View Full Version : Did I do the wrong thing?

09-21-2002, 01:40 PM
I am the first person to get to work on Saturday mornings. I work taking care of the dogs from 8am to noon. There is just one other person there with me during the time frame. She does the cat stuff. I pulled into work around 7:15. I like to get there early so I can spend extra time with the stressed dogs. As I parked my car, I looked to the side and saw the most disturbing site. There was a dog pressed up against the fence moaning. Right beside her was a turned over crate with a loud wailing sound coming from it. As I approached, I saw the dog was leaning so close to the fence because the rope she was tied with would strangle her if she tried to lay down. She had to lean into the fence to give herself enough slack to breathe. She was shaking so much. It was a mixture of being terrified, cold, and so sick. She was wet from the morning drizzles. I looked under the crate near her and saw a frightened black cat with the same piercing eyes as Shiloh. I lost it. I couldn't stop crying and yelling for someone to help even though there was no one around.

I managed to stop and get the dog cut from the fence. I rushed her inside and set her up on a huge blanket in an empty room. I ran back out to get the cat and set him up too. The cat was in good shape so after I gave him food and water, I rushed back to the dog. I immediately started talking to her and just started calling her Angel. Her eyes expressed a lifetime of pain and sadness. She was in so much pain on every square inch of her body. She had massive tumors (the size of baseballs) that were bubbling up with puss and scabs all over her. She was literally covered in fleas. When I brushed my hands through her hair, I had a hard time finding skin among all the fleas and flea dirt. Her hair was thinning and matted and missing in some spots. I went to pet her ears and heard a squishing sound. I looked in and saw the dirtiest ears I have ever seen in my life. The smell of yeast and ... whatever else it was.... almost made me pass out, it was so strong. Her toenails were so long, they were curling under themselves. She let out soft whimpers of pain as I was trying to inspect her body, but she never once tried to snap at me. She looked at me like she trusted me. All I could think was how could a creature still trust the human race after being treated so poorly.

I called the President of the Board and of course I was ordered to take the dog to animal control. I would NEVER in a million years have done that. No dog deserves to go there and die in an awful way. They would have taken her, thrown her in a cold, metal cage with no toys or blankets. They would have let her lay there suffering for three days then taken her out, dragged her down the aisle and killed her. The stress and heartache in that place would have killed her alone. I sat with that dog so long wondering how I was going to help her. When the manager (who is my friend and the one who got me the job) finally got to work, I ran to her screaming and crying. She was so helpful. We were flushing out Angel's ears and trying to pick fleas off to make her as comfortable as possible. But then we both just looked at each other thinking the same thing. This dog needed to be free of the pain and sadness. She needed to go to a place where she can run freely and there's no cruelty, ignorance, or hate.

I gave her 2 cans of the best tasting dog food I could find in there. She really liked it and wagged her tail once or twice. She couldn't do it too much because I think it hurt to. We loaded her in the car and took her to the vet. I kissed her on her head and told her I was so sorry and that soon she would be very happy. Then I had to leave. I feel like the worst person in the world for not staying with her as she left the world. I think my friend might have stayed with her but I dont know. I had to run outside and wait.

I paid to have her put to sleep. And I feel like it might not have been the right thing. Maybe I should have had them try to help her. I feel like the whole thing is my fault. Like I was supposed to have done something else. I also feel like I could seriously harm the people who did this to her. I feel so much sadness, hurt, and anger from today. I sort of have a peaceful feeling at the same time though. Maybe its her telling me she's okay. The cat is doing fine now and we are keeping him at the shelter. He will be up for adoption in a week or two after health evaluations.

I sent an angel to heaven today :(

09-21-2002, 01:51 PM
Aly I think you did the right thing. You were able to make Angel happy before she went up to the rainbow bridge. You rescued her from the horrible life she was living and put her in a better place where she could feel healthy again. You helped her as much as you could, and I'm sure she apprecitiated it. Just know that she is in a much better place now.

09-21-2002, 01:53 PM

IMHO, you did the right thing. She is at peace now at the Bridge, no longer suffering. Please don't feel bad or guilty. If you hadn't come to their rescue, she definitely would've died from neglect. I commend. I hope the kitty will find a home. I also hope the owners rot in hell for what they did. They should be brought up on charges. You have every right to feel angry at those who treated those poor animals the way they did. Bless your heart.

09-21-2002, 02:19 PM
Oh {{{Aly}}},

What a shock. I think you did, indeed, help an angel back to heaven. So sorry that Angel suffered so, but she couldn't have healed and she shouldn't continue suffering. What a morning! May you get the healing YOU need now. Best of luck to the sweet black cat, too.

Your loving heart really helped Angel today. Hold on to that. {{{cyberhugs}}}

09-21-2002, 03:20 PM
You Did The Right Thing.

And you even gave her a full tummy of good food and some love and affection before sending her away - you made her last day her best day in a long time.

09-21-2002, 03:22 PM
i almost started crying, reading your story. i see you as an animal hero for actually doing this much for her. i am sure angel is happy now and in a better place. :)

09-21-2002, 03:42 PM
Yes you did the right thing... that dog is in peace and she's all healthy all over again bouncing all around up there :)

09-21-2002, 04:11 PM
The other thing to be grateful for, at least the ***** left the animals where they could be found while they were still alive,

09-21-2002, 04:19 PM
Bless you Aly. You did the right, the only, thing that had to be done..
it is so sad, so bad, how people neglect and abuse animals, when I hear of such things it breaks my heart, it really does. Thank God for people like you who hold out a helping and loving hand, no matter how painful it may be. Once again Bless you.

09-21-2002, 05:58 PM
Aly, I think you did the right thing. That poor baby was in such pain and agony and now she has none. I'm sure it was a hard decision, but but you sent an Angel off in the best wat possible, quickly, peacfully and with a full belly.

09-21-2002, 06:13 PM
You did the right thing dear Aly. The dog is no longer in pain and is no longer suffering. You were it's angel, to see it off. Bless your soul and that furry dog's soul.

I have to wipe the tears from my eyes, just to type.

Angel had you as her angel.

09-21-2002, 07:09 PM
Aly, thats so touching. I started to cry when you were describing the poor thing, and how she was treated. I think you did the right thing, and she's at rainbow bridge now running free and happy that you saved her from all that pain.

09-21-2002, 07:16 PM
I think you did the right thing too. The fact that she was able to wag her tail says to me that she she told you "thank you" as best as she could.

09-22-2002, 12:22 AM
I agree with everyone you definatley did the right thing. That baby had no other option. I know she will be waiting for you along with Dessi and all your other beautiful pets to cross the bridge someday.

09-22-2002, 07:56 AM
Of course this account makes me exceedingly sad. Tears for you, tears for this Angel are being shed as I write. Aly, if you are going to be in this work, there will be many decisions like this that you will have to make. They will never be easy. You gave this poor animal compassion. How can that be the wrong thing? The hard truth is each and every animal cannot be saved. You do the best you can for the ones you can. The rest you give compassion in whatever way is available to give it.

09-22-2002, 09:20 AM
You are an Angel, and YES! You did do the right thing.
I wonder if you could have called the ASPCA (sp)
Maybe I watch to much animal planet, but
they could have seen the dog and pressed
charged against the owners.

The poor dog is no longer suffering because of
your compassion and caring attitude.

09-22-2002, 09:39 AM
Oh Aly:( What pain you must have felt. I started crying the moment I started reading, & I can't seem to stop:(
You were the angel & put this sweet girl out of her horrible pain, so she could be free. Thank you, you are a wonderful person.

09-22-2002, 10:35 AM
Thank you everyone for your replies. Yesterday was the worst day and all I did was lay in bed. BUT I had a peaceful dream about Angel. She was the picture of health and beauty. She looked like the gorgeous Springer Spaniel she should have been. Not the neglected mess she was.

I feel inner content and truly believe that she was in too bad shape to try to make her stay in this world. Please think of her soaring free at Rainbow Bridge. Also please remember the type of people that do these things, and please speak up on the innocent lives' behalf whenever you can :)

09-23-2002, 10:14 AM
Bless you Aly. I know in my heart that you did the right thing.


09-23-2002, 11:39 AM
Oh, Aly, I am so sorry for the position you found yourself in, but I am also thankful that it was you that found poor Angel. You were able to make her last few hours on earth happy ones. I do not think you did the wrong thing. I absolutely think you did the only thing that could be done in this situation.

R.I.P. sweet Angel.

09-23-2002, 11:50 AM
Oh Aly! I couldn't help but cry when I read your story. I am still in tears as I think of poor Angel suffering. But that is no longer the care, because you my friend, helped her. She is in a good place thanks to your kind heart. I am so glad that you found her to be able to touch her life the way you did.

Have a good day, Aly. And thanks for taking care of Angel.

09-24-2002, 12:26 AM
Oh my gosh you guys, I went back to work today and went directly to say hi to the cat (who they named Samantha). SHE IS THE SWEETEST, MOST PRECIOUS KITTY IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want her SO bad. She looks like Shiloh, but with a sleek, short coat instead of the medium length. She's 6 months old and just so darling. I am going to work 2 hours early tomorrow just so I can sit with her for that whole time!!!!!!!!