View Full Version : Introduction...new to the group

02-27-2009, 01:39 PM
Hello All,

I found this group by doing a search for Lynx Point Siamese. I'm so happy to find you all. I bore my poor colleagues to tears with stories of my kitties so now I have a place where not only will people not mind, they will join in chorus with me!

I'm a middle aged single woman who recently adopted 2 young kitties from a local rescue group. My older kitty, Chen Mao, was a Tonkinese that I rescued from the street. She had been abandoned by her former family and the vet estimated she was about a year old. She was my best friend for 17 years before I had to have her put to sleep in June, 2007. She was an only child and didn't tolerate other animals at all. She even attacked the Snuggle Bear on TV one time. Hilarious. I had a dog named Shana who was part Samoyed and part wolf. She was beautiful and the most loyal companion I ever had. I also had her 17 years when she was put to sleep. Their times overlapped a little bit but for the last 15 years it was me and Chen Mao. I was devastated at her loss and the well wishers that told me I could adopt another one didn't seem to understand the depth of my loss and that I needed to grieve first.

In November, 2008 I had a "milestone" birthday and mild depression from THAT. I decided that 1.5 years was enough. I started looking around for another Siamese or Tonkinese rescue kitty. The only cats I ever had have been Siamese and that's what I'm used to. I found Brie through Petfinder.com and a local agency. They said she was Siamese but I didn't believe them because of the stripes. I saw a program on TV that showed a Lynx Point Siamese and it looked exactly like my Brie. The agency's Foster moms named her Brie because she was "Soft, light and luscious...just like warm Brie Cheese". I wanted her to have a companion since I work full time so 2 weeks later I brought home Nugget. That was his name from the foster moms. Nugget is a little yellow tabby who is a challenge. I've renamed him Scutter. Well, Scutter J. McNugget O'Love. The J stands for Jihad...he really can be a brat. He is so loving and sweet sometimes, he likes being held like a baby and will ride on my shoulders. Brie has a quiet and sweet disposition and tends to be spooked easily. Scutter is fearless. He is my first male cat and my first yellow tabby. Neither of my kitties make normal meow sounds. Brie squeaks and Scutter makes more lyrical sounds, similar to a bell bird...starting low and getting higher at the end. He sounds more like a toy than a real kitty.

The rescue group vet estimated Brie to have been born in April 1, 2008 and Scutter to have been born June 1, 2008.

I've posted some pictures in a photo album. I'm happy to find this group and I look forward to sharing moments with all of you. I'm not a crazy cat lady just yet but I'm thinking I can't be too far from it.

Cheers to all.

From Houston, Texas,
Dj, Brie and Scutter

02-27-2009, 01:50 PM
WELCOME to PT! Your kitties are beautiful!

Glad you joined us,
Elyse (cassiesmom) and Cassie, grey tabby

02-27-2009, 02:13 PM
What wonderful furkids you have. Tigris (part Siberian and part Aby) and Filou (Aby and a brat) say hello to Brie and Scutter:)

02-27-2009, 02:26 PM
Welcome Dj, Brie and Scutter! It's nice to have you here - but be warned, this forum is addictive! ;)

Brie and Scutter look gorgeous and I'll look forward to hear more about them.

02-27-2009, 02:43 PM
Welcome! Moon and Bean are just run of the mill DSH, pound kitties :)

02-27-2009, 02:46 PM
To Brie , Scutter and Thier Meeeowmie from
ALL Of Your New Friends at the Found Paradise Cat Hotel
We are hoping that You and Your Goergeous Fur Companions will be on Cat General often so we may admire your Beauty!!!

02-27-2009, 02:49 PM
Hello and welcome to our group!!! You'll see how great people are here;) .....and yes, this forum is addictive:D
We are cat lovers and everything about your furkids is welcome here!!!!
We'll be waiting for your pictures, stories and everything you'd want to share with us:)
Your kitties are adorable!!!!!!!!
Join us daily and don't forget to check out our Cat of the Day.
Big hugs from Guatemala, Central America:love::love:

02-27-2009, 04:11 PM
A BIG welcome from the CREW

02-27-2009, 04:14 PM
:love: Welcome to Pet Talk & enjoy the talks & pics.. Great to see another Texan.. I am from the Dallas/Ft.Worth Metro Plex area.. Oh yes yes your Babies are so Adorable.. Look forward to seeing more of them..

02-27-2009, 05:53 PM
The Clan Campbell of cats are very pleased to meet you!!! Please look at our albums, too!!
Norton, Tina Peepers, Riley, Hayley, Hope Simone, Nimet, Bianca Rose, and Delilah

02-28-2009, 01:13 AM
Hi Dj and welcome to PT.:D I'm glad that you decided to introduce yourself and your cats here. They're both gorgeous and I look forward to seeing many more pictures and hearing much more about them.:)

All six of my cats are rescues and they range in age from 13-2 years old. I have 3 siamese mixes so I also love meezers. I hope you'll like it here and like others have said this place is very addictive.:)

02-28-2009, 02:11 AM
Your babies are lovely! I am a middle aged single woman with two cats. A Siamese (aren't they just the best?) and an orange tabby cat that a co-worker rescued many years ago and gave to me. The tabby has my heart, he is just such a good boy! My Siamese is a sweetheart, also. Congratulations on having such fine companions!

