View Full Version : Thursday #298-Old Hanged Signs?

12-31-2008, 10:23 AM
Well, glad to see THIS year on it's way out and hoping for a more fruitful, heathful year ahead!

LOL, THAT sounded like a commercial for a granola bar, eh?

Let's start witha breakfast buffet and go from there?

Virtual mimosas, coffee, tea and a little smear for your toast, bagel or muffin?


Happy New Year to you all! I saw that Taiwan were doing there best to welcome the New Year in......:D

12-31-2008, 11:58 AM
I this part of the world, any hanging old signs would now be covered in snow! ;) Snow has fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow ...

I'll take some hot cocoa, please!

12-31-2008, 12:07 PM
No snow here. It's been ridiculously sunny and clear. :cool: I've been running around in flip flops! A virtual mimosa sounds wonderful - do I get an umbrella with that or a hanging sign? :)

12-31-2008, 12:44 PM
No virtual for me - I want the real thing!!


12-31-2008, 01:11 PM
No virtual for me - I want the real thing!!


Hey - I'll drink to that!!

No snow here - just wicked cold wind blowing 2008 out of here. Let's all hope and pray for a kinder and gentler 2009!

From all of us here - to all of you out there....


12-31-2008, 02:12 PM
I this part of the world, any hanging old signs would now be covered in snow! ;) Snow has fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow ...

I'll take some hot cocoa, please!

One hot cocoa!


And some virtual good weather?

MY feet are too cold as of yet...later on?
You get whatever you want!:D

Grace and Pom.

Two for the ladies, and yes, better days ahead!:)


12-31-2008, 02:36 PM
Grace and Pom.

Two for the ladies, and yes, better days ahead!:)


That's 2 for each of us, I hope!!! :p

12-31-2008, 02:41 PM
There's about an inch of snow in Pittsburgh now and the temperature is 21 degrees. A big cuppa coffee with Bailey's and keep the bagels coming!

12-31-2008, 03:04 PM
:) Share a bit of snow please.. Now we are to maybe finally get rain on Monday (of course the day I have to go back to work) hey we will take it.. David some of whats your having.. Orc could you go to the store & get some philly please for the bagels.. Whats you mean you dont know what philly is?? :rolleyes: I swear Orc have you always lived in the Mid-Evel days??:cool: Go for the cream cheese && dont stop & eat all of it..:D
There's about an inch of snow in Pittsburgh now and the temperature is 21 degrees. A big cuppa coffee with Bailey's and keep the bagels coming!

12-31-2008, 04:10 PM
Ohio and Pittsburgh had the same amount of snow except that we're having 40 mph winds and temps in the teens. After our dinner of roasted chicken and stuffing, the boy and I are going to hang tonight and drink hot chocolate by the fire. (Ok, I'll be drinking hot chocolate; he'll probably have a shot of Bushmills.)

12-31-2008, 05:23 PM
Chicago has had 3 sunny days in a row. Yesterday and Monday were in the high 30s but today has been in the 20s with more wind. Sunny is good! Is there any coffee? Regular or decaffeinated, I'll have what's ever brewing.

12-31-2008, 05:40 PM
lvpets2002, I'll give him a sample so that he'll know what to get, but given his literal mind he might try to bring back part of the CITY of Philly!!

12-31-2008, 06:37 PM
That's 2 for each of us, I hope!!! :p
NO problemo!



Bailey's and bagels!



YOu forgot the LOX!;)

I'll call him on his cell....



Cocoa and Bushmills?


I'll make the orc stoke up the fire when he gets back!



Is the pope Catholic?


Tonight on the ESPN network, Rhys Millen, Son of the famous Kiwi off road driver Rod Millen will try to do a back flip in an off road truck!

Also a biker will try to land on top of a replica of the Arc de Triumphe!

12-31-2008, 06:57 PM
I'll take some hot cocoa to warm off the chills here!!

