View Full Version : Hi Raptor

04-17-2009, 07:17 AM
Raptor....What a handsome fellow you are. I am so happy that you have found a loving family to take care of you. I wish all animals did.
Congratulations on DOTD. You are so pretty. I love hounds. I have a beagle
and she is very loving also. Raptor, take care of your family.:love:

A Dog Lover:love:

04-17-2009, 08:39 AM
Good morning and a very happy Dog of the Day to you, ravishing Raptor!:D Oh, just look at you posing so proudly, those precious pawsies crossed so adorably!:D And those ears! hehe I don't think I've ever met a pup with ears as longs as yours!:cool: That's one confident, proud pup I see before me!

We can't thank your family enough (especially your skinbro!) for rescuing you, giving one incredibly deserving doggie a happy, forever home!:love: It's so heartwarming to learn that you're finally learning how to trust once more sweetheart, over coming your fears, settling in so nicely and enjoying life! Every shelter pup, every dog deserves a family as committed and loving as yours! But after reading your bio. Raptor, it's clear your family believes it is they who are the truly lucky ones! What a happy ending, rescue story!:)

Congratulations and bunches of hugs and wet, sloppy kisses to you, Rappy!:love::love::love: Enjoy a happy and fun filled day celebrating with your family, sweetheart! I wish for you all many, many more happy, love filled years together! Go Rappy!:D

Daisy and Delilah
04-17-2009, 10:23 AM
Good morning to you, handsome fella!! You are one great looking Coonhound. We also noticed those beautiful long ears. Stunning!!! Thanks a million to your wonderful family for saving you. What a happy day when you met and settled down in your forever home. Great job to your skinbro!! We shudder to think you might have been subjected to things you didn't like as a young pup. We think it's wonderful that you got over your fears. YAY!!! How adorable that Mom packs you a picnic pail for your work day in the yard.:D We would love to see that. Congrats on your big day today as our DOTD!! Please tell the family to give you some big fat kisses from us here in Florida!! How about some ear rubs and scratches too? Happiness always!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

04-17-2009, 10:25 AM
I gasped when I saw Raptor's photo, thinking what a gorgeous young Bloodhound! I do truly think he is more Bloodhound than Coonhound but whatever, he is a lovely, very blessed boy to have been adopted by such a caring family:love:.

with prayers for a wonderful year from the hounds at Silverwalk Hound Dog Sanctuary http://silverwalk.petfinder.com- Roberta Beach and "the Pack" :cool:

04-17-2009, 11:14 AM
http://images38.fotki.com/v1280/photos/9/1495509/7435830/Batman-vi.gif:love::love::love:Oh, My Goodness! I am in love! You are just gorgeous, Raptor! I love your ears, your eyes, your coat, your name, and from what we read, your personality! I am very jealous of your human family, as I would love to have a cuddlebug like you! I am very happy that you are today's Dog of the Day so that we had the opportunity to see you. Have a fun filled day guarding your yard, and playing with whomever or whatever is around to play with. NOSE KISSES!!!!!!:love::D

04-17-2009, 11:56 AM
:love: Well Hello Raptor.. Your so Adorable just sitting there with your legss crossed.. Just love that face & your color.. Congrats on Dog of the Day..

04-17-2009, 04:13 PM
Hello Rappy,

You are a very handsome pup & it's a pleasure to meet you today.:)
I am glad that your family rescued you & made you part of the family.
I've always belived that Rescue Dogs make the best friends.:)
Congratualtions on being our DOG OF THE DAY. Sending many cyber
hugs & kisses sweet boy.:)

04-17-2009, 09:13 PM
Raptor is completely adorable! Such a sweet and kind soul.

He truly is a diamond in the "ruff".