View Full Version : Good food?

09-17-2002, 02:09 PM
Once again I am asking the experts...we are currently having a problem with Bouncer in that she had surgery today for bladder stones. I recently put our three furrballs on Royal Canin food because my mother-in-law was told by "someone" that it is a good food...does anyone use this? And if so have you had good results with it? Also any suggestions for how to exercise a cat would be greatly appreciated. We were also told that Bouncer is a little on the round side:rolleyes:

09-24-2002, 05:59 AM
Many many years ago I put my cats on Hills Science diet c/d. This was due to 1 cat with bladder stones and then 4 others who had blockages (over a period of years). My vet had me put All the cats on c/d and never a problem again. An added benefit is they have the BEST coat every (very shiny and healthy). You must control the amount they eat thought, because they will get fat on it. Hills Science diet w/d will help with the bladder problem without the fat, (for an already overweight cat) but does not have the added benefit of the shiny coat. (I found this out when one of the cats was diagnosed with diabetes and needed to change foods). Ask your vet if he knows of this food, it may be just what you need. Good luck

09-27-2002, 09:27 AM
I got some printed information about Royal Canin and took it with me when Bouncer had her stitches out. They were actually fairly impressed about the list of ingredients, said it compares very favorably with Science Diet. In fact a few of the ingredients are things they prescribe to take care of the problem she had with the stones, so I am happy with it.:)