View Full Version : Gadget

05-26-2009, 05:46 AM
Boy she is cute you can see she is a very happy girl,a reminder please be careful leaving her in your car she is so cute I would be scared someone would steal her.Good Luck with your little girl.Papbouv

05-26-2009, 01:43 PM
Congratulations and a very happy Dog of the Day to you, adorable Gadget!:love: "Be still my heart" says it all! You are just too darn cute Gadget, and today you have all Pet Talk Poodle lovers, dog lovers' hearts all over the world melting at the very sight of you! OMG, what a fab action shot of you on the agility course!:cool: Beautiful, loyal, loving and athletic...you're the perfect pup package, and what a blessing you are to your proud person, Gadget! You and your human were meant to be as one, best friends and soul mates for life!:) And what a lucky lady, being able to take you with her to the hairdressers! hehe I don't think my 75 lb Lab would be quite as welcome!:D Hope you're enjoying a very special, fun filled, "top dog" day of celebration sweetheart; being loved to pieces and spoiled to the max! Bunches of cuddles and kisses to you precious Gadget, our very special and most deserving honoree!:love::love::love:

05-26-2009, 04:31 PM
Congratulations on DOTD honours sweet Gadget! I love your name and of course I love your story. You are a smart cookie, loving and loyal. Agility is a great thing for you and your cleverness I'm sure. I could simply scoop you up and take you with me to the hairdressers... oh, wait, you already make visits :)

You are lovely and deserving. Something so special about a black poodle (my standard poodle girl, Bodea made me type that)

:D (p.s. Henry says Hello!) -- he's my dachshund :love: