View Full Version : ****Cat not eating after teeth pulled***

09-19-2002, 12:11 PM
Hi everyone,

My friend really needs your help. She took her Bengal kitty to get three teeth pulled ten days ago. The poor thing hasn't been eating normal sized meals or anything close to it. She'll eat a few bites if her "mommy" sits next to her and pets her, but not much more, she is even hesitant to drink water. She wants to avoid a vet trip if she can do something for her at home. She's tried two types of canned food, kitty will lick the juice, but not much more. :(

Do you have any ideas? Please help if you can, she's really worried.

09-19-2002, 12:40 PM
Oh!! Poor little kitty! 3 teeth pulled!! There couldn't possibly be something else bothering the kitty, could there? When the vet did the extraction...the whole tooth was removed right? Have your friend see if she can look in kitty's mouth to see if there might be a tooth splinter or swollen gums or possibly an infection. Maybe there is a pain killer she could administer if that is the problem??
I was going to suggest wet food too, but it sounds like she has already tried that route. Maybe have her try a variety until she finds one that kitty likes. She may also want to try making chicken and rice for the kitty, tsee if she'll eat it. I make chicken and rice for my boys when they're not feeling well.
I sure hope the kitty feels better! Do keep us posted and let us know how she is doing!

I was just reading from my Cornell University of Vet Medicine newsletter about cats and dental procedures. It was interesting to discover that cats can survive with no teeth at all! As I have discovered with my boys, most cats just swallow their food without chewing! :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-19-2002, 12:53 PM
I hate to say it, but I would definitely take the kitty back to the vet. It sounds like she is still in pain. Or maybe, if she can look in the kitty's mouth to see if anything looks swollen or "angry red" and then make a call to the vet. Explain everything, including what she saw in kitty's mouth and maybe they can just give her a pain killer or something. The vet might say something like maybe this is somewhat normal behavior and she'll come around, or this is absolutely unusual and you should bring her back ASAP. At the very least I would at least make the call, and if he suggests bringing her in, well then better safe than sorry, right?

09-19-2002, 01:59 PM
Kelly I think a trip to the vet might be in order too. Before she calls she should check the inside of kitty's mouth, as Tubby and Peanut's mom suggested, because they will probably ask how it looks while she is on the phone with them. I worked in a dental office (for people :) ) for ten years. There is a condition called a "dry socket." That is when the original clot following an extraction has dislodged before the gum heals. This causes air to go directly to the jawbone area and is VERY painful. I have seen people in the waiting room practically crying. I don't know if this can happen to cats or not though. One of the things that can dislodge a clot is sucking on a straw or smoking. So far I have not heard of cats doing either. :rolleyes: I don't mean to make light of this situation, though, so I'd encourage her to make that call.

09-19-2002, 03:25 PM
Georgia had two teeth pulled last Wednesday (so, eight days ago) and she didn't eat the rest of Wed, and some of Thurs, and acted pretty out of it. But, by Saturday she was fine. Today, I even noticed she is looking extra good, though I couldn't get in her mouth. So, I think kitty should go back to the vet immediately!

It makes me kind of sad that ten days have to go by.....:( :( :(

09-19-2002, 06:27 PM
I work in a vet's office and if a client called explaining that problem we would DEFINATELY want to see them ASAP!!! After all dentistry's and extractions we tell people to feed their animal a soft diet for the next few days because their mouths may be sore. But 10 days is NOT normal. I know taking your kitty to the vet is the last thing you want to do, but it will be worth the trip! You would want the same thing done for you if you were in the cat's shoes. So please take him to the vet!!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-20-2002, 11:45 AM
Any word on what your friend has done with her kitty?

09-20-2002, 01:55 PM
What do we know, if anything, yet about this situation? NoahsMommy???

09-20-2002, 04:15 PM
Hi all!!

Apparently, this kitty has access to a computer at home and KNEW what was going to happen if she didn't eat! :D

When my friend got home, the kitty RAN to the wet food! She ate a small amount, but for the first time was excited about it. She ate another small amount this morning as well. The vet recommended a small dose of baby asprin and said to bring kitty back in if there was no improvement.

THANK YOU for all your help. It was really scary for my friend, thank you for helping.

~Kelly :)