View Full Version : Very Rainy Day = Dog Park For All 3 MuttMutts!!

03-28-2009, 08:47 PM
It's been pouring all day and pretty cool (40s F) so we figured the dog park would be empty, which means all three pups get to go for a good run. They all only get to go on days like today, since B and Z aren't so friendly with random dogs... :rolleyes: So here's some pictures and one video, all of which are off of a camera phone. Sorry for the blurriness, but I still wanted to share. Didn't even think to bring the camera!

Zoomies.. Eli in the front, Bunny in the background:

Bunny and Eli playing, J and Zeke off in the background:

All the brown dirt is really mud! They all had lots of fun though still.


Guard Dogs... Notice the 'creek'.. that's all rain water.

Eli and his frisbee. He LOVES it. We were there for almost an hour and that's what he did most of the time. Running through puddles and sliding to a stop in the mud to get it.

Good dog frisbee. Was $1 at Walgreens!

Here's a link to the video.. It's Eli getting his frisbee (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v129/Seravieve/Dogs/?action=view&current=SSPX0207.flv). I'd recommend turning your speakers off/down because it was really windy so its all just static noise.

After the park, we stopped at a car wash near our house. They've started putting dog washes in the car washes around here. Some take debit cards, but not this one! We only had a little cash on us, but enough to shampoo and rinse off everyone before coming home.

Cinder & Smoke
03-28-2009, 09:44 PM
After the park, we stopped at a car wash near our house.

They've started putting dog washes in the car washes around here.


Not so long ago, I remember a big *fuss* over a SKIN-kid Mom hosing down
her skin-kid at a car wash. Big complaint was the high pressure water could
easily peel off skin! :eek:

So ... I'm curious (and never saw) a power DAWG Wash at a car wash.

Can you explain just how it works - and how much it costs?
Is there any way to *dry off* the freshly washed Dawg?

I'm not so sure the Three Mutts wouldn't still rather *Jump in the Lake*
when Dad decides it's Bath Tyme.

03-28-2009, 09:51 PM
LOL!! Its not in the pull-thru car washers!! :eek:

Its a special little building.. Specifically for washing pups. This one was $8 minimum to start. We used $11 and for almost 14 minutes. It has a stainless tub with stairs or a pull out ramp. Also a little leash to secure your dog in and then a turn-dial to select shampoo, conditioner, rinse, fragrance, flea/tick, blow-dry, vacuum. It has a hand-held sprayer for all the rinses/washes, which is by no means pressurized! This one also had a vinyl apron you could wear. And the little building is even heated here in the winter.

We've taken Zeke before, to a different one that accepted debit cards and we spent $20 washing and rinsing and some blow-drying. He wasnt completely dry, but pretty good. He's got too long of hair to wash in our shower at home, like the other two, so this works nice, and is cheaper than a groomer.

They had a web site but I cant think of what it said.. will do some google searching..

Here... (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/05/26/earlyshow/contributors/debbyeturner/main1658220.shtml) The ones in the video are similar to the one we used.

03-29-2009, 07:00 PM
Wow, everyone had fun at the dog park and they didn't bring home any mud! What a great day! I love the pictures!

03-31-2009, 08:34 PM
It looks like a fun, wet day was had by all!:D