View Full Version : My not so New Year's resolution?

01-09-2009, 09:18 PM
I have been walking everywhere for the last month. I decided to get healthy in 2009.

When I looked at where I live I have 5 fast food places, four super markets,
a Target, two hardware stores and a bunch of eateries all within a mile radius of my home.

Two of the stores offer a shuttle service home, if I shop there!

Altho I have yet to take advantage of the shuttle, It has made me buy more frugally, I only buy what I can carry home!

Today I bought an FM radio and a pedometer to help me along with my travels. The pedometer was 4.99 and the radio was 12.99! I found them both at Target. Now I can keep track of how far I go and don't have to count steps or sings songs to myself.

I wore the head set to the radio on the way home but took it off halfway. It was way to weird to listen to it, I like to know what is going on around me.

I play to start a log of all the places I walk to and how far I walk-my plans?

125 miles for 2009- I know its a modest 12.5 miles a month, but I plan on doing more!

P.S. I have noticed that as I go one I can walk farther on the way home with a load of purchases and I am thinking of buying a scale to measure just how much I carry and keep track of that also!:D


I am also pleased with my endurance, I notice that I am not as short of breath and have a little more stamina!

01-09-2009, 09:31 PM
Walking is one of the best (if not the best in my opinion lol) forms of exercise. I prefer to walk places myself, and my job involves a LOT of walking too. I find that if I don't walk enough during the week I end up feeling listless and stiff. When I was in college, I walked on average 6 miles a day, sometimes more (a lot more if I had military exercises and marching to do that day) Living removed from everything and not having a car really had its benifits lol. I did that for a whole year, boy was I in shape! Heck, when I was first dating my husband, he lived across town and nither of us had a car for a while. It was about a 5 mile trip one way and I walked to his house and back 3-4 times a week.
Ugh now that I think about it, I really have let myself go although I think I can legitimately blame pregnacy on that :D. I need to walk more.

01-10-2009, 07:23 PM
I didn't really notice how close I live to a lot things until I started running in October. To do a 3 mile block, I pass 2 pizza places, 2 Mexican restaruants, 1 small grocery story and a sports grill. Seems kinda silly to drive to them...but on days like today, when there are 8 inches of snow on the ground...that 4WD is appreciated!!!

The company I work for at the end of 2008 decided to put in a 1/4 walking path behin the buidling. While it was a nice gesture, there is a nice neighborhood just across the street several of us walk during the warmer months. I sorta wish instead, they had invested the money in some indoor excercie equipment, that we could have used year round.

01-10-2009, 07:40 PM
Richard I think your plan sounds really good and you will likely get addicted to walking:p It's a great way to exercise without hurting yourself and sounds like it serves several other purposes too:)

Good luck with getting used to listening to tunes while you walk - sometimes while walking I listen to my iPod and I pick tunes that I can keep pace to - it helps.

01-10-2009, 09:11 PM
Richard I think your plan sounds really good and you will likely get addicted to walking:p It's a great way to exercise without hurting yourself and sounds like it serves several other purposes too:)

Good luck with getting used to listening to tunes while you walk - sometimes while walking I listen to my iPod and I pick tunes that I can keep pace to - it helps.

I am sorry to hear about all the people who cannot walk during the winter months. The gals in my office would do the stairs during bad weather.

Not only am I getting around, I am seeing all the pets that live in different houses! I am kinda sad that the radio is only FM. I do like listening to talk shows on the AM side.

01-11-2009, 04:40 PM
Good on you mate, i will join you, i too need to get fit, i hate exercise with a passion, but i need to and i am going to do it,every little bit counts, baby steps is the best way.

Well with not driving and not having too many fast food options near me, i am saved from that, not that i love them that much, but i do enjoy them as a treat now and then.

It always is my new years resolution, loose weight, get fit, now would it not be nice if i could stick to it and really do it for once, and keep at it, let us all try.

01-11-2009, 05:48 PM
Good on you mate, i will join you, i too need to get fit, i hate exercise with a passion, but i need to and i am going to do it,every little bit counts, baby steps is the best way.

Well with not driving and not having too many fast food options near me, i am saved from that, not that i love them that much, but i do enjoy them as a treat now and then.

The last hamburger I ate I made myself! Before that I stopped at a J in the Box and ate a burger and fries......I didn't feel good on the way home!

I have gone thru 10 lbs of potatoes in the last few weeks. I cut the potatoes into thick 'steak fries' and put them into a plastic bag with oil, salt and some spices, it depends on what I want, shake them up and roast them!

Basil, celery salt, dill, rosemary...not all at once, mostly what is on the shelf, in reach!


During my walks I would count out 100 paces at a time and try to look ahead to see it I could guesstimate where I would get 100 steps in.

Today, I put on the pedometer and a roundtrip to the store was 1.63 miles. including the walk around the inside of the store!

Carole, Go to your sports shop and look at purchasing a pedometer! I saw some that were expensive-30 U.S.D. and up-I bought mine at one of the
stores that sell everything and it cost me a fiver! IT's very simple to use and calibrate. It tells me how many steps and you can make it read your walk in Km or miles!

