View Full Version : Scout

04-29-2009, 05:46 AM
Scout is definitely a beaty and she does have large feet. Sometimes Labs take a while to outgrow the puppy stage, we have our second one named Gracie and she is 7 and still loves to play and chase down her brother Jake. Our first Lab and baby girl I might add was the same way. Jake is a chow/shepherd/lab and he is as laid back as a dog can get although he does like to antagonize Gracie sometimes.

Sout is so adorable, I know she brings a lot of joy to your family and I hope your son is doing well and I know she will help him along the way.

04-29-2009, 09:13 AM
Good morning and happy Dog of the Day to you, precious Scout!:love: This Lab/Retriever loving household is doing the happy dance, seeing a sweetheart like you being honored here today! Just look at that awesome smile (and those mega paws:D) As a life long Lab Mom, and someone who has worked in Retriever/Retriever mix rescue, I send along my heartfelt thanks to your Mom for giving a doggie so deserving, a chance at happiness! And yep, Labs are known to hold onto their puppyhood for...years!:rolleyes::p But it's clear your family is loving every bit of your youthful, joyful exuberance! As your Mom says, what's a lost sock or shoe or two when in return you are blessed with unconditional love, laughs and devoted companionship!

I do hope that Jason is doing well, and send along to him my well wishes!Modern medicine works miracles no doubt, but never underestimate the healing power of canine companionship! You truly were heaven sent Scout, and I hope and pray for you and your family a lifetime of happy, healthy, love filled days!:love:

Congratulations, hugs, and lots of love to you on your well earned day of honor, precious Scout! I hope you and your family enjoy a very happy, fun filled "top dog" day!:love::love::love::

Daisy and Delilah
04-29-2009, 10:11 AM
Your story is incredible, precious girl. You are truly a black beauty. We love that super shiny coat, adorable big pawsies, and gorgeous big smile. Everything happens for a reason and all the reasons were in line the day you and your forever family met. You needed a home and Jason needed some special therapy. All delivered!! It worked out beautifully didn't it? We can certainly tell that your family is in love with you and so are we. Congratulations on this big day of big honor as our DOTD!! Our most deserving pretty girl DOTD!! Please tell the family to give you a million kisses from us and we also send along well wishes for Jason. Happiness to all of you always. May you live many many more blessed years and all of you enjoy those years together!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

04-29-2009, 12:22 PM
OMG! Those feet! I just love her and it's obvious how much you do too! My Sunny was born on 2/22/08 and I have the picture of her with her graduation cap on too. Thank you for the wonderful story of how Scout to live with you. It made me smile ear to ear :D

04-29-2009, 03:30 PM
Scout, you are so adorable and I'm glad that you found a happy home. I remember my Bella's first year, and it's amazing the things that lab mix puppys can find to get into. But we can never stay mad at you when you look up at us with those big beautiful puppy eyes. Wish I could give you a big hug dear Scout. It's treats and kisses for you today though pretty girl. Congratulations on being our DOTD.

04-29-2009, 04:11 PM
Hello Scout,

You are such a beautiful puppy Little miss.:) I love that shiney black
coat & your beautiful brown eyes. I also have a black Lab mix named
Maggie. Big congratulations on being our special DOG OF THE DAY. I wish
you a long & happy life with your loving family sweet girl.:) Hugs & kisses.

05-01-2009, 10:33 AM
WOW! :love:What a gorgeous girl YOU are! I know I am a little late with the congrats, but you are a perfect DOG OF THE DAY! :cool: You have such a sweet look on your face, and I would love to be one of your friends.:):love: Hope you had a wonderful day on your special day, and that all your days are wonderful!
