View Full Version : Kids

01-06-2009, 08:47 PM
My daughter and her boyfriend have broken up. They have moved out of their apartment and daughter has moved back home. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
She brought along two cats, one rat and a bird, along with boxes, bags, dirty wash, kitchen supplies, makeup and shampoo enough for a year, tons of purses, shoes, paintings, CD's, books, furniture and a gigantic mess. :eek::eek::eek:
There was stuff in the upstairs hall, downstairs hall, basement, bathroom, living room, family room. My beautiful home is now well a bit cramped.
Since she works 3 to 11 she is up till 3 or 4 in the morning talking or the TV is on. I have to get up at 6am.:mad:
They leave BUT then they return like a bad rash.:eek:
Even though all this is going on I love having her here and best of all I love being able to spend time with my beautiful daughter. :):love:
Ah kids, the biggest heartache and the biggest joy.

01-06-2009, 09:10 PM
Oh man.... just when we're seeing one birdy leaving the nest, yours comes back home. Trust me, I know exactly what you're experiencing, since those are the hours Ashley works too. All I can say is, I understand!!!

Laura's Babies
01-07-2009, 06:49 AM
I tell kids, the biggest mistake they can make in their life is moving out of Mom & Dads house.. I knew one girl that moved out and regretted it immediately and begged and begged to move back in. They kept telling her "No!".. She said she didn't know how she had it made living at home until she moved out and would give anything to go back, even pay rent!

Even though she has moved back in with all her "stuff", at least she didn't walk off and leave everything like most of them do (that I know).

01-07-2009, 07:20 AM
After the breakup of my first marriage, I moved in for a brief stay w/my parents and I had my small son at the time. Thank goodness I had my parents to turn to or I don't know what I would've done. I had no money and no support system. Just be sure to set your rules and see that your daughter abides by them and you'll enjoy her stay there so much more. I'm sure it'll all turn out fine once the kinks are worked out. :)

finn's mom
01-07-2009, 08:49 AM
I moved back in with my parents in 2005, for a year. I have always known the option was there, but I really never wanted to have to "go there." I have amazing parents, but they did lay down rules. I'm a nightowl, and unless I'm working a "normal" shift, I stay up LATE. I didn't disturb their sleep in any way, whether it was talking too loud on the phone or turning the tv or music up after they'd gone to bed. When I did come home late, I was very respectful of keeping as quiet as I could. I didn't mind, though, as they were really doing me a huge favor, without asking for much in return. I enjoyed my stay with them. I do hope it never comes to that again, though! :love:

01-07-2009, 09:10 AM
I moved home a couple of times when I was younger. The rules were spelled out before I moved in. I will admit I didn't have much fun while I was there, but I wasn't there for fun, just security. Once I recovered, I moved out. I hope things run smoothly for you both. I never felt unwelcome because I always followed the cues and rules. My Mom was always accommodating but strict.

I would request that your daughter rent a small locker/storage unit to hold all her "products and possessions" not able to fit in your home. YOUR home.

I believe agreements/compromises are best when dealing with friends and family.

Talk is cheap....so keep communicating with your daughter. If she doesn't want to abide by your rules and meet your needs, then she can find another place to live.

I am always surprised at parents that don't know how to say NO or ENOUGH and give their kids their thoughts and direction. I wonder how it would work if the situation was reversed and you had to move in with her? EVERYONE has the right to lay down rules when it comes to who and how people (guests!!) live in their homes.

Good luck. Be strict - but loving!

01-07-2009, 09:31 AM
Only one rat? Oh mommy you didn't teach her enough about animal care. She moved back in because you still have work to do.

I hope I never have to mave back in as well. I've outgrown my mom's house a zillion times over. I need space.

01-07-2009, 03:26 PM
After my divorce, I moved back in w/my mom for a year. I rented out a storage unit to store all my furniture and stuff. I also paid rent to my mom (1/2 the mortgage) and paid the cable bill. I also helped out with the food bill and electric bill.

It was such a huge help, considering I didn't (and still don't) make enough to afford an apt. here in Jersey.
It was also amazing of her to take in Neko and Tama with me, considering she doesn't like animals...she actually warmed up to Neko quite a bit!

I wanted to make sure that I wansn't mooching off of her and that I was essentially renting out 1/2 the condo. Luckily for us, we had pretty much the same work schedule so we weren't stepping on each other's toes.