I do have a very old back pack -It has to be 25 years old and a set of net duffel bags that I use to carry back my purchases....I also have a HUGE backpacking sack that I thought of using! I decided against it because when you have something huge to carry things in, you tend to overshop and carrying everything can be tiring.


A local store has a shuttle that runs later in the day on Thursdays and Fridays!- I finished my shopping and asked the cashier what time the van started to run. She told me that I was about 1 hour too early, so, I decided to walk home with my shopping. THAT was a workout! That's why I want to get a scale! I had about 50 pounds of stuff and I was spent when I got home!

But I was able to do some shopping and got some exercise in at the same time.

I also want to start doing some situps and pushups in the mornings to start out! But that is more for next month.....one step at a time!

Tomorrow, I am off to buy a notebook to record my progress! :D

01-16-2009, 02:16 PM
Do we start a thread and post our weekly progress?

I have done 5.71 miles this week.

I got up this morning and walked to the super and to Target!

It was a nice morning, cool and sunny.

01-25-2009, 05:19 PM
6.75 miles this week.

I am waiting for you all to catch up!;)

01-25-2009, 05:59 PM
I need to jump on this train. I actually found a pedometer at the dog park last summer. I should wear it at work and see how far I walk. I am up and down to the printer a million times a day!
I am going to get the pedometer and put it in my purse. :)
Good job Richard!! Keep it up and it will help motivate me too! :D

ETA: The battery is dead. :( Must go get a new one this week.

01-25-2009, 06:10 PM
I really wanted to walk today, but I took a nap instead. True story.

I could use my treadmill but hate sweating while walking.

01-25-2009, 07:04 PM
I need to jump on this train. I actually found a pedometer at the dog park last summer. I should wear it at work and see how far I walk. I am up and down to the printer a million times a day!
I am going to get the pedometer and put it in my purse. :)
Good job Richard!! Keep it up and it will help motivate me too! :D

ETA: The battery is dead. :( Must go get a new one this week.

You may have to set the distance of your stride in order to get it to read properly.

For most models you measure 10 steps, divide by 10 then set the length of your total on the machine!

01-31-2009, 01:13 PM
You are all in a lot of trouble!

7.94 miles this week.,

My week starts on Sunday and ends Saturday.

I also bought a scale. I weigh 253-I carried home 42 pounds of groceries home from the store!

I undressed and lost two pounds.;)

The Edster weighs 15 pounds!

01-31-2009, 06:57 PM
...I undressed and lost two pounds.;) The Edster weighs 15 pounds!

please, oh please tell us that you didn't hold the edster to weigh him while you were ...:eek::eek::eek:undressed? that could be dangerous

02-01-2009, 02:27 PM
please, oh please tell us that you didn't hold the edster to weigh him while you were ...:eek::eek::eek:undressed? that could be dangerous

LOL, I may be an idiot, but I ain't stupid.:D

02-07-2009, 02:44 PM
My week ended today.

6.04 miles and I lost two pounds.

Am I walking alone?;):p

It rained for a few days, and my sis drove me around one day for some shopping!

02-14-2009, 03:29 PM
I took my last walk for the 'walking week' and did 8.98 miles over the seven days!
I didn't weight myself so I do not know if I lost or gained!:D

I have noticed my legs and arse are getting trimmer and I sleep so much better now! I am eating regular meals and try to balance them out.

I used to eat all kinds of fast food crap- I did eat a cheeseburger and a chili dog this week, but I don't miss any of that!

Still waiting for you all to catch up!

02-14-2009, 04:37 PM
I'm not keeping a record of my "mileage" - because it would be fair, as I am "biking" on a stationary bike indoors, and so cover "more" miles than I could walking, am not subject to the vagaries of New England weather, and so figure it ain't fair to compare! But keep walking, Richard! You're not subject to the treacherous conditions of Boston-area sidewalks in winter, so you are far safer!

02-14-2009, 04:51 PM
I haven't kept track of all the walking, but I know I did over 9 miles this week on treadmills, ellipitcals and I did get out once to run/walk outside. In Ohio. In February! At least 5 of those miles were run. Not as many as I would like, but it is hard to get the gym consistently when I am travelling for work...and hotel fitness rooms are limited in their equipment, and busy! But I got my butt out of bed and made it into them 3 of the 4 days, so not too bad!

02-14-2009, 05:24 PM
Oh, it doesn't matter about doing it on foot or on a bike or treadmill.

I am just trying to sucker some of you in to challenge me. :D

I look at it as a way to stay motivated. And the 'numbers' are just a way to keep track.......I mean, if I do 5 this week, 5.5 should be on my radar!

It's not a race, just at way to keep track of what I do, and maybe we can all get the few pounds off?:cool:

The miles are getting easier to walk and I want to get into a place where I don't hesitate to do a weekly 'quota'.

And Karen, I don't have to worry about the weather. I have to worry about the people driving and the stray dogs!:eek::(