View Full Version : Need Vista help FIXED!

04-15-2009, 08:35 PM
Cliff notes: I have Vista home premium 64bit. I am trying to install a driver for an A/V capture device. Each time I attempt to install the driver I get this message:

The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation.

I got rid of THAT message by turning off User Account Controls, but since then I have been getting the dreaded:

Error 1719: The Windows Installer service could not be accessed...

My googling (is that a word?:p) is leading me to think that there just isn't a solution that works but I am hoping one of you will know something helpful. I am not a computer idiot and have tried everything from doing a system restore to a few days ago to using suggestions I found at some computer forums to tinker with the registry. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

04-15-2009, 09:38 PM
You have premium 64bit? Are you sure the driver you are installing is 64bit? Also, try logging in under the administrator account (dont use vista, so I dont know what that is truly called) and installing it there.

04-15-2009, 09:52 PM
It is a home computer and I am the admin. The driver is directly from the manufacturers site and is designed for 64 bit vista:(

04-16-2009, 04:46 AM
I am nowhere near computer literate enough to give you direct help but have you tried - Control panel> problem reports & solutions?

Other help specific to the error message
Windows help, specific for error1719 (http://windowshelp.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/search.aspx?=&qu=Error+1719%3A+The+Windows+Installer+service+cou ld+not+be+accessed...&x=10&y=6)


Or you might find an answer by inquiring here.
Windows Vista Magazine (http://www.windowsvistamagazine.com/4352741768345575139/windows-vista-help.html)

Good luck.

Laura's Babies
04-16-2009, 08:58 AM
Vista is a PAIN in the rear! I have a 64 bit system too and am finding a lot of things that worked without a problem on XP will not work on here. I am going to have to hang on to the old computer just to do things I can't get done on Vista. :rolleyes:

I kept running into that problem like you. I finally learned just to always make sure I am on as administrator.. I find that terriably annoying.. I find Vista annoying, always asking permission to do ANYTHING! There are still, like I said, a lot of things that just won't work on here. That 64bit system seems to make everything so much more complicated! :mad: Everything I want to install, I have to cross my fingers that it will work with a 64bit system.. They need to FIX that!

I got a new computer because I needed more space and needed to make copies of a river DVD we made in 2003... now I am wishing I had just upgraded my old one.

04-16-2009, 12:36 PM
I have a couple of XP Home Reg Keys. Dump Vista, back up all your files, and I'll PM you the reg key so you can install XP online.

NB: Was in the news several days ago that with the release of Windows 7, the option will exist for clients to 'roll back' to Vista or XP. Interesting...

04-16-2009, 01:14 PM
HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!
I found it! It was so comlex yet so simple!! I just had to change one value of one registry key from a 1 to a 0 :eek::eek: Now that the driver is installed I should be able to change the value back and be good to go..
I changed the key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\MSIServer\WOW64
from a 1 to a 0, I clicked on the .msi file and my install worked.

04-16-2009, 02:59 PM
I have a couple of XP Home Reg Keys.

*cough*pirate*cough* lol

04-16-2009, 03:10 PM
Reggie, I'm sure that she came across the keys legally and above board:)

04-16-2009, 04:27 PM
Happy to read you fixed it!!:D

Vista is a PAIN in the rear! I have a 64 bit system too and am finding a lot of things that worked without a problem on XP will not work on here. I am going to have to hang on to the old computer just to do things I can't get done on Vista. :rolleyes:

I kept running into that problem like you. I finally learned just to always make sure I am on as administrator.. I find that terriably annoying.. I find Vista annoying, always asking permission to do ANYTHING! There are still, like I said, a lot of things that just won't work on here. That 64bit system seems to make everything so much more complicated! :mad: Everything I want to install, I have to cross my fingers that it will work with a 64bit system.. They need to FIX that!

I got a new computer because I needed more space and needed to make copies of a river DVD we made in 2003... now I am wishing I had just upgraded my old one.

I love Vista! I got a new computer for the same reason as you and I was so not looking forward to Vista being it but now I am so pleased with it. I don't mind the permission thing at all, it makes it that bit more secure and only takes a sec to click yes or no.
Having said all that I have the 32bit system, perhaps that makes the difference.

ps you might find Vista Magazine (link in my earlier post) to be of some help, it contains lots of tips and hints.

Laura's Babies
04-16-2009, 04:56 PM
Thanks ChrisH, I WILL check that out... off to look into it now

04-16-2009, 09:27 PM
Reggie....stickers off cases in the ecycle BINS here in town.

A couple of towers had their HDs left in!!!! :eek::eek:

Today there was an old case with a stick of 4 MB RAM. Wow, antiques! :D

04-17-2009, 01:26 AM
I cant help with Vista, but you can rebuild it with vLite (http://www.vlite.net/) so it is less bloated and less cumbersome.

I used nlite to shave alot of extras from my XP disc.