View Full Version : Home Needed *UPDATE* Negative for FIV/FELV *Fleas, Worms*

03-25-2009, 07:35 AM
Hi all,

Last night when I came home from work around 5:15 p.m. there was a long hair tortie young cat (not sure how old but maybe a year if that) sitting under a car and I tried to get her to come to me but she ran off some so I followed her a bit to get her some food and she was interested but not enough to come to me.

I'm going to be setting up my trap later this evening to see if I can catch her. The only problem is I can't keep her for very long due to Ashley peeing in the house still even though she's on meds it keeps happening. Also, I have to give my one girl cat canned food twice a day and I use the bathroom for her feeding place so to put a stray cat in their it's cutting off more of our apartment than we'd like to since we only have a one bedroom apartment with 8 cats already.

I think this girl would be happy once I get her inside and show her some love or if someone else could do that. I'm going to be getting her vet checked of course once I get her but I need to line up a foster home for her to go to or a forever home.

Please forward this on to anyone who might be looking to help save a kitty.

I'd be willing to drive her to you. I just want to see her get a fair chance at life and sadly all the rescue places around here and all full and I won't take her to the SPCA.

Thanks for any help,

03-25-2009, 08:25 AM
Oh no, not a Tortie who needs a home!
We are such Beautiful Cats and we should be pampered and loved for Our Coats of Many Colors!!
We hope that that Little Tortie can find a place in the Sun, where she will be treasured!!!
Pouncer Roccalno , Soon to be A Found Cat.

03-25-2009, 09:13 AM
Thank you Gary.

I know it broke my heart last night when I saw her out there and not wanting to come to me, but I understand why she didn't want to but I'm just glad she didn't run too far from me.


03-25-2009, 11:07 AM
Do you think she might be a missing kitty? If she has been an indoor cat, she might be spooked pretty easily.

Just a thought. Good luck with her! :)

03-25-2009, 12:01 PM
I've checked all local papers and nothing so far about her. I will post her as Found/Foster Home Needed so incase someone is missing a long hair kitty but she looks too rough to be someone's kitty but she might have been at some point.

I'm thinking that maybe she was the sister of the other kitten I rescued early this January and I gave them both to Shirley Fonda of Fondas Foundlings but she's no longer taking in anymore cats so I can't ask her to take this one in for me.

When I trap her and take her to the vets we'll do a chip check to make sure she doesn't have one.


Do you think she might be a missing kitty? If she has been an indoor cat, she might be spooked pretty easily.

Just a thought. Good luck with her! :)

03-25-2009, 03:17 PM
I know what you mean Melissa as Pouncer Roccalno plays Cat and Geezer :confused::confused:all of the time , being friendly and them just staying out of reach,:eek::eek:
maybe shes a Cat who needs her freedom.
She has done very well since she escaped from a cage, and then the cellar 2 years ago, a feat that Houdini would have been proud of!!!
All we can do is leave food and pray.

03-26-2009, 01:43 PM
All we can do is leave food and pray.

Exactly that's all we can do is pray and leave food. :) Thanks!

03-27-2009, 01:16 PM
Ok well I caught the cat last night and it's a "Boy" not a girl.

He was very scared last night and not very happy. I took him to the vets today at 8:30 a.m. and dropped him off and the vet's office just called and said they were running the FIV/FELV test and it was negative.

But here's the bad news....some I knew like he would probably have to be shaved because of his burrs everywhere and he has 3 bite wounds on his neck 2 of which are healing nice and the 3rd is pretty fresh.

He has to be sedaited for them to work on him because once they took him out he flew up at the ceiling and hit his head off the coroner of the desk and got a bloddy nose. Poor guy.

He has fleas and worms.

So now I have to get my guys treated for fleas.

Total bill
$12.50 rabies shot (he has to have this because of the bite wounds)
$34.00 exam
$33.00 to sediate him
$30.00 for the shave down
$2.00 medical waste
$16.50 frontline for the fleas
$27.00 antibotic to prevent infection in the wounds
$35.00 FIV/FELV combo test
$18.00 worming meds
$208.00 just for him

I'm getting $50 donated at least and the rest I'll just have to pay monthly.

Man I didn't realize saving one cat would give me this much of a bill.

I'm not sure if he is going to be able to be rehomed or not but I guess I need to try.


smokey the elder
03-27-2009, 01:44 PM
Is he really a male tortoiseshell? I hope he can find a home soon.

03-27-2009, 02:02 PM
Is he really a male tortoiseshell? I hope he can find a home soon.

No actually he's not. I forgot to attach a picture of him with his fur.