View Full Version : Tipp

04-22-2009, 05:58 AM
Oh what a handsome fella Tipp is, I just love his eyes. Both of my pups like the bed...thank goodness it is a king size! Gracie also like the love seat and has claimed it as her own and sometimes Jake likes to lay on the sofa...LOL. I love pups that are really socialized. Many more happy love and fun filled years with Tipp and give him a couple of MIlk Bones for the Hawkins group.

04-22-2009, 07:06 AM
Tippy.....What a handsome fellow you are. I just love all the pictures
of you. It does look like you love water. I am so sorry that you were abrused
and left when you were small. But you have a wonderful family now that loves you very much. And will take very good care of you.
Congratulations on DOTD. I got to see how pretty you are.:love::love::love:

A Dog Lover:love::love::love:

Daisy and Delilah
04-22-2009, 07:22 AM
As we look into your eyes, we can't believe anyone could be so cruel and insensitive. We're all so happy you found a wonderful home where you can be yourself and love life. Don't worry, sweetie, those people will get it back some day. You are an incredibly handsome boy. Nine years old is the same age of our Delilah(she'll be 10 in August). We know what it's like to have a frisky senior pet.;) It's great to hear about all your tricks. Such a talented fella!! Congrats on your big day as our DOTD!! Please tell Mom to add to the celebration by giving you some kisses from us. We wish you all many many many more happy years together. Thanks to your family for saving you!!:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

04-22-2009, 08:16 AM
Well, such a guy! I loved reading your bio this morning. You are my kind of dog, for sure.

You seem to be the best of them all, Tipp! AND you don't even sleep in your masters' bed!

Tipp, congratulations for being the Dog of the Day today. It seems to me that you are The Dog of the Day everyday! I hope you spend your time in the limelight in happy ways.

Oh, and by the way, you are more than welcome to spend your summers here at Camp Vermont, right here in Lake Champlain. You could spend hours in the water and the rest of the time collecting sticks and stones for "later".

Again, you are the best Tippy! We are all impressed by your wonderful qualities.


Love from all the Campers (even though most of the campers are cats!):love::love::love:

04-22-2009, 09:27 AM
Good morning and a very happy DOG OF THE DAY to you, precious Tippy!:love: What a bevy of beautiful photos your Mom (or Dad) has treated us to! I just loved reading your bio., seeing pics of you posing in all of your fave venues, and the action shots (swimming:D)! Being a blend of Border Collie and Spaniel, no surprise to learn of your love for the active, outdoor life...my kind of pup!:cool: (Though you may be the first I've met who doesn't love the "big bed!":D)

I guess you know how we all here feel about the heartlessness, the unconscionable cruelty of your former so called "family!":mad: Well, what goes around comes around! And as the saying goes, living well is the best revenge, and oh, what a wonderful life you have been blessed with! It's so heartwarming knowing that a doggie so deserving, so loving of life, found his way to the most loving of forever families!:)

I'm sure your family has a very special, action/fun packed day planned for you today sweetheart, so enjoy!:D So much life to live and enjoy, and no pup does life any better than you, Tippy!!!

Big hugs and kisses to you precious Tippy, our most deserving, very special "top dog" honoree!:love::love::love:

04-22-2009, 01:52 PM
Oh what a handsome boy you are mister Tippy. I'm so glad you found a good home even if it did take three tries. And what a happy life you have been having since then. I wish I could see you playing in the water, sounds like you have lots of fun. I don't know which is more beautiful dear Tipp, your gorgeous black and white coat or your deep dark eyes and the loving expression behind them. Enjoy your senior years wonderful Tippy, with lots of hugs and kisses and treats. Congratulations Tippy on being our DOTD.

04-22-2009, 04:28 PM
Hello Tippy,

You are a very handsome pup & it's good to meet you today. I read
a little about you many talents & the fun you have now that you've
found your forever family.:) Wishing you a long,heathy & happy life.
Congratulations on being chosen our DOG OF THE DAY.:) Sending out
many hugs & kisses just for you sweet boy.:)

04-22-2009, 06:16 PM
Wow, FOUR pictures of today's dog Tippy! You are sooooo handsome, sweety! I'd like to give you a great big hug -- maybe your humans will do that for me. Happy Dog of the Day and a long, happy life to you!

04-22-2009, 10:44 PM
Happy Dog of The Day, handsome Tipp! I'm so glad your forever home is a happy, fun place to live! You sound like a very busy, smart boy! I loved your pictures..you're so photogenic! Sending hugs and :love: on your special, forever day!