The wind is just so powerful and rattling the entire house! BRRRRRR!!!! If there was snow to go along with it, I probably wouldn't be complaining, but it's just wind. :(

Do you know how long it took me to get the title of the thread?! I was like, what signs?? what is he talking about?? oy. talk about a blonde moment (and then saying it really quick and slapping my forehead!)!

12-31-2008, 07:39 PM
I'll take some hot cocoa to warm off the chills here!!

Do you know how long it took me to get the title of the thread?! I was like, what signs?? what is he talking about?? oy. talk about a blonde moment (and then saying it really quick and slapping my forehead!)!

YOu can always go red?

One cocoa? DONE!

We have a roaring fire in the bar......sit down and enjoy!

12-31-2008, 08:32 PM
I'm stuffed!!!
But I will have a bit of eggnog mixed with a little somthing extra. ;)
It's beautiful but chilly tonight. Their is a crescent moon with a
star or planet right next to it.

01-01-2009, 09:21 AM
:eek: Oh crap David I did not even think about that.. Do you think thats why Orc has not returned yet?? Oh No he is prob trying to carry back the whole city.. :p We is going to need to start a Orc PT lingo training class ya think?.:D
lvpets2002, I'll give him a sample so that he'll know what to get, but given his literal mind he might try to bring back part of the CITY of Philly!!

Cinder & Smoke
01-01-2009, 09:54 AM
We have a roaring fire in the bar ...... sit down and enjoy!

Oh gollie ...

When will Orc learn??
Ya build the fire inna FIREplace ... NOT 'in the BAR' --- the Bar will :eek: BURN!
Oh well, I guess it saves on firewood.

01-01-2009, 10:06 AM
Oh gollie ...

When will Orc learn??
Ya build the fire inna FIREplace ... NOT 'in the BAR' --- the Bar will :eek: BURN!
Oh well, I guess it saves on firewood.

IT's all virtual, plus we don't leave that carbon footprint that everyone talks about!:D

Good morning, I'm gonna start the cawfee? DONE!:)

01-01-2009, 10:16 AM
Let's get this straight... where are we? If it's sunny, I'd like a glass of Champaine, but if it's cold enough to have the fireplace going, a Cafe con Leche with a drop of Grand Marnier would be nice. :p

Happy New Year all! :D

01-01-2009, 10:16 AM
:eek: Oh crap David I did not even think about that.. Do you think thats why Orc has not returned yet?? Oh No he is prob trying to carry back the whole city.. :p We is going to need to start a Orc PT lingo training class ya think?.:D

I think at least he'd try to bring back a deli! I do think he needs to attend PT lingo 101!!

01-01-2009, 01:41 PM
Let's get this straight... where are we? If it's sunny, I'd like a glass of Champaine, but if it's cold enough to have the fireplace going, a Cafe con Leche with a drop of Grand Marnier would be nice. :p

Happy New Year all! :D

Here you can be anywhere you want to be. Close your eyes and dream?;)

Oh, that's one eye closed, halfway there?

A champagne and Un Cafe con Leche y una "gotita" de GM?

A coffee and milk with a 'drip' of GM! DONE!

David, get on that remote....that will straighten him out!:D

01-01-2009, 03:09 PM
HI GUYS! Happy New year! (a bit late for some of you guys I know :( )

I had to work for new years and I saw people almost get hit with cars, fall down stairs and generally make @$$es of themselves. Here's a tip, if you're going to be smashed try to do it in a manner that doesn't :o you or your friends/family in the morning! :rolleyes: :D

A toast to Thursdays, where you can drink whatever you want and you won't ever fall down and drool or puke all over yourself!

I'll take a triple of whatevers on the menu...

01-01-2009, 04:08 PM
HI GUYS! Happy New year! (a bit late for some of you guys I know :( )

I had to work for new years and I saw people almost get hit with cars, fall down stairs and generally make @$$es of themselves. Here's a tip, if you're going to be smashed try to do it in a manner that doesn't :o you or your friends/family in the morning! :rolleyes: :D

A toast to Thursdays, where you can drink whatever you want and you won't ever fall down and drool or puke all over yourself!

