View Full Version : How to Introduce Puppy to 2 Older Dogs?

09-18-2002, 02:31 PM
I currently have 2 cairn terriers, 11 and 12 years old and I'm
going to be adding a male Collie puppy to the family on Sat.
My 12 year old male is very congenial, but my 11 year old
female is dominant. She's blind and somewhat of a couch
potato, so I'm not too concerned about her hurting the
puppy, but I would like the puppy's first interaction with
them to be positive. Any suggestions as to the best way
to introduce the 3?


09-18-2002, 02:44 PM

Found these links... I hope they would help..
Good luck on your new puppy!

Introducing Your New Puppy to Your Old Dog (http://www.newfdogclub.org/knewf_know_how/kkh_docs/hkkh_33_intro_dogs.htm)

May I introduce you? (http://www.methuen-mspca.org/petcare/htm/dogintro.htm)

Q & A Archives - Two or More Dogs (http://www.doggiedoor.com/doghouse/twodogsq.shtml)

09-18-2002, 03:20 PM
all I can say is good luck, Tango (as the old man) is very bad with his encounters with younger pups. I hope that you have better luck. :)

09-18-2002, 04:37 PM
It'll probably be best to introduce them on neutral ground. And have them on leashes initially until you can trust there will be no major fighting.

Your dogs will probably correct the puppy a lot by growling and snarling. Just let them do that. The pup should understand the language and back off. Sometimes people get scared when their dog corrects another dog and tells their dog to stop. If you teach your dog not to correct, he will not correct the puppy but just go straight for the bite when he gets annoyed.

Good luck :) Be sure to give all 3 dogs their individual alone time with you so no one feels left out or replaced, and so you can bond to the new pup.

09-18-2002, 06:34 PM
thanks ya'll for the links and advice...

i wanna have a strategy mapped out ahead
of time so i don't do any major mistakes...
the information is most helpful...


09-19-2002, 08:36 AM
Is it possible to have the breeder meat you at a local park and introducing one dog at a time so they get to meat the puppy 1 or 2 times before the puppy lives with you? It may help.

09-19-2002, 10:25 AM
hi lv4dogs!

no, he's being transported to me from another state, so
introducing them before hand isn't a possibility. My game
plan so far is to take him over to my sister's for the afternoon,
when I pick him up. That way I can fuss over him and bond
a lil' and make him feel secure with me, without upsetting
my other 2 dogs. Then based on what I've read so far, I'm
going to introduce him one at a time to each of my dogs.
Making sure nobody gets hurt, but trying not to interfere
so they can set the ground rules to the puppy.
Also making sure that my dogs get special attention and
more priviledges so they don't feel threatened by the


09-19-2002, 12:09 PM
I have the same situation. 2 smaller, older dogs, and a big puppy. Reggie is a 9 year old schnauzer, and Smokey is a 16 year old poodle. I can't offer much advice, as my dogs still hate eachother and it's been almost 2 months. I'm sure your luck will be a lot better then mine! Smokey really doesn't care one way or the other, he just sleeps all day. He just doesn't like it when Nebo bugs him. Reggie on the other hand.......he growls/bites and Nebo if he even walks by him. I haven't actually had a real "dog fight" or anything, so I hope that doesn't happen. Just don't leave your dogs alone together AT ALL! Supervise everything, and don't let the puppy bug the older dogs for very long.

p.s. CONGRATS on the new addition! I can't wait to see pics! Collie puppies are SO cute! :)

09-19-2002, 03:08 PM
Hola wq!

I'll definitely be posting pics. He's a smooth coated sable
merle collie with blue eyes and I think he's cute. Course
don't think I've ever seen a puppy that I didn't think was