02-28-2009, 02:44 AM
Welcome to PT! Your kits are so beautiful!! And you seem like a very nice meowmie! I hope you have a lot of fun on here....you will "meet" great people! They are wonderful and very helpful.

Again, welcome to PT!!! And thank you for sharing your kits with us!! :love:

02-28-2009, 05:19 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk. This truely is the best place to be. No matter how much family put up with us and our cats, nobody understands like your fellow Pet Talkers. It is a comfort and joy to be part of this forum. Your cats are beatiful, and you can post as many pictures as you like!! without feeling 'am I a little cat crazy maybe?!!! :eek:

I have Sunny who is around 15 years old, white and tabby. I lost my beloved soulmate Jack last year on March 4th. His first year anniversary is coming up.
We recently adopted Xavier on January 29th 2009. He was six months old.
He's a little monster who is going to grow up very spoilt and every inch the mummy's boy I envision!

Great to have another on board.


02-28-2009, 05:57 AM
Hello, welcome. Your kitties are beautiful. I love their coloring. I am single again too at 48. My kitties are my best friends. No one understands me like they do!

Killearn Kitties
02-28-2009, 06:49 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk! I am sure you will like it here. That is a really beautiful picture of Brie and Scutter. :love: We actually have another Nugget on the board here. rg_girlca in Montreal has a beautiful boy called Nugget, named if memory serves me correctly, after one Catmandu's pet angels.

I have three cats, a mother and two daughters who wandered in to the garden one day and refused to leave. They are all grey and no-one can tell them apart. :D

My Samantha was Cat of the Day last November. She is still on Cloud Nine.


She does not believe in smiling for the camera. :p

02-28-2009, 07:03 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk! So glad that you could join us. Your furkids are beautiful and it sounds like they're quite the characters, too. I have a Siamese named Coco Puff and his meow is very distinctive as well. I also have a yellow tabby, well, orange actually, named Creamsicle, so we already have a lot in common except for the obvious and that we're both on our way to becoming crazy cat ladies. (My son says it's too late; I'm already there.) I have four other cats besides the two that I've mentioned; I call them all my Fur Posse, all rescues, most semi-feral. I had eight when I became actively involved w/PT. Two have gone to the Rainbow Bridge in the last four years, my tuxie Peeka was the first to go and my most recent being my calico queen Puddy, whom I still can't get used to being without.

I look forward to hearing many more stories about your kitties. I've learned so much since becoming a member of PT and I've received comfort and encouragement when I most desperately needed it, as you will find, too. :)

03-02-2009, 01:54 PM
Thank you all so much for the greetings. I went home and told Brie and Scutter how many new friends they have and how many well-wishes they have received.

They are very appreciative of all the extra attention.

I really do look forward to some lively conversation here.

Thanks again,
Dj, Brie and Scutter:love::love::love:

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-02-2009, 02:58 PM
WELCOME to Pet Talk!! I am a middle-aged woman too :D, married, 2 "skin" kids and 4 "furkids" :).
Your cats are both gorgeous, and so is your RB-Chen Mao!!:love:

03-02-2009, 03:07 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk!:D
Your cats are so cute, I especially love your RB cat Chen Mao.:)

03-02-2009, 03:12 PM
I just posted their pictures on the A-Z list.

LOVE the meezers.....awwwwww......

03-03-2009, 04:47 PM
To DJ, Brie, and Scutter, WELCOME TO PET TALK!!!!!

Peony, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, Bob, and Sparkler (meow!)
Pat (the maid)

Edwina's Secretary
03-03-2009, 10:44 PM
Scutter...what a face you have! You look like pure, wonderful trouble! And Brie has to be one of the most clever kitty names!

I have Edwina and Eddie - gray and whites - who often write of their adventures and both look forward to hearing of Brie and Scutter!

03-04-2009, 12:39 AM
Aww what cute kitties :) They seem like they are good friends (at least in the picture lol)

Welcome to PT :D

03-04-2009, 04:19 AM
Welcome to PT! Your furkids are gorgeous!

Peppito (10 year-old mackerel tabby) and Jasmine (3 year-old black girl) say meeewwwooowww to you, which I think means they like your kitties and their story :)

03-04-2009, 07:09 AM
Your cats are gorgeous. Hope to see more photos.

03-04-2009, 08:59 AM

03-06-2009, 11:26 PM
Hi and welcome to the Pet Talk family! This is a wonderful place where there's no such thing as too much bragging about our kitties and it's flat out impossible to post too many pictures. When it comes to questions about anything cat, the best answers and advice you'll find is right here (the only exception is a good vet).
Soncat and I are owned by our black and white kitty Groucho who will be 8 years old on March 23. He has both of us wrapped securely around his little paw...and he knows it!

Hello there fellow kitties! Welcome to Pet Talk! It's so nice to meet both of you. In no time at all, you're going to have lots of very nice kitty friends. We have lots of fun here. Last week we all went to Mardi Gras and we also took a trip to Tampa for the Superbowl. We even send messages to each other when our Meowmies let us use the computer. Most important of all, we PT kitties get the very best of everything. We'll let you know when we plan another trip so both of you can come.

Your friend,