View Full Version : Hi Bonnie

05-30-2009, 08:37 AM
Aren't you a little sweetie,you can sit up just like Fritz our Bichon.Glad you like little kids and other dogs,don't hide on mommy when she wants to bath you,she is trying to make you look nice.Our Bichon Fritz will be 7 on Wednesday same as Mom.Hope you get Ice cream on your special day today and have some plays with your stuffy toys and have a blitz around the house.

Morag Bates
05-30-2009, 09:03 AM
Hello Bonnie,

I have been waiting all morning for this thread to open, as we are several hours ahead of you, and it is now 2p.m.

Your photographs are lovely, and you are as cute as a button, you little sweetheart.

I am just sorry that you are so far away.

I wish you a long and happy life with your lovely family.


05-30-2009, 12:54 PM
Greetings Princess Bonnie, and a very happy Dog of the Day to you, sweet baby girl! I was so happy to see "Fritz" have first dibs at congratulating you today...Bichon to Bichon love at work!:D I'm sitting here with my heart melting in my lap, checking our your photos! You are in one word, adorable!:love: And quite the doggie model, too!:cool: It was such fun reading your bio., learning a little about the happy, fun and love filled life you live there in sunny San Diego! And speaking of sunny, no pup dispense "sunshine" better than you, sweetheart! Friend to all, that's you Bonnie! How sweet of you to make sure that all the other pups you meet on your travels get a treat! In addition to being beautiful, smart, you've got a heart of gold as well, and it's wonder your Mom is so very proud of you; you're simply the best!:love: Hope you're enjoying a beautiful, sunshiny day there in San Diego, having a blast celebrating your much deserved Dog of the Day reign, sweetheart! Hope your Mom will give you an extra fave treat for me; peanut butter sounds good to me!:D Hugs and smoochies to you, beautiful Bonnie!:love::love::love:

05-30-2009, 02:54 PM
Hellooooo Princess Bonnie - Her Royal Fluffiness! How wonderful to see Your Sweetness here today. :love: I love most all dogs, but I gotta' tell ya' - Bichons rate way high up on my list, and you've made The Top 10.

You're such a pretty girl, and it certainly sounds like you lead an exciting (and pampered) life in sunny California. I hope the sun is shining extra bright on you today, and making your day in the spotlight even brighter.

Have fun, and enjoy the honor of being a very special DOTD. Myndi and Sparky are sending their congratulatory woofs all the way across the country to you. :D

05-30-2009, 04:28 PM
Hello Bonnie,

You sure look like a Princess to me Bonnie.:) It is so nice to meet you
today pretty girl. It makes me sooo happy to offer my congratulations
for bering chosen as our delightful DOG OF THE DAY.:) I'll bet you are
the dog of the day everyday at your house. Lots of hugs & kisses too.:)

05-30-2009, 04:53 PM
BONNIE, oh Bonnie, what a darling we have to honor as our Dog of the Day today. Not that I am PARTIAL to bichons, lol, having FOUR of them myself. You are so WHITE and fluffy, I can just feel the softness through my screen.

I sure hope you are treated like the princess that you are, dear gal. Have a wonderful day!

Psst! Mom, check out www.bichon.ca/forum

Daisy and Delilah
05-30-2009, 06:39 PM
How nice to see some of our resident Bichon parents checking in today. We were really hoping this was the case and happy to see it. Bonnie, you are so cute, young lady!! We think you and Fritz could be the couple of the year. We can't stop smiling at how you sit up just like he does!! Congratulations on your big day as our DOTD, sweetheart. Please tell Mom to give you tons and tons of kisses from us to help celebrate. We wish you happiness always!!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

p.s. Maybe you could email Fritz and ask him how he gets lots and lots of meat.;)