View Full Version : Sheltie Questions!!!

09-23-2002, 09:04 PM
hey,i am going to get a sheltie on oct.2. it is a sable and white.i have a pic if anyone wants to see him. i have never had a sheltie.i know they are a hearding breed.i know they can be shy.do they need alot of room to run? if i live in the city would he chase cars.he's a puppy.and cute as all get out!
i also need a name.:)

09-24-2002, 01:20 PM
Hello... I have a sheltie that now lives with my parents in colorado. Yes, shelties are wooonderful dogs and Kelly is ours. He is now 11 yrs old and extermely smart- maybe one of the smartest dogs Ive ever met. Teach him tricks very early and he will pick them up FAST.

About the exercise... Kelly always needed a lot of exercise. That is why hes now living with my parents. I moved downtown and there wasnt anywhere to walk him. Be careful, tho about leaving him alone in the yard... Kelly used to wander off and I know if we werent always watching him he would have gotten hit by a car!

Good luck.. would love to see a photo of the puppy.

09-24-2002, 03:11 PM
i love sheltie, and going to probably get one by winter or sping. (the breeder told us her dog is pregnant and we wanted the pups from her...) anyways, i would love to see a picture! please, please, please! :D
if anyone knows anything else about shelties, please add. i'm curious too...:)

Aspen and Misty
09-24-2002, 03:12 PM
i have a 11 year old sheltie to! LOL. His name is Teddy Bear. He is a tri-black.

Sheltie's are a very smart breed. Teddy can learn anythign in on sitting and will rember it forever. Teddy does need alot of exersise, but usually a 45 min walk is good enough. He used to go on my "rounds" with me. I haev a dog walking buisness and Teddy loved to tag along and Follow us and the dogs. Teddy also likes to run free, or run away as most people call it. He herds any thing from mice to cats. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask! I love Shelties and would love to do everythign possible to help your little one adjust.


09-24-2002, 08:29 PM
i am not really all that good at sending pics,but here it goes....

09-24-2002, 08:31 PM
oops! i sent it too early.well here it goes....
.JPG file, 465x613, 101k

09-25-2002, 11:36 AM
Cannot see your photo. Need some help? Im not great either, but maybe we can figure this out! Id love to see your new puppy. I love sheltie puppies... they are SO adorable.

BYW: Justa sidenote, when we first got Kelly, I was watching the Cosby show and he walked in and sat down on the carpet with me and sat & watched the show! My parents snapped a photo- which has to be one of my all-time favorites! :o)

09-25-2002, 11:40 AM
oh,that's sounds soo cute!
yea i think i need some help.

09-25-2002, 02:28 PM
aww candace! :D that's so cute! i'd love to see the photo :) if you don't mind, of course.
that remind sme of that dog in 101 dalmations...lucky i think his name was...:)

09-25-2002, 02:40 PM
i love that movie! i watch dog movies just to see the dogs.:D
my mom thinks it's little kidish:rolleyes:
yea,i would love to see the pic too.

09-25-2002, 07:04 PM
We have a 4 year old Sheltie named Emmy. Her full name is Emiline Queen Neffertitti---she thinks she's the queen. Shelties do need a lot of exercise, but Emmy is an inside dog (she has NEVER been outside by herself-no in a fence or anything). She was like that before she came to live with us. She's never really been around any other dogs, she gets nervous around them. But we recently got a new puppy, Jack and she just loves him to death. He kind of annoys her-but they are best of friends.

09-26-2002, 11:26 AM
We have a female sable, she is 6 yrs old. Like many posters on this topic, shelties ARE very intelligent. They are too smart for their own good, one thing we learned about our sheltie is not to feed her too much meats: chicken especially. We incorporate veggies in with her dog chow every night, corn, green beans, lima beans, broccoli, etc., we too are looking for another sheltie. We would like a female Blue Merle w/ blue eyes so anyone out there who breeds them or knows someone, please let us know.

09-26-2002, 11:27 AM
My Sheltie, Jake, is 6 years old. He's unbelievably intelligent and loyal. I play catch or fetch with him in the house for about 1/2 hour every day, and let him outside in the fence for a few hours every day and that's plenty of exercise for him. He would stink as a jogging partner - I don't know if Shelties are that way in general, but there's no way Jake could jog for miles without getting pooped out.

When we play catch, Jake catches the ball and sort of throws it back at me. If the ball rolls away and I don't get it when he throws it to me, and I tell him "Get the ball", he actually argues with me! It's like he knows it's not his turn. He does eventually get it, but he barks at me a few times to tell me it's not fair.

Shelties love the sound of their own voice - if you haven't heard. Their bark is very loud and piercing. I bring Jake indoors immediately when he starts barking - he doesn't bark indoors, we've trained him not to do that.

Shelties which aren't from reputable breeders have a reputation for being a little neurotic - very nervous and snappy with children. Jake's not that way at all though. He adores children and isn't afraid of anything. I got him from a good breeder.

He's very motherly toward toddlers - trying to help them up when they fall. Once when we had a toddler at our house, Jake ran back and forth in front of the stairs - like a living baby gate. He was afraid the baby would fall down the stairs!

Another adorable thing about Jake - he LLOOVVEESS kittens! He carries them around in his mouth like they're his puppies, and watches them very closely like a mother. Once we put one of "his" kittens on the table to play with it and he went bonkers! He was so afraid it was going to fall off.

As you can tell, I love talking about Jake. If you have any more questions that I might be able to help with, let me know!

09-26-2002, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Alison
We have a female sable, she is 6 yrs old. Like many posters on this topic, shelties ARE very intelligent. They are too smart for their own good, one thing we learned about our sheltie is not to feed her too much meats: chicken especially. We incorporate veggies in with her dog chow every night, corn, green beans, lima beans, broccoli, etc., we too are looking for another sheltie. We would like a female Blue Merle w/ blue eyes so anyone out there who breeds them or knows someone, please let us know.

well, we have been keeping in contact with a sheltie breeder and she has some blue merles. she ships the pups too and they are so cute! there arn't any pups left, but she has new litters expecting! :D for more info, check out her site (http://pages.infinit.net/premina/sitemap.html)

09-26-2002, 04:18 PM
Thanks for the information, my hubby and I are still looking around. We have a contact near us for blue eyed blue merles, we're hoping in another month or two we will make up our mind.