View Full Version : One of my dogs is sick

09-27-2002, 09:20 AM
My terrier X Bobbi has been sick for almost a week now. It started last Saturday. She has been hacking and eating grass and she was throwing up on Monday. We took her to the vet and they said it is a gastro problem, so she is on a special diet. She was starting to look better so we were supposed to put her back to her regular food slowly and she has started with the hacking again, so back to the special food.

I am worried about her even though the vet says there is nothing to worry about, this has never happened before. It hurts me so much to see her trying to throw up and it sounds so rough on her. She gets frantic and runs around and exhausts herself.

At least when she is on this special diet she feels fine and has no problems. I called the vet today and he said to take her off her regular food for a few more days. This has also been hard on us cause sh elooks like she is starving. We are only allowed to give her a 1/4 of a can every 3 hours and sh ejust gobbles it down. When we feed our other dog at their regular feeding times she just stares at his food and looks at us like why can't I have any.:( And than our other dog looks at her food and wants it so he gets jealous.

I just needed someone else to tell, so thanks for reading. Just have not had anything like this happen before so am not sure how to deal with it.

09-27-2002, 09:23 AM
oops. I guess I should have put this under Dog health, sorry:o

09-27-2002, 11:55 AM
I hope she gets better soon. I have had time where a dog could not eat his/her normal food or sometimes none at all. It is hard, I used to keep them seperated at feeding times so they would not know what is going on.
Did your vet give you any meds? Flagyl is excellent for gastronial problems, it is in pill form.

09-27-2002, 12:41 PM
I hope that he gets to feeling better real soon, poor little guy.

09-27-2002, 06:37 PM
So sorry to hear that Bobbi is not feeling well.
Sometimes Rocky gets sick, has the runs and vomits.
But it usually lasts less than 36 hours.
I figure Rocky ate something that did not
agree with him.
At first I was wondering maybe Bobbi's regular food
did not agree with her, but I guess from this post
this never happened before.
I am sure Bobbi is in good hands with you and
your Vet. Poor thing, I hope her system gets back
to normal.

09-27-2002, 09:29 PM
Oh I'm really sorry. When any of my dogs are sick they chew on grass and wolf down their meals. I hope she gets better soon!

10-11-2002, 08:41 PM
o im sorry..i hope she gets well soon..my Border Collie eats grass ALOT! is that a sign that they are sick,i think i had heard that it was not really sure,so i think that when i take her to get ther rabies vac. i will ask the vet.....
Get well soon Bobbi
