View Full Version : Luci Lu

03-20-2009, 07:21 AM
Hi Pretty Girl........What a pretty baby you are. I just love you.
I bet you are a joy to have around. Congratulations on DOTD.
Luci Lu, Have a great life with your wonderful family.:love::love::love:

A Dog Lover:love:

03-20-2009, 11:18 AM
Congratulations Luci Lu for being chosen for DOTD.
I love how you are so affectionate with your humans.:)

Daisy and Delilah
03-20-2009, 12:33 PM
Hello to you pretty girl. We're in love with that adorable facie. You are a very pretty girl and definitely a love at your house. What's not to love about you? It was good to hear of all your fun antics. How nice that you have Rocco and Daisey to play with and keep in line. Isn't it great having fursibs in the house? Congrats on your big day today as our wonderful Friday DOTD!! Please tell the family to give you kisses from us to celebrate--some for Sis and Bro too.;) We wish you happiness always!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

03-20-2009, 01:21 PM
Hello there Luci Lu!!! A very happy Dog of the Day to you! What a beautiful girl you are, Luci Lu! Not only in looks, but your personality is just as sweet and heart melting as can be!:love: You have quite the wonderful family there Luci Lu; so many to love, and be loved by, including your dancer partner and best bud Mom, your human and furry sibs (gotta have sibs to pal around with:D) and of course Nana and Pappy!:D No one knows how to "spoil" like the grandparents!:cool::D I don't know whose luckier, you or your family! But one thing is for sure, one heavenly match was made the day your family welcomed you home! Thanks for brightening my cold and gray day with your heartwarming story, your heart melting pics! Hope you and Rocco and Daisey all, are being spoiled to the max today, haveing a blast celebrating your well earned Dog of the Day reign! Hugs and smoochies to you beautiful Luci Lu; to the entire furry gang!:love::love::love:

03-20-2009, 02:29 PM
:love::love:Oh, Luci, You are just beautiful!! What a wonderful choice for Dog of the Day. I am sure you will carry yourself in a dignified manner, and be the best Dog of the Day EVER! You are exactly what a girl should be; loving, kind, strong, and ladylike. Congratulations and may you always be your Mom's Dog of the Day:love:

03-20-2009, 04:04 PM
Hello Luci Lu,

It's good to meet you Luci.:) You are a very pretty girl & I love the
one ear up, the other down look.:) Soooo sweet. Sounds like you have
a great family & even furry siblings to care for Luci girl. Congratulations
being chosen as our special DOG OF THE DAY. Sending you many cyber
hugs & kisses just for you.:)

03-20-2009, 07:44 PM
Hello sweet Luci Lu. I love your pictures, you look like you're saying "oh love me, please love me." And I'm sure your family does just that. Sounds like you enjoy life with your furry siblings, but it really is fun to be 'only and special' once in a while, isn't it? Hugs and treats for you today dear Luci Lu and congratulations on being our DOTD.

03-20-2009, 10:48 PM
What a serious face. I love it!