View Full Version : Oliver

06-10-2009, 07:02 AM
Hi Oliver.....You have the sweetest little face. I bet you are a spoiled boy.
You can come and sit on my feet any time you want to. Congratulations on DOTD. I got to read good things about you. And I got to ee how handsome
you are.:love::love::love:

A Dog Lover:love:

06-10-2009, 07:47 AM
Oliver, you are a precious boy. Such a good attitude about life and everything in it. Sounds like perfection to me!
Congratulations, Oliver, on being the Dog of the Day! :)

Daisy and Delilah
06-10-2009, 07:58 AM
What a precious boy you are, Sir Oliver. We're in love with that sweet facie and soft, velvetty coat. We would love to give you some kisses and pat that soft fur. We have to tell you that you are one handsome dude, as well. It's a good thing Mom told us your age because we had you pegged as a much younger gent. You're not much older than our Delilah and she has fallen in love with you this morning, head over heels. Va va va voom!!! It's really cute that you are Mom's foot warmer. An all around wonderful boy and a perfect companion. Congrats on your big day as our DOTD!! Please tell Mom to give you kisses from us here in Florida to help in today's celebration!!! We wish you happiness always!!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

06-10-2009, 01:58 PM
Greetings dear, darling Oliver! A very happy Dog of the Day to you, sweet boy! What a refined, dignified, dare I say elegant senior citizen you are!:love: I'm head over heels for seasoned citizen pups such as you, and so happy to have one as extra special as you as our most deserving honoree! I too have an Oliver, though he's of the feline variety!:D And my Lab Star (who's just a bit younger than you) is right there with Delilah, va, va, va-vooming at the very sight of you!:cool: And you and Star have a lot in common! Star hates baths, loves apples, and has a guinea pig sister named Ruby! hehe You may be slowing down a bit with age Oliver, not quite so interested in those extra long walks these days, but it's clear you're still savoring every moment of your wonderful, love filled life!:love: Every family should be so blessed, as to have a gentle and loving, life long best friend and soul mate such as you, dear Oliver! You're an angel, and it's no wonder your Mommy loves you soooooooo much!!!:love: Hope you're enjoying the funnest day sweetheart, celebrating to the max with your Mom and Dad and Grandma, and of course, all of the assorted kitties and your piggie pal, too!:D Lots of love to you on your much deserved day of honor Oliver! And a gazillion smoochies, with wishes for many more happy years with your proud family, precious boy!:love::love::love: Please ask your Grandma to give you some extra apple today, from me and Star!:D

06-10-2009, 02:13 PM
What a gorgeous boy you are, Oliver!:love: I would not guess that you are 11! You have a happy look about you and I can see why your Mom loves you so much.:):love: I hope you have many more wonderful years to spend with your loving family, and I am happy to have made your aquaintance. :D Congratulations on being named Dog of the Day, and I hope you have a fun filled wonderful day of play with your friends. :love:

06-10-2009, 04:41 PM
Hello Oliver,

It's a pleasure meeting you today sweet boy.:) You sound like a perfect
friend & loving companion to every creature you meet. And a good popcorn
catcher as well.:) Congratulations to the sweetest boy ever. Happy,happy
DOG OF THE DAY to you sweetheart. Sending lots of cyber hugs & pats.:)