View Full Version : Happy Easter Lola !!!!

Daisy and Delilah
04-12-2009, 08:36 AM
We couldn't have a prettier Easter Bunny on this fine Easter Sunday morning!! Hello to you, beautiful Miss Lola. We love the fact that you and your fursibs are named after our early morning favorite, the Regis and Kelly Show. So cute. We have a feeling there are a Michael, Joaquin, Mark, and Joy, someone in there--maybe a couple more for Regis' girls.:) You were quite a chewer early on weren't you. sweetie? It sounds like you chewed everything that wasn't bolted down. We can tell you're a first class lovebug by the way Mom fell in love with you. Thank goodness there were some people with better patience that came into your life and intervened. Look at you now!! Living the great life with a great family. Congrats to you, our Easter DOTD!!! Please tell the family to give you, and all the fursibs, tons of kisses from us. Have an egg-stra special day, swimming and playing!! Happiness always!!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:


04-12-2009, 08:54 AM
Hi, Lola! Happy Easter, beautiful girl! I loved reading your story and I'm so happy for you that you found your forever home. You look so happy in all these pictures and I'm sure you are loved so much. :love: Enjoy your special day with your family. Congrats on DOTD!:D

04-12-2009, 10:33 AM
Lola you look so sweet in your bunny ears, I just had to stop by and greet you!!! :love:

How wonderful that you have a loving home and family all your own now.
I hope you are enjoying your special day with all those you love and who love you.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Dog of the Day!!! :D

04-12-2009, 10:34 AM
Congratulations on being selected Dog of the Day, Lola!!! You are a beautiful pupper!! I see the pointer in you, but I also see lots of Dalmatian. My beautiful Dalmatian passed away a few weeks ago, so when I saw Lola, it made me think of my Cassie.....And, as I read your profile, I'm convinced you have a lot of Dalmatian in you because my Cassie would eat anything as well!! We used to call her our little "billy goat" just like your mom calls you!! Have a wonderful Easter, Miss Lola!!!

04-12-2009, 10:51 AM
:love:Lola, you make the perfect Easter Dog of the Day. :)I think your human Mom is just the cat's pajamas for letting you come and stay. :love:You are the reason people should look at adoption instead of buying. I can't think of a more wonderful gift than that of love for a forgotten baby!You deserve all the love and attention that you can get, and I am happy to see you let your Doxie siblings stay, too. ;) Have a wonderful day filled with fun and swimming and lots of treat.:love:

04-12-2009, 11:24 AM
Happy Easter, and a very happy DOG OF THE DAY to you, luscious Lola!:love: Hmmm...looks like the Easter bunny's got some competition! Those are some awesome ears you've got there!:D I have a feeling someone is going to be very spoiled today...judging from that splendiferous Easter basket you're holding, lol!:love:

I was so moved by your Mom's loving tribute to her newest addition, her beautiful Lola! What a heartwarming homecoming story for an Easter Sunday! And oh, did my heart melt when I cast my eyes upon that shot of you spooning with Regis! Your family is truly blessed, being surrounded by so much furry love!:love:

Your Mom hit the nail on the head regarding owner surrender, Lola! If only more people were like your family, doing their homework before they take the plunge, understanding fully that a dog is not a disposable possession; he or she is a lifetime committment! Well, in the end things couldn't have worked out better Lola, and I'm so happy for you and your family that you found your way to one another! Thank you, Tuula!:love:

Hope you and Regis and Kelly enjoy a very special, fun filled day of celebration, sweet baby girl! Please have your Mom give all 3 of you a hug, kiss, and an extra special Easter treat, for me!:love::love::love: (No chocolate of course...and no laytex gloves!:eek:;))

04-12-2009, 04:30 PM
Hello Lola,

Wow, what a pretty picture you are with your bunny ears.:) It is good
to meet you Lola. I love with picture with brother Regis.:) Congratulations
on being chosen as our special DOG OF THE DAY. Hugs & kisses to you.:)

04-13-2009, 04:53 AM
Happy Easter Lola to you and your family, you are a real beauty and I love your bunny ears. In 42 years of marriage we have had 6 pups and everyone of them chewed something, the two lab girl pups both chewed the carpet on the same step but two different carpets and the first one, Annie, who at least chewed the old carpet also chewed the front of an OLD chair when she was about 7 weeks ol. My husband was out of town and my Mom was visithing me from Maryland and when we got back from shopping, we saw the front of the chair and I thought my husband was going to have a hissy fit but when he called that night and I told him he just said, "oh well, it was an old chair"...I just about fainted...LOL.I hope your Mommy gives you a Milk Bone for me......Jeanne