View Full Version : Molting Season

Sam's My Baby
09-28-2002, 11:55 AM
Now that it is fall..molting season has begun! My 2 zebra finches are molting sooo much there are feathers everywhere!:eek: My duck scruffy has also started to molt, but it is just the beginning I am sure there will be tons of feathers around real soon!! Are anyone elses birds molting??

09-28-2002, 11:59 AM
Uh, she's not a bird, but Miss Hoppy has begun the autumn "big shed." I take her outside to pet her so the fur will float away, not just into my face! :P

09-28-2002, 12:02 PM
Bonnie, my cockatiel, is moulting too.

09-28-2002, 02:57 PM
My parakeet T-bird is molting too. I hate when he decides to flap his wings really hard too so all the feathers go airborne in a big cloud around the cage!:rolleyes: I will be cleaning his cage tomorrow but he always throws his seeds on the floor and starts dropping feathers as soon as I finish!:p

09-28-2002, 04:11 PM
Yup. Both my cockatiels have started to molt...........not that much, but they've begun. They usually molt in October and then get nice new soft and fuzzy feathers after that! :D

09-28-2002, 04:51 PM
I hate when he decides to flap his wings really hard too so all the feathers go airborne in a big cloud around the cage!
Vermontcat, I so agree. Bonnie lives in the kitchen and she always seem to do it when I am eating! Another thing she does nearly every time I have just finish vacuming is go to her feed dish to eat and throw out seed! I know it can`t be, but sometimes Id swear she does it on purpose, she sort of looks at me and throws out the seed. She makes me so mad, grrr. But I love her lots and so I have to forgive her :)

09-29-2002, 09:04 PM
My bird has his cage in the kitchen near the table too but where he can also see around the corner into the living room. He can throw his seeds pretty far around the corner to get as much as possible on the rug!:p I think they throw out so much seed because they are digging for the good stuff! Picky birdies!:rolleyes: