View Full Version : FHO surgery

03-05-2009, 07:48 PM
Cliff's Notes below, here's the extended version:p

When I adopted my widdle Havoc kitty last month he had an injured leg that had been like that "a while" according to the Humane Society I got him from. Real humane to let him limp around for so long without treatment, huh? But I digress... He was such a sweetie I fell in love with him despite his gimpy leg. I figured worst case scenario, he loses his leg and becomes a happy, healthy tripod. I took him home on Feb 18th and got him and Toby to my regular vet on the 21st for a thorough checkup. Vet shot x-rays and said Havoc had a fracture and recommended FHO surgery to repair damage (I think she said leg was broken (not the hip) but they were busy and I didn't look at the x-rays). Havoc underwent surgery this past Monday and I picked him up the next day, but they didn't give me any instructions on what to do with him. I have seen conflicting accounts on the internet saying 1) keep cat confined, but manipulate the leg daily to ensure range of motion, and 2) let 'em resume normal activity to ensure range of motion, but try to prevent jumping, pouncing or any vertical movement.

Anyone had this surgery on their cat recently? I did a search but found results from 3 years ago and I don't know who is still a regular poster. I have found many online blogs saying people were happy with results, but I still worry about my little guy, since the injury was old enough that he had lost muscle tone in that leg. He did walk on it before surgery but with a pronounced limp and he'd holler if you really got to poking at it.

Any info and well wishes would be much appreciated! Toby likes to play rough so right now I have Havoc in a big cage with food, water, pillow and litterbox when I can't keep an eye on them. He seems comfy enough but need to know what to expect. 3 days post-op he does put the foot down occasionally for support but not really walking on it yet. He is on oral pain meds, plus antibiotics just in case.

Sorry for the novel, here's the Cliffs notes:
Adopted cat with injured leg
took cat to vet
vet recommended FHO
vet performed FHO
brought cat home
need to know what to expect

he's 9 months old if that makes a difference. My poor lil' guy!
need to know what to expect

03-05-2009, 10:17 PM
You really need to call the Vet and get detailed, preferably written, instructions for the post-op care. Tomorrow's Friday - the office should be open. Call them first thing.

03-06-2009, 12:03 PM
Yes, do call the vet for instructions.

Havoc, you are SO luck to have someone caring for you now! I've heard of this surgery for dogs, it has a great success rate. You'll be using all 4 soon, handsome!

03-06-2009, 12:23 PM
Can you please explain(Cliff notes are fine), what FHO surgery IS??? Will light a candle for your boy. YES< I agree, call your vet and have them give you post op instructions!!! That is their job....

03-06-2009, 12:24 PM
:) Yes I agree with the others.. Best to get the Vet to instruct you.. Welcome Havoc your such a Cutie Sweetie Pie.. Hope you get better real soon..:love:

03-06-2009, 12:54 PM
Evidentally it is somewhat easy for young cats to take a jump or fall and the leg bone breaks through the hip socket because the bones are not fully calcified. FHO surgery is one in which they take the head off of the femur bone and make a false joint with what is left. There is no direct contact between the femur bone and the hip socket, everything is held loosely in place by muscles, tendons, etc. Since cats are relatively lightweight they do pretty well with it from what I understand. I think my vet said that Havoc's femur was broken, not the hip so I assume the head may have broken off of the leg. She did say it was ground down to pretty much nothing so I imagine it was just kinda rolling around in there as he walked. I'll ask to see Xrays if they're not too busy when I get his sutures out.

I can't seem to find the info on the actual surgery but I did find this "ask-a-vet" type site where someone inquired about their cat. 2nd question down.

03-06-2009, 01:17 PM
Did you speak with your Vet today? Internet sources are fine, but your Vet is the one who did the surgery and should answer your questions.

03-07-2009, 07:16 AM
I admit it, I didn't call the vet. But you should see this cat! 5 days after surgery and he's running as well now as he did before they patched him up. I am truly amazed. Yesterday Toby pushed a door into Havoc's "magic" hip and he didn't even holler. I still keep one of them in a cage when I can't supervise though. Got the FuzzButt 500 going on right now- they're running laps up and down the hall.:love:

03-07-2009, 07:35 AM
I admit it, I didn't call the vet. But you should see this cat! 5 days after surgery and he's running as well now as he did before they patched him up. I am truly amazed. Yesterday Toby pushed a door into Havoc's "magic" hip and he didn't even holler. I still keep one of them in a cage when I can't supervise though. Got the FuzzButt 500 going on right now- they're running laps up and down the hall.:love:

I know I'm becoming redundant here, but WHY didn't you call your Vet? You come here, asking what you should do about your cat who has just had surgery. Instead you should have been tallking to the Vet who did the surgery. :confused::confused::confused::confused:

03-07-2009, 07:44 AM
actually I was really looking for anyone else who'd had the surgery and was wondering how pleased they were with the long-term results :o

03-07-2009, 11:07 AM
actually I was really looking for anyone else who'd had the surgery and was wondering how pleased they were with the long-term results :o

What difference would anyone else's results make, since every cat is different??? :confused: And your vet is too "busy" to go over the x-rays and then not give any post-op instructions??? I think I would have to find another vet!
You really need to call and check to see what you should be allowing this cat to do, since if he is as active as you say, he could possibly be doing harm to himself since it's so soon after surgery! He may appear to be just fine, but could be causing more damage by not resting the area for a longer period of time. :( Your vet "should" be able to tell you what's okay and what's not.