I'll take a triple of whatevers on the menu...

We have a lunch spread, buffett style and mimosas, as a chaser?


And Happy back at you!

01-01-2009, 04:14 PM
We have a lunch spread, buffett style and mimosas, as a chaser?


And Happy back at you!

Thank you! :D I like mimosas actually, I have ever since my mom gave me a sip at a mothers day buffet when I was younger lol.

01-02-2009, 08:57 AM
Here you can be anywhere you want to be. Close your eyes and dream?;)

Oh, that's one eye closed, halfway there?

A champagne and Un Cafe con Leche y una "gotita" de GM?

A coffee and milk with a 'drip' of GM! DONE!

David, get on that remote....that will straighten him out!:D

Egads, RICHARD! I have to find it first and put in fresh batteries. I hope it didn't drop somewhere in the couches.

01-02-2009, 10:41 AM
:eek: Oh No David why is the Remote all White?? OMG I think Orc is back with the philly cream cheese.. :rolleyes: Orc tell us you did not dip the remote in the cream cheese.. Well at least the remote will be of flavor in operation.. :D
Egads, RICHARD! I have to find it first and put in fresh batteries. I hope it didn't drop somewhere in the couches.

01-02-2009, 12:22 PM
Batteries and bagels?


01-02-2009, 12:30 PM
:eek: Oh No David why is the Remote all White?? OMG I think Orc is back with the philly cream cheese.. :rolleyes: Orc tell us you did not dip the remote in the cream cheese.. Well at least the remote will be of flavor in operation.. :D

Well you might say that controlling Orc is now a "cheesy" operation! Uh oh, I may have to to the Orc remote emporium to get this thing dried out, but I think the warranty ran out, too!

01-02-2009, 12:59 PM
Don't worry David! Ive repaired my fair share of dunked remotes! (ever had to fish one out of a toilet? ;) :confused:)

01-02-2009, 08:52 PM
Richard, I need an HBR over here....something to get rid of this code inna node.

...and why are you visible now? :p:D:confused:

01-02-2009, 11:35 PM
Richard, I need an HBR over here....something to get rid of this code inna node.

...and why are you visible now? :p:D:confused:

Hot Buttered Rum and I have no more magic!!!;)


01-03-2009, 08:22 AM
:o Oh No please dont give Orc any ideas.. Orc dont you dare drop the remote in the toilet.. David run & catch Orc fast.. :p
Don't worry David! Ive repaired my fair share of dunked remotes! (ever had to fish one out of a toilet? ;) :confused:)

01-03-2009, 02:47 PM
Toilet lid down?


01-03-2009, 11:34 PM
Good idea! My sister in law texted me a few days ago saying she dropped her phone in the toilet...it's a common problem it seems. I got a lot of calls working for a cell phone company about people needing replacements for a cammode casualty!

01-04-2009, 08:57 AM
That's one thing that really geeks me out.

Phone usage in the potty.....ugh!;)

01-04-2009, 09:11 AM
Anyone up? I just got off of work and eating dinner...at 7 am. Something about this is not right :confused: :p

01-04-2009, 09:46 AM
:confused: Your right dinner for breakfast.. Not = but then again I am not a breakfast person.. My bad habit is no breakfast & small lunch & Large dinner/supper.. Now whats wrong with this picture??:p Hey Orc do we have any philly left?? If so lets get some eggs scrambled & some pancakes going with some philly on top of the fruit on the side.. Coffee also too.. Anyone else going to join us??
Anyone up? I just got off of work and eating dinner...at 7 am. Something about this is not right :confused: :p

01-04-2009, 01:37 PM
:confused: Your right dinner for breakfast.. Not = but then again I am not a breakfast person.. My bad habit is no breakfast & small lunch & Large dinner/supper.. Now whats wrong with this picture??:p Hey Orc do we have any philly left?? If so lets get some eggs scrambled & some pancakes going with some philly on top of the fruit on the side.. Coffee also too.. Anyone else going to join us??

