View Full Version : Fabulous Fluffy

04-15-2009, 12:00 PM
Oh Fluff - what a beautiful girl you are. You hair looks like spun silver in that bottom photo.
And you not only have beauty, but brains too - the best of both worlds! I can certainly understand why your family nominated you as DOTD! :love:
Hope you're getting even extra special treatment today to honor this very special event. Have a wonderful day, and check in with Mom for some extra special treats. Just don't tell her that I put you up to it - ok??? ;)

04-15-2009, 12:30 PM
Happy Dog of the Day to you, darling Fluffy!:love: Where's the cuteness alert??? A pup as sweet and beautiful as you should definitely come with a "warning" label; warning of the preciousness with which they're about to be hit with!:D Honestly, you Yorkies have the most beautiful, shiny coats; like spun gold!:cool: But it's your loving spirit that's most precious and beautiful of all! You're just a life, people and critter loving pup, a friend to all!:love: And whoa, if stunning good looks and a loving personality weren't enough, you're smart as a whip too!:eek: "Do pork chop?":D I laughed out loud reading how you wipe those sniffles away on command! hehe You're simply, 12 lbs of pure love and preciousness Fluffy, and we're so very happy to crown you, our extra special and most deserving honoree!!!:love: Hope you and your proud, wonderful family, and all of your adoring friends and fans, enjoy a very special day of celebration; that you're spoiled to the max! Oodles of hugs and kisses to you, fabulous Fluffy!:love::love::love:

04-15-2009, 01:45 PM

04-15-2009, 04:19 PM
Hello Fluffy,

You are not only the cutest little girl. you a smart pup too.:)
I am impressed by learning so many things. I would love to see your
"pork chop" :D Congratulations on being our chosen DOG OF THE DAY.
Sending out many cyber hugs & kisses sweetheart.:)

04-15-2009, 05:05 PM
Fluffy, you are such a beautiful girl, and I can tell you're the apple of mommy's eye. And such a smart girl too. I would really love to see you do 'pork chop'. I love your pretty silvery coat, it looks like shimmery silk. Hope you get lots of treats and kisses today sweet Fluffy, and congratulations on being our DOTD.

Daisy and Delilah
04-15-2009, 05:12 PM
Aren't you the cutest little girl? So adorable and so smart to boot. We are amazed at your list of tricks. Not just simple tricks but huge performances. That "pork chop" should be on You Tube so we can all see it!! The rest of your tricks would be delightful to see as well. Anything to please your Mom, huh? Congrats on your big day as our sweet little DOTD!! Please tell Mom to give you a billion kisses from us to celebrate your honor today. Happiness always!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool: