View Full Version : Potty Training the pupper

09-20-2002, 09:28 AM
hey everyone. we're having troubles potty training belle. she KNOWS she is supposed to go outside, but that doesn't stop her from going inside. Does anyone have ideas how to get this to stop? I really don't want to have to kennel her since she was kenneled for so long...

09-20-2002, 11:19 AM
I know house-training can be a tough time. If you reply with more info on the subject we may be of some help. How old is Belle? How long have you had her? You said she was kenneled for a long time, did she come from the shelter? Do you have any background info. on her? Are her feedings regular (at the same time everyday)? Does she urinate or defecate or both? Does it happen while you are there or while you are looking? Does she do it in her crate?

When you say she KNOWS she is not suposed to go potty inside, how do you know that? If she really truley does know not to potty inside then a trip to the vet is highly reccomended as it may be a urinary, blader or kidney infection or stones.

09-20-2002, 12:27 PM
The can method works great, it was told to me by my vet. YOu take an empty aluminum can and fillit up with pennies and tape up the top. Whenever you catch the dog in the action, shake the can and say no. Or if you find the accident, being the dog to it and put their nose by it shake the can and say no. This mehtos works great and fast. They hate the sound and do not wish to hear it. I also had a friend that was able to use this method to keep her 2 labs from climbing the kitchen counters. Hope that helps.

09-22-2002, 09:25 AM
This is kinda a mix between 2 methods I heard of. From the HS, and from a show.

When you catch your dog doing it's 'thing' inside, make a distracting noice (not to scare it) and take it right outside where it's suppost to go.
Another thing you can do, if she's paper trained, is to take a little of the paper your using for her to go on, and put it outside on the grass or whatever, and gradually work your way smaller.

Zeke, my new pup, knows he's suppost to go outside too. He only pee's inside from time to time now. I think it's just cause he can't hold it sometimes, and he's not completely house broken. I just take him outside a lot, like, ever few hours, and right before I go to bed. When he goes his thing, I make a big deal and say how good he is, (maybe a treat too?) Eventually your dog will understand, when she pee's inside, it's not good, cause you take her right out, and maybe said no too, so thats not good. But when she pee's outside, your happy with her and she gets lots of attention for it.

09-25-2002, 11:12 AM
Hi! We went through house training with our puppy last summer and what really helped us was to keep a pad of paper next to the door and we would write down the time that we had taken him out and go "number". (i.e. 6PM #2) This made it much easier for us to take him out BEFORE he needed to go rather than waiting for him to "give us a sign" at which point it was sometimes too late. Anyhow, I'm not sure how young your dog is but if it is simply a matter of "I can't hold it any longer!", and you have a pretty good idea of how long he really can phsically hold it, this may help to keep him on schedule... Good luck!! :) I've attached a puppy picture of Otis - luckily they're cute enough that you can't stay mad over a soiled carpet!!


09-25-2002, 08:29 PM
Oh Otis, you are the cutest doggy!! I don't think I could get mad at you fpr a soiled carpet, etiher!! :D

09-30-2002, 08:03 PM
Thanks for the advice. Belle only pee's on the carpet, and it's not continually or anything. i guess sometimes she just can't hold it in, and has accidents. we bought bitter apple spray so when she has the accidents, we give her a couple sprays of it, and she doesn't like it at all. but she's had to use it three times. i don't know, i think i might try the can method. she hates loud noises, so i think that may help. thanks for all your advice, and Otis, you're such a cutie pie! :-D