View Full Version : Celebrate YOUR BREED in song!

05-09-2009, 09:03 PM
Nancy Simmons has put out 9 albums with almost all the different breeds. She names all her albums by litter number.

Since I learned about this on a bichon forum, that is the song I know about. It's called "Bichon Frises" by Nancy Simmons from her album "Musical Tails, 4th Litter" and the lyrics are so appropriate.

You can get the song for 99 cents on Amazon as a playlist download for MP3. I am sure the other breed songs must be available as well.

A breeder has put together a video of her champion bichons, using the song. (So you can hear the song, here it is:


05-10-2009, 09:05 PM
I'm envisioning the Jack Russell song ... it would be speed metal. :D

05-11-2009, 03:03 AM
I love the BMD song... and the Pittie song!



Nancy Simmonds rocks the casbah. ;)

05-11-2009, 12:20 PM
I just heard the husky one... nice!!

you can see all of them here

Nancy songs (http://www.musicaltails.com/CDs.html)