View Full Version : Lily hurt her ear!!

03-21-2009, 07:41 AM
Noticed today that there's some blood on the tip of Lily's ear! Wonder if this is from a fight with Luna this morning - which Lily started, btw...

This is what it's looking like:


My poor little girl!! :eek: I would really like to know how this has happened!


03-21-2009, 09:24 AM
Oh goodness, so the li'l girls were fighting, eh? Hopefully, it looks worse than it is, Kirsten. Prayers that Lily will heal quickly....

03-21-2009, 09:27 AM
That does look like a paly session that got a little too serious Kirsten!!!!
That happened at the Found Cat Hotel as Miquelitothe Little Orange lion has a sore eye from a skirmish with Pouncierge the Precious.
A little wash, and a disinfectant from the White coats and all should be well as Cats heal up fairly quickly.

Pinot's Mom
03-21-2009, 09:29 AM
:eek: That sure looks like someone got excited and bit when they weren't supposed to! Keep it clean, it'll heal, it happens...

03-21-2009, 09:30 AM
Thanks for the prayers, Mary! It doesn't seem to bother her, but I hope it won't get infected.

So far, she did not go to the vet's. Do you think she better should? :confused:

Well, guess sooner or later something like this had to happen... Lily is always teasing Luna and is attacking her from behind, or is jumping onto her back. Looks like Luna fought back!


03-21-2009, 09:56 AM
Oh poor Luna! :( It looks like the one Fister had years ago after a fight in the yard. It will heal pretty fast, I think. Put a litte disinfectant on now and again and she'll be fine. :)

And keep an eye on them! ;)

Get better soon Luna! :love:

PS. From now on, we'll all be able to recognise who is who!

03-21-2009, 11:43 AM
Aww, poor Lily. Hope she feels better!

03-21-2009, 02:36 PM
Well Lily, I am so sorry you have a boo-boo on your ear, but maybe this will teach you NOT to attack your sister Luna from behind anymore.

Like others said Kirsten, just keep it clean until it scabs over and she'll be just fine. I know it's harder on us when they have a sore than it is for them.


03-21-2009, 03:16 PM
I'm afraid it looks like a fight among siblings. I have seen that here before.
I am sure it will heal nicely and not leave a scar.

03-21-2009, 06:37 PM
If it was my cat.... and the wound is not actively bleeding, cat is acting normally otherwise, not shaking the head or pawing at the ears, not keeping ear folded like it hurts or crying like it hurts.... I wouldn't take them in to work with me if that helps any.

Although I have the priveledge of just asking one of the vets at work about it and they either tell me to clean things with peroxide or put Panalog cream on it, depending on what the wound is. If they think it needs looking at they tell me and I bring in the cat.

You should be able to just call Lily's vet and ask if they think this needs to be looked at or if they can recommend what to clean it with and just watch for complications.

Ears are a fragile thing so it could have been a fight, or just really rough playing, or dashing through the house not looking where she was going.

Poor Lily. Whatever happened I hope it doesn't happen again and this heals up quickly with no problems.

03-21-2009, 07:56 PM
Ouch! Poor Lily.:( I hope that she'll heal up quickly.

03-21-2009, 07:57 PM
Nicks and scrapes ocasionally happen with my three. Just make sure it stays clean and not infected, cats heal up really quickly. I would only go to the vets if it got infected or it seemed like it wasnt healing properly.

Lily, you be careful!

03-21-2009, 08:42 PM
Poor little Lily :( I hope she gets better soon...

03-21-2009, 10:46 PM
Kisses for your poor ear:love::love::love:

03-22-2009, 07:12 AM
Well, so far, I did not call the vet, because of the weekend... The wound is still looking the same, with the dry blood on it, and I think it's the best to leave it there because I guess it's protecting the wound from infection. It's looking dry and not swollen, and does not smell infected, so I hope it will heal.

And it doesn't seem to bother her, she's sweet and happy as usual! :love:

Thanks for your get-well-wishes! :)


03-22-2009, 08:27 AM
Poor Lily, and Luna you must be careful not to hurt your sister and get a bit too overexcited when you're play fighting!
Get well soon Lily :love:

03-22-2009, 04:28 PM
Get well soon, Lily!

03-22-2009, 06:54 PM
Dear Lily, wish we could kiss your boo-boo and make it better!

We are all sending our love and good wishes that it heals quickly on its own.

Pat and cats

03-22-2009, 07:33 PM
Oh no! But now she can look more like her boyfriend Pouncer. He cut his ear like that a while back and now he has a little notch on the tip of his ear. It bugged me for a while that he was no longer "perfect" but now I love his little notch - and you'll love Lily's too.

Healing headbumpies from my guys to the wounded girl

03-23-2009, 01:17 PM
Thank you everyone for the well-wishes! :)

Oh no, poor Pouncer! But Lily is very proud to hear that she may soon be sporting a scar like his. Silly girl! LOL
