View Full Version : Smoking...

09-25-2002, 01:09 AM
If you smoke and won't stop for yourself or the second hand smokers, perhaps you will after reading this (http://www.peta.org/feat/wackypacks) article.

I've always known about this, but I think there's a lot of people who are unaware of these poor animals' conditions.

And please, don't get offended by this post if you're a smoker. I did not mean to imply that smokers are cruel to animals or that they are bad persons. I just wanted to point this out to you all. Thanks :)

09-25-2002, 01:59 AM
I am so shocked and angry about the information in that article. It's bad enough that the cigarette companies use dirty advertising tactics to make people addicted, and now this? It's very interesting because one of the posters that anti-smoking proponents used had animals in it.


It's so sad and it's such a gross habit. I'm very allergic, and I was really glad when the city I live in made it illegal to smoke in any public building.

Former User
09-25-2002, 02:17 AM
In Finland, you can't smoke in public places either, but here in Belgium, OMG! People just smoke everywhere, and I mean everywhere! They don't have any consideration to those who don't smoke. For example at the office where my husband works, there are few who smoke, and they don't think of the others who don't smoke, at all. They just smoke, and then these who passive smoke, are in a bigger thread of getting a cancer than the smokers themselves.

Why can't these smokers realise that allthough they don't care about their lives and want to have cancer, not all the people are like this? I love my husband extremely much, and would like to keep him for as long as possible. Who gave these smokers the right to cause health problems to others?

Sorry to vent like these but we just HATE smoking! Needless to say that my husband or i don't smoke, and no-one who comes to visit us, can smoke in our place, they better go outside. We also like to protect Casper and kitty from the smoke, we know how harmful it is for them too.

09-25-2002, 02:51 AM
A M E N to that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C.C.'s Mom
09-25-2002, 04:35 AM
We're not smoking either, and it really did reduce our circle of friends.

Thankfully, in most German official places it's forbidden to smoke as well as at most offices (like my husband's). We're very happy about it.

My parents both smoke, but aren't allowed in our house or my car. If they want to, they can go and outside in the backyard (even when it rains, no compromise).

What really bothers me, is that it's still allowed to smoke on the street. I live near a school and the young people walk past our house and simply kick the cigarette ends into our garden. Cookie has already once stepped on one that was still burning and had a burning mark under her paw.

I don't have time to read the article now, but I do know that pets and smoke don't go together.

09-25-2002, 07:02 AM
Smoking is definately gross! And very harmful to animals and people! I really hate it when people bring their pets in and the poor things reek of smoke. We have a sheltie that comes in and always smells like smoke, I feel so bad for him. I think if I were an animal having to be exposed to that, I would run away. That nasty smoke also affects their organs. You can see the degeneration on x-rays. They are so helpless, they didn't ask to be surrounded by nasty smoke all day!

09-25-2002, 12:00 PM
so sad, I am glad that I am not addicted to cigarettes. I grew up with a mother who smokes and still does and I have always hated it and stayed away from it. Poor animals./

09-25-2002, 01:08 PM
Andrew and I are both non smokers and come from a family of non smokers. Except for my brother that lives with me. He and I fight constantly coz he smokes in the presense of Drake and it makes me mad!

09-25-2002, 01:14 PM
I'm a former smoker so I know what I'm talking about. It was such stupid thing to do. It was also highly addictive, so I know how hard it is to quit.

No one is allowed to smoke in my house or car. It's so wonderful to be free of the addiction.

Fortunately, we have a lot of non-smoking rules here in Oregon, so there is no smoking where I work and no smoking in public buildings, stores, or restaurants (except sometimes in bars).

I know there are a lot of young Pet Talkers out there - DON'T EVER START SMOKING!!!!!

09-25-2002, 03:55 PM
Catland wrote
I know there are a lot of young Pet Talkers out there - DON'T EVER START SMOKING!!!!!
I so agree with Catland, please, please don`t start!
I quit smoking 2 years ago after being addicted to the stuff for 37 years. I am not unscathed, I am paying for it now. My condition is called COPD, chronic obstuctive pulmony disease, my lungs are badly damaged. My doctor told me just last week, if I hadn`t have stopped when I did I would be dead. I am not writing this to evoke any pity, I know it is self inflicted, I am writing this to all those youngsters to say don`t end up like me. And to all those who are smokers, please stop. You can do it. If I did anyone can, believe me, but sooner please.

