View Full Version : *~Lily Misc. Pictures - 8~*

03-15-2009, 12:20 PM
Long time no Lily, eh? :p I've been meaning to post these since forever, but I keep forgetting xD.

Look at me, I'm playing in the snow!

Beautiful girl.


Mmm, snow is tasty, tasty!!!

Three more...

03-15-2009, 12:21 PM

Teehee, I have snow on ma face!

And me and my little Princess :love:

I'll try to get some Roxy pictures when the weather is nice. :)

Daisy and Delilah
03-15-2009, 04:46 PM
Awwwww!!!!! Hi girls!! I didn't think Lily could get any cuter, Bri. She has though!!! She's gotten so fluffy. She is a beautiful little Pom. I love the picture of the two of you together. Great pics!!:D

03-16-2009, 09:06 PM
Hello, pretty Lily in the snow!

03-16-2009, 09:19 PM
Lily is so pretty! Looking forward to seeing Roxy.:)

03-17-2009, 03:07 PM
thereīs my pretty pup-niece.... :D

how cute she is!!... I canīt believe it, just yesterday we were talking about poms.. and now Lily is so grown and I also have one of my own.. LOL...

take care... hugs to all

03-18-2009, 01:01 PM
Thank you everyone :D Lily is such an attention hog :P

thereīs my pretty pup-niece.... :D

how cute she is!!... I canīt believe it, just yesterday we were talking about poms.. and now Lily is so grown and I also have one of my own.. LOL...

take care... hugs to all
LOL I know it seems like just yesterday Lily was turning one and now she's going on 3.5 :eek:! And it was just yesterday you were plotting to kidnap Lily haha ;) but now you don't have to! We need a Pommie playdate someday :D.

I might head out to take those Roxy pics since it's 70 outside w00t!!!