View Full Version : Most Adorable Hamlet !!!!

Daisy and Delilah
01-11-2009, 11:47 PM
We know it's really early for us to be starting this thread. After seeing your picture and reading your story, we just can't wait. We are in shock that you were such a short time away from the unthinkable!!! We agree with your human. Who would get a beautiful boy like you and leave you like that??? It is breaking our hearts in two to imagine what might have happened, and.......you're just a puppy!! It's disgusting!! Why oh why can't people wise up and stop being so stupid?
On to something happier. You are the most adorable Corgi boy!! We're drooling all over the keyboard just looking at you. We're so thrilled that you have found your forever family. It's a known fact that you will do everything you can to heal their hearts. Kisses to you , sweetheart. Congrats on being our DOTD and we hope the celebration is non stop. Happiness always!!!!!!:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

01-12-2009, 02:21 AM
Hamlet, I am proud to have you as a Tar Heel neighbor. I simply cannot fathom how someone could part with a fine friend like you. My heart breaks for all the wonderful dogs and cats that are in shelters and pounds without a loving home. They have immeasurable amounts of love and companionship to offer and they would appreciate a good home and loving family. I have three rescued dogs, all different breeds and different ages that are absolutely wonderful. The three are amazingly compatible with each other and act as if they are biological siblings. If I could, I would rescue all the homeless dogs in the world and give them the home that they so richly deserve. Rescues are appreciative and they never forget our acts of kindness. Hamlet, enjoy your day in the limelight because you deserve it. We wish you many years of happiness with your family.

01-12-2009, 02:36 AM

01-12-2009, 07:18 AM
Hi Hamlet.....I agree with your family. Why would anyone want to give
you away. You are so handsome. I would love to have you. I think
you have a family now that does love you. Congratulations on DOTD.
Have a wonderful life Hamlet.

A Dog Lover:love::love::love:

01-12-2009, 09:06 AM
Good morning, Hamlet! It's not often we see a Corgi on here. What a story, how on earth did you end up in a shelter at such a young age? :eek:

Sounds like you've landed yourself in a terrific home, I am so pleased. You have wonderful markings, and I bet you are a lot of fun to have around. When I took my bichon to Agility classes, we had TWO corgis in the class, they were experts. So I know you are an active pup!

Hope you get and extra treat and a belly rub to celebrate this honor, as you are Dog of the Day!

01-12-2009, 11:52 AM
Hamlet - I'm like everyone else here - just not understanding how you ended up in a shelter. But you sure sound like you found a wonderful furever home, and will never, ever be in a place like that again. Lucky pup - and lucky parents who rescued you. What a beautiful little gem you are.
Have an extra special day today, enjoying the honor of being DOTD! Lots of hugs and belly rubs going out to you from Delaware. :love:

01-12-2009, 01:05 PM
Hi there sweetie pup, Hamlet! Happy Dog of the Day to you, adorable one!:) OK, I too am in shock, stunned, to learn that a beautiful boy like you, a puppy no less, a puppy who once had a family, could find himself in a shelter, and on "death row" no less!:mad: I don't understand humans sometimes!!! Well, thank goodness your family, your guardian angels, came along when they did and rescued you, and just in the nick of time! Well, the important thing is that now and forever, you're just where you belong Hamlet, in the loving arms of a family who will love and cherish you unconditionally! And what's not to love???:D You're precious beyond words sweetheart, and a source of endless joy, and great comfort to your family, that's for sure!:love:

On a silly note, My girl Star, a Lab, is a wanna-be Corgi...every time she assumes the belly up pose; ears pointing backwards, gum flapping, paws bent (as in your adorable bottom photo) we call it, "doing a Corgi!":D Don't ask me why...maybe it's because we equate such cuteness with being a Corgi!:rolleyes::p Thanks for the smiles, Hamlet! And thanks to you family for sharing you with us all today!

Enjoy your well earned day on the big stage adorable Hamlet...and each and every moment of your happy, carefree, love filled life! Cuddles and smoochies to you, sweetheart!:love::love::love:

Ginger's Mom
01-12-2009, 01:49 PM
Ooh Hamlet, I love that beautiful smiling Corgi face. How can anyone in the world resist you? You sure are one of the cutest Corgi boys I have ever seen, and it sounds like you have found a home where they will love you for who you are. Congratulations, Hamlet, on finding a wonderful loving home, and on being our very handsome Dog of the Day.

01-12-2009, 04:22 PM
Hello Hamlet,

If I had seen you in a shelter, I would have taken you home for sure.:love:
What a adorable little guy you are.:) Beautiful markings & a heart of gold.
Congratulations on being honored as our DOG OF THE DAY.:) Sending out
many hugs & kisses for your momma to give to you Hammy.:)

01-12-2009, 05:28 PM
You seemed to have a bad start in life with the WRONG owners who turned you over to a kill shelter. I swear, I don't understand people. Turn of fate and it sounds like you've been adopted by wonderful, caring people. Hamlet, live a long, happy life.

01-12-2009, 07:45 PM
I can't understand how in the world you didn't get snatched up quicker than you did! Your such a handsome young man and look like you could make anyone smile:D
I'm glad to hear that you'll be helping your new family get over their loss. I know you'll do a good job.

I hope you had a special day today...and many, many more to come!

01-12-2009, 09:41 PM
Hi, Hamlet. You are a very handsome boy. Glad you were rescued and are living the good life with your family. You deserve the best and you sure look happy! Enjoy your special day. Congrats on DOTD and have fun!:D

01-13-2009, 07:32 PM
(squeals) A Corgi! I love Corgis! Hi, Hammy! I think you are just adorable and I hope you had a wonderful day as the Dog of the Day! Long, happy, fun life to you, sweety!

hammy's mom
01-13-2009, 10:46 PM
Aw, all of these nice messages warmed my heart. I'm glad I got to share Hammy's sweet face with everyone, as you all have shared your beautiful dogs with me. :)

Hammy is very spoiled. And I mean VERY! He comes to work with me at my office every single business day and then proceeds to be pampered by all 22 employees who fawn over him. He's our mascot for our company.

I really don't know why the people put him in a shelter (a kill shelter, no less)! He has very good manners, no health issues, friendly to everyone. The only answer I can come up with is that he had to endure a few days in the shelter so he could come home with me.

I love him so much!:love::love::love:


Photos of the world''s most beloved corgi (http://community.shutterfly.com/gallery/post/start.sfly?postId=/gallery/1/post/GMGDJgyYM2rlw0ZAx13NHC)

Corgi livejournal group - open to all! (http://community.livejournal.com/corgilove/)

Bijoux: cat of the day (http://catoftheday.com/archive/2003/October/31.html)

and now...

Hamlet: dog of the day (http://dogoftheday.com/archive/2009/January/12.html)

01-14-2009, 07:32 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk hammy's mom! I'm so glad to have met Hamlet through dog of the day, now I hope you'll stop by PT and share more pictures:D