View Full Version : Chloe!!!

05-14-2009, 07:45 AM
Oh my goodness...what a sweet little baby! I did not realize there was a minature version of a Dachshund. She looks like you could carry her around in your pocket! Your artwork is very cool. Love the retro flower one. Hope this little cutie enjoys her extra special day of fame. :love: :)

Daisy and Delilah
05-14-2009, 09:14 AM
Now that we're all picking ourselves up off the floor, THUD~~Holy Cow!!! Where is our Cuteness Overload to the Max warning? Not only do we love you, Chloe, we are deeply in love with you. We are thinking about adding a miniature Doxie to our house after seeing you. Well, Mom is just dreaming. What a precious baby doll you are!!! Cute as a button. Your Mom had to take up painting to keep from kissing you and holding you so much. Right? Tell us the truth , Mom.;) Your pictures are so cute. We would love to go to the beach and get covered with sand with you. Congrats on your big day today, little angel. Please tell Mom to do the honors and give you some kisses from us to celebrate. We wish our super little DOTD, and family, happiness always!!!!!:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

05-14-2009, 12:39 PM
*ding*ding*ding* goes the cuteness alert warning!:D Hi there cutie Chloe, and a very happy Dog of the Day to you! Oh, how sweet is that face!!!:D Chloe, you are one painfully precious pup...painful in a good way!:p I can hardly keep myself from plastering a kiss on your screen face!:rolleyes::D Did I say I love that "look???":love: And though you may be a wee one Chloe, you've definitely got the spunk and spirit of a big girl! And I hear you're a sand kicking beach babe who loves to swim; be still my heart, a water loving pupper!:cool: You're the perfect pup package, Chloe! And your humans are one lucky bunch, having a life loving, sweet as can be, best friend in you! I have to admit my heart melted when I read how how visited your Mommy outside of the hospital! (I'm a nurse...I'd have snuck you in!:D)

Have a blast celebrating your well earned "top dog" honors sweetheart, and every moment of your fab life! I hope your Mom can squeeze in a few dozen extra hugs and kisses into the day's activities!:D Congrats adorable Chloe...we DO love you back!:love:

05-14-2009, 12:49 PM
I didn't realize there was a minature version of a Dachshund either. She is VERY cute!! I LOVE HER ALREADY! LOVED the pictures and the story about her. That is so sweet! I'm glad you happend to be on your computer and seen the ad, because you seem like a really good dog owner. :D
CONGRATS on dog of the day Chloe!:D
:love:Bella_Sadie_Hailey and Owner Kayla:love:

05-14-2009, 01:12 PM

05-14-2009, 02:59 PM
Oh, Beautiful Chloe! I know the good people who read these comments get REALLY sick of me saying how much I LOVE Dachshunds, but I don't care:p! I can't say enough how wonderful Doxies are!:love::love::love:I have been the lucky companion of 3 full blooded, and now 1 mix, and I can't tell you how very wonderful your breed is! But you know that!:D I am very pleased that you were chosen for the Dog of the Day today so the rest of the world can see how wonderful you are. I hope you have a terrific day, and get lots of recognition for your accomplishment.:)

05-14-2009, 04:23 PM
Thanks so much! Chloe is so happy to be dog of the day! Her bday is actually tmw! And thanks for liking my paintings! :)
Jessica (and Chloe)

05-14-2009, 04:23 PM
My,my, what a cutie patootie you are Chloe.:love: I loved meeting you
today & reading about your life. :) Hope you have a celebration at your
house to celebrate being our honored DOG OF THE DAY.:) Tiny hugs &
kisses just for you sweetheart.:)

05-14-2009, 04:32 PM
Hi everyone! Thanks so much for your kind words! Chloe is so happy! AND its her birthday tmw (thats when she turns 2!). So this was a nice treat! I forgot I submitted her, it was several months ago! So we were surprised! Thanks again!!
Jessica (and CHLOE)
Also if you want to see more of Chloe, check out my blog!
THANKS! :) :)

Daisy and Delilah
05-14-2009, 10:58 PM
Chloe's Mom,

I've come back a half dozen times today to look at Chloe's picture. She is so doggone cute, I can hardly stand it.:) Precious is putting it mildly. Welcome to Pet Talk. We would love to see more of you both. Take care and congratulations!!:)

Terry, Daisy and Delilah's Mom :)

Densey Kell
05-15-2009, 05:15 PM
Hi: "Parents" of Chloe, please be careful if she gets on the bed and or sofa that she does not jump off. I had a friends Doxie do that very thing and broke his back and had to be "put down". Sorry, so please be very careful.