I will! It looks like Orc has settled down somewhat. I don't see a gooey remote anywhere!

01-04-2009, 02:15 PM
I think we can do a late brunch, the day is still young!

Belly up to the buffet, folks!

01-04-2009, 02:21 PM
Nice omelet with lots of cheese and some bacon - as food here at Thursdays has no calories! :) please, and a nice mug of chai to drink. Please?

01-04-2009, 03:04 PM
I love dinner for breakfast, and breakfast for dinner! Yum! I love chili and cold pizza for breakfast, omelettes and pancakes and waffles for dinner with fruit preserves.

I think I'll take a belgian waffle with some peaches and whipped cream on top, please! That will be yummy on a cold day like today!

01-04-2009, 04:30 PM
:cool: Yes Orc has settled a bit.. I got him busy with breakfast & Now I have him outside throwing ball to the dogs for playing.. They will for sure wear him out.. Orc should sleep like a rock tonight.. :D

QUOTE=david p;2108030]I will! It looks like Orc has settled down somewhat. I don't see a gooey remote anywhere![/QUOTE]

01-04-2009, 09:58 PM
Breakfast at 7 pm....argh! Im glad thursdays is 24 hrs!! :D

01-05-2009, 04:54 PM
dang, I have to watch out for the stragglers!:eek:


01-05-2009, 05:08 PM
dang, I have to watch out for the stragglers!:eek:


Take it easy, RICHARD. I'll be on straggler patrol! I'm a straggler, myself.

01-05-2009, 11:01 PM
Thank you, sir!

LOL, you and the Orc?:D

01-06-2009, 01:36 AM
That's one thing that really geeks me out.

Phone usage in the potty.....ugh!;)

It can easily fall out of a pocket when pulling pants down or off a poorly made belt clip.

01-06-2009, 10:10 AM
It can easily fall out of a pocket when pulling pants down or off a poorly made belt clip.


But my thought was the moron at the urinal who has to reach into his pocket with one hand, flip the phone open with his mouth, then cradle the thing on his shoulder while he 'packages' everything up-takes the phone back in hand and walks over to wash his hands.

Just a peeve!:rolleyes::eek:

01-06-2009, 11:55 AM
Good afternoon everyone, the brunch sounds good so I brought some blueberry stuffed french toast. How is everyone? I haven't been here in a while. Richard could I have something warm to drink? it's chilly out here in New York. LH and I just got back from spending time with the Mayor and the rest of the fam in MA. Even Lady got to go. She loves going to Grampa's house.

01-06-2009, 12:32 PM
Good afternoon everyone, the brunch sounds good so I brought some blueberry stuffed french toast. How is everyone? I haven't been here in a while. Richard could I have something warm to drink? it's chilly out here in New York. LH and I just got back from spending time with the Mayor and the rest of the fam in MA. Even Lady got to go. She loves going to Grampa's house.

HOw's about a ho cider, trade for a toast?

A treat for Lady and a cup of cawfee for LH?


01-06-2009, 07:10 PM
Elyse happily feeds a treat to Lady and starts another pot of decaf because it's cold tonight in Chicago

Killearn Kitties
01-07-2009, 02:52 AM
How sweet of you Elyse. After a rousing chorus of Old Hanged Signs, I would love some coffee. Last night was the first night here for at least a month when the temperature did not drop below freezing. We were 2 degrees above. Positively balmy!

01-07-2009, 09:00 AM
HOw's about a ho cider, trade for a toast?

A treat for Lady and a cup of cawfee for LH?


Sounds good and maybe some ice skates or spikes for my shoes it's pretty icy out there this morning.
Even Lady was slippin' and slidin' out there. And can you add a little cinnamon to the cider?

01-07-2009, 04:17 PM
Sounds good and maybe some ice skates or spikes for my shoes it's pretty icy out there this morning.
Even Lady was slippin' and slidin' out there. And can you add a little cinnamon to the cider?

You betcha!


I'll forward your order to Thursday #299?