dog of the Day! You sure have a sweet face darling gal, and I am so happy that you went to such a loving home and met that man who needed you so much and didn't even know it!

We are 4 rescued bichons, and we all get along so well, just like you we have that happy, happy, HAPPY bichon personality!

Keep on making those hoomans spoil you, dear Mamzel, we bichons deserve it! Happy Dog of the Day, what a nice honor.

06-21-2009, 04:10 PM
Mamzel!!!! What a beautiful baby you are. I bet you are spoiled. You
have a very pretty little smile in your picture. I would take you any day.
My little yorkie's teeth is just like yours. You are daring. I know grandma
and grandpa love you very much. Have a wonderful life Mamzel.:love::love::love:

A Dog Lover:love:

06-21-2009, 04:29 PM
Hello Mamzel,

If any dog deserves to be a Princess, it's you.:) You are beautiful outside
and inside too. I believe you & your family were meant to be.:love:
Enjoy your special day as our delighteful DOG OF THE DAY. Hugs & kissses
sweet girl.:)