View Full Version : House Training?

09-19-2002, 07:36 PM
I think Zeke's pretty much got the paper training now. He knows to go on the paper. He also knows that pee'ing outside is good. Appearintly, the way I thought Jo was wrong, so could someone tell me how I can train him to do his stuff outside? And are male dogs suppost to pee a lot? He had a huge pee when we came how, and pees all the time after that. Is that normal? Or maybe cause he's excited?

09-20-2002, 12:28 PM
It sounds like he may just be excited, if not it is normal for puppies. My roommates dog that she had peed all the time as a pup and he hardly even drank water.

09-20-2002, 02:18 PM
Male dogs urinate a lot to mark their territory. When we go for walks my 2 males have to pee on every tree, firhydrant etc.. My female started to lift her leg, scratch after peeing and also pees often to mark territory.

09-20-2002, 02:22 PM
that's true too!

09-20-2002, 08:09 PM
Yeah, Jo pee's a lot outside too on our walks (She's female) Anyway, he seems to be doing great with his house training. He didn't pee at all last night on the floor or today! I hope he keeps it up, he seems like a fast learner.

09-20-2002, 10:22 PM
Zeke is so cute....I just want to reach out and give him a big kiss and hug!!!!!;) :p

09-23-2002, 12:52 AM
I'm glad that Zeke's potty training is going well! Nebo pees a lot too, so do Reggie and Smokey. It's a male (and sometimes female) thing. You know, I've never "paper-trained" a dog. From the start, I taught Nebo to do his duties outside, not anywhere inside. Yes, he had his share of accidents, but he's doing great now.

Here's some of the things I did to potty-train Nebo. I don't know if it's really good advice or not, but it worked.

If you see the dog sniffing at all, ALWAYS take them outside. Keep the dog in your sight at all times, and try to minimize the chance of them peeing in the house. Take them out often, especially after eating and drinking.

I put a bell with a rope he can grab onto on the door. I ring it everytime I take him outside. He's starting to ring the bell himself to go out now, not always though. He'll at least go and sit politely in front of the door.

If the dog *does* pee in the house, say "Outside!" and quickly take them outside. This is only if you catch them in the act of course. Don't let the dog see you cleaning up the mess. I've heard they might think you are "playing" with it, and therefore, approve of it. Clean up the spot with some sort of product designed to take the odor out.

It's good to take the dog to the same spot every time to eliminate. That way they will recognize this as their "special duty place" or whatever lol. Ok, so I sucked horribly at this.......I tried really hard until he decided to eat the puppy-trainer bottle then I gave up lol.

It's sounds like Zeke is a very smart pup, so I'm sure he will catch onto it all very fast!! :)

09-23-2002, 03:39 PM
Thanks Amy :] He seems smart with somethings, and not with others. Like I can't teach him to give me a paw! Lol. He was doing well with house training, and now he's doing his thing on the carpet....just in one room..I think Jo did something in there once and it wasn't cleaned properly..

09-26-2002, 01:17 PM
I had Jake (Sheltie) completely, 100%, housebroken within about a week. He was about 10 weeks old at the time. I don't know if this method will work with other dogs, but you could try it. I was very proud of myself for coming up with the idea, and of Jake for training so quickly.

I got him when I knew I'd have a lot of time off work to train him. When I brought him home, I put a leash on him and hooked it to my belt (I don't usually even wear a belt but I got one for that purpose). Every single second that he wasn't in the crate, he was directly in my sight. I watched him very carefully and as soon as he'd squat or lift his leg I'd yell "Outside!" That would startle him enough that he'd forget to go, I guess. Then I'd pick him up and run outside with him, or run as fast as he could go on the leash, and when he'd do his business I'd praise him immensely and give him a treat.

He only actually went in the house once while I was housebreaking him. I had him on his leash, attached to my belt, and I was ironing something. I took my eyes off of him and he peed on my foot! I just yelled "Outside!" and ran outside with him even though he'd already gone.

He did have a few lapses in potty training later. I got him in the winter, and we live in a very cold and snowy climate. When the snow thawed he was VERY confused about using the bathroom outside. So - I started the same training over again and had him retrained quickly.

Years later. I had rescued a little mixed breed from the shelter, and she seemed housebroken but she went both #1 and #2 on the staircase a few times. She, unfortunately, passed away about a year ago. Just a few months ago Jake started going both #1 and #2 in the exact same spot Pepper used to go on! I don't know what the deal was - he'd only do it at night while we were sleeping.

My husband was insisting that we find Jake another home, but I solved the problem by having him sleep in the mud room at night, with the door shut so he can't get inside the main part of the house. Jake was already in the habit of sleeping there, so he doesn't even mind. His food and water are out there, so he won't use the bathroom there.