View Full Version : Lucky Lee!

12-30-2008, 05:47 AM
Good morning handsome Lucky! I was so happy to read all about you today and the wonderful life that you have been living for the past two years. I am smiling just thinking of you riding around the neighborhood in your hot pink stroller, and I thought now here is a boy that is secure in his own fur! ;) You are pretty clever to use that stroller as a way to meet the ladies too. Whatta guy! :p I hope Santa was good to you and brought you lots more toys and that new toy box that your mama wanted too. Here's wishing you many more wonderful years with your special person. Lucky Lee our very special Dog of the Day! :cool:

Daisy and Delilah
12-30-2008, 11:03 AM
We are taken aback at how adorable you are, little man!!! How fitting that our wonderful friend, Pam, has been the first to greet you this morning. We were hoping that was the case when we saw you. Along with us, Pam is a great lover of you little Puglets. What's not to love? You are one smashingly cute little fella!! We love your Christmas picture and loved reading your story. Your Mom is deeply in love with the likes of you, sweetheart. We would really like to see you riding around in your awesome stroller. We can bet that you are the coolest dude in town. We send you hearty congratulations on your big day today as our most honorable and handsome DOTD!! Please tell Mom to try to get some kisses in from us. We hope you get to ride in your buggy all day to celebrate. Happiness Always!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

12-30-2008, 12:36 PM
Lucky Lee, you are a lucky boy, and I too wish I could see you cruising the neighborhood in your hot pink stroller. I'd be watching out my window every day if I knew such a handsome fellow was going to go strolling by. Toys and mommy kisses, you are living the life of Riley, aren't you sweetie? And no-one could deserve it more. I'm sorry to hear about your back problems, but happy that you have an understanding human. Wish I could give you a hug and have one of those puglet kisses. Congratulations Lucky Lee on being our DOTD.

12-30-2008, 12:46 PM
I had feeling my dear friend, pug loving Pam, would be the first to congratulate you today, Lucky Lee!:) What a precious pug you are! Oh, how I'd love to plant some smoochies on that adorable mug of yours!:love: You look sooo sweet posing in front of your lovely Christmas tree! No doubt Santa was extra good to you this year Lucky Lee, stuffing that toy box of yours even fuller! Perhaps Mom should consider buying you a bigger one for your birthday!:p

I so enjoyed reading your heartwarming, heart-melting bio. today, Lucky Lee! Heartfelt thanks to your dear Mom for opening her home and heart up to such a deserving doggie, a special needs one at that! (Not that that stops you one bit from loving life to its fullest!:cool:) And as is so often the case, the rewards we humans reap, the unconditional love we receive in return for going the rescue route, priceless! You are living proof of that, Lucky Lee! Your Mom is truly blessed, "lucky" indeed, having a best friend, loving companion and soul mate in you!!!:love:

Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you on your big day, Lucky Lee!:love: Hope you and your Mom, and all of your adoring friends and fans around the neighborhood, enjoy an extra special, fun filled day celebrating your "top dog" reign! Happy Dog of the Day to you!:love:

P.S...I can only imagine how heads must turn when you come "strolling" by in your "hot pink" puggily wheels! hehe A boy comfortable and confident in his own fur, for sure!:D:cool:

12-30-2008, 04:15 PM
Hi Lucky,

What a wonderful story. I am so happy to know how great your life is
with your human family.:) I can picture the scene of you & momma taking
your stroll around the neighborhood & you smiling back at her so happy.:)
Big congratulations on being our special DOG OF THE DAY Lucky Lee.
Sending out many hugs & kisses just for you sweet fella.:)