09-25-2002, 04:09 PM
Amen to no smoking although many folks elect to continue! Since there is now law against buying them etc. we much tolerate those who elect to smoke those nasty cigs.

I tolerate some friends who smoke but many of us make them go outside.

No smoking at work or restaurants in Vermont!

Edwina's Secretary
09-25-2002, 04:34 PM
Count me as one of the "reformed." I quit 19 months ago. Edwina would be on my lap and I would light a cigarette. She would give me the DIRTIEST look of disgust and climb down!

It was sooooooo hard to quit. It is still a rare day that I don't think about one. It's been a struggle.

On the other hand....my teeth are whiter, my endurance is 4 - 5 times what it was, my blood pressure (as of Sunday) is 96/60. I work out five to six hours a week to try and make up for the years of damage.

I allow anyone who is over 40 to smoke in my house (just one friend and I know how hard it is!) Young people -- like my stepsons -- outside!

09-25-2002, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

It was sooooooo hard to quit. It is still a rare day that I don't think about one. It's been a struggle.

I still get those moments too, but it does get better. I had actually quit once for five years and then started back up. (talk about stupid:mad: :mad: :mad: ) Now I really know that I'm an addict and will never so much as smoke a single cigarette again for the rest of my life. I've now been off the stuff for a few years or more (I've actually forgotten exactly how many years since I quit for good ).

Keep up the good work, Edwina appreciates it.

09-25-2002, 07:34 PM
I heard this on radio news a few months ago and also read it in the newspaper: if you won't quite for yourself or other family members, do it for your cats . . . smoking around cats has been found to cause feline Lymphoma.

I know someone who would probably be considered a chain smoker, and this person's cat has developed Lymphoma cancer.:(

09-26-2002, 12:05 AM
I have never smoked and I never will. My mom used to smoke when I was very young and I hated it even then. My dad used to smoke a pipe or a cigar and I hated that too. I've never allowed anyone to smoke in my car or house. I'm glad that in California there are strict smoking laws. People who smoke at my work have to go outside. I still have to smell the awful cigarette smell on them though. :mad: I'm sure that if second hand smoke is bad for us that it also has to be bad for animals. I wish that the younger generation would never start smoking. I know that this will never happen in my lifetime but maybe some day the world will be free from smoke.

09-26-2002, 01:05 AM
I grew up in a non-smoking house (well except for the dog named Smokey ;) ) too, and I never plan to start. I think I might be allergic to cigarette smoke anyway (not to mention all the health problems, lol). I had a friend whose parents were big smokers (had a cat too). Well, we used to have "sleep-overs" you know. Whenever I slept at her house, I'd wake up with my lips swollen, sore throat, and had a really bad cold that would last a while. This happened more than once. I swear I've gotten a sore throat just from being around people smoking in the park or whatever. Of course, this could just be my insanity kicking in, and I do tend to get sick very very easily.

I know that a lot of people smoke, and that doesn't make them bad people in any way. Around here if you said you smoked, or even drank coffee, you'd be banished, I swear. It his to be an incredibly hard thing to stop, as it is very addicting.......I think we need to offer a huge CONGRATULATIONS to those who have been able to kick the addiction!! :)

09-26-2002, 01:20 AM
I symapthasize with people who are trying to quit and I commend the people that have.

I work in the medical profession and we have a patient that frequently sees us that isn't even 60 years old yet and is on oxygen constantly and can't breath and chances are won't make it much past 60. Yet, he smokes with his O2 on and when he is admitted is given the nicoderm patch. And as he is hacking up a lung, he says to us "The worst thing I ever did was smoke, If I could tell kids now days NOT TO DO IT, I would"
Just by looking at him, he just did.

09-26-2002, 10:44 AM
I'm 100% against smoking, Here in Ottawa/ontario/canada a bylaw was made so that there is no smoking in public places, like, malls, school, colleges, resturants. Ilove this bylaw, because I kan now enjoy going to these places.

My grandmother has been smoking since she was young, she is now 87 years old & QUIT just like that. Shes been smoking free for 4 or 5 months now, my uncle (her son) was so pleased, he had special cleaners go to her home & clean everything so it didn't smell like smoke at all. They cleaned her rug, walls, clothing, bathroom, living room, kitchen... EVERYTHING... when people quit they may need a little support.