View Full Version : Rumor is hissing, Moxie is frightened and it's total chaos

12-17-2008, 09:10 AM
I brought Decker home from the vet yesterday after staying overnight to collect his urine due to a severe infection. He was very stressed out and ran crying (more like yowling) under the bed as soon as we got home. Since then Rumor has been hissing and growling at him just like she's never seen him before. Last night when feeding them Rumor started hissing and something like a fight must have broke out and Moxie took off hiding and wouldn't come to eat - this never happens. Now this morning it is still going on but worse. Rumor is hissing at Decker and now Moxie and sometimes even the other cats. Moxie is terrified acting, growling at Decker and hiding under furniture and Decker is just plain scared and confused. It's like I just threw a bunch of total stranger cats together.

I'm already having behavior and peeing issues so I'm afraid this will make things worse. Please, any suggestion?

Feliway isn't an option because two weeks ago Rumor peed right in front of the plug-in and that started a behavior problem with her. I don't know what to do and I'm suppose to be keeping Decker calm as well as Scout - due to kidney and bladder stones, and Ripley - due to kidney failure. Calm is the last happening here. :( On top of that I have company coming in on Monday for the whole week. More stress.

Does anybody want Rumor? I've had enough of her right now.

12-17-2008, 09:34 AM
I wonder if they are reacting to the vet Smell on Decker, and hopefully Rumor and company will realize that this is thier Friend Decker again.
thtas the worst thing in a multi cat home, to have fights.
miquelito the Little Orange Lion cannot stand tubster Panther and actually chases the much larger Cat around swatting at him, and growling.
Tubster Panther fights back and whomps Miquelito, but my Little Orange Lion is purrsistant, and Tubster Panther just grins and bears it. The Big Fellows too big to hurt :love::love:
he are praying that Deckers situation improves soon.:love::love:

12-17-2008, 12:25 PM
Here's a link to a thread by Kirsten; her two girls are VERY close, but there was some major readjustment that took a day or two after one came home from the vet!


12-17-2008, 01:12 PM
I really think it's the smell from being at the vets.....they come back with so many scents and smells that the other's don't know what to make of it so they act out, then poor Decker only gets more stressed. What I do even after routine visits to the vets is to try to keep them separate from each other and then I try to spend time loving whoever just came back so that individual (or two in my case) get my scent back on them. Sometimes I put them in/on a blanket with their scent on it to try to get things back to normal.

Lori, I'm sorry this is happening, I know how stressful it can be. (((HUGS))) Meg

12-17-2008, 01:57 PM
Honestly, they'll get over it. Try to stay calm so they don't pick up any further unnecessary stress from you.

You can also try a little trick to make them smell alike. Place some vanilla extract on each cat.

12-17-2008, 03:07 PM
prayers for Jazzcat and the kitties!

12-17-2008, 03:19 PM
Yes, I concur w/the others; I think it's probably the vet smell. Whenever my Puddy would have a stay at my vet's, Coco Puff and a few others would hiss at her and carry on. It'll pass. Perhaps try Jen's advice w/the vanilla extract. :)

12-17-2008, 05:04 PM
I know you guys are right that it's just the vet smell but Rumor has never acted this bad. I've been gone all afternoon with my Dad and since I've gotten home there seems to be a little more peace but I think it's because Decker is staying in the bedroom. Poor little guy has such an outcast look on his face.

If they are still acting up tonight when I feed them I will try the vanilla trick. I've already tried making Decker smell more like me and the house but it hasn't worked and it doesn't help that he runs under the bed if I move too quickly.

12-18-2008, 12:49 AM
It might be the smell from the vet, but it might be something else.

Whenever Pichu or Milo shows signs of being sick, especially if they yowl, Juni would jump at them and start a fight. It might be something survival related, I've only heard of female kitties doing that. In the cat world, the kitties are the territorial ones and it might be that she is reacting against having someone sick around.

When I bring a boy from the vet, or when I need to give them a shot or a pill, I always make sure that we are out of Juni's reach. If not, all hell breaks loose.

12-18-2008, 08:12 AM
I'm beginning the think it is more than just a vet smell. Maybe it is because Decker is sick. He's acting a little weird this morning. We noticed he was dancing around while eating and then ran out to the litterbox room. I went to check for blood but found nothing but a few tiny pee biscuits. I think he's still having a hard time and in a lot of pain. I'm going to call the vet.

I tried the vanilla trick last night and it did nothing. In fact things have gotten worse. Rumor is still hissing and growling at Decker but the worst part is Moxie. She's still hissing and growling at him and last night was running from him but this morning she has start swatting at him. He's so confused and it's making him stressed. I really don't think separating him is the answer either. He would become more stressed probably and I think that will just reinforce that he is different to the other cats.

Any other suggestions?

Also, they are already getting Rescue Remedy in their water - have been for some time - and that isn't helping this.

12-18-2008, 08:53 AM
You could be right; there may be something else going on w/Decker physically. As you know, cats will pick on the weaker ones and if they smell illness, they might attack. I think your decision to call your vet is wise. I do hope that Decker isn't having more problems, though.

12-18-2008, 08:51 PM
Lori, I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I was hoping that it was only because of the vet smell. I hope that you'll be able to keep Decker calm so his problem doesn't get any worse. I really don't know what else to suggest. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

12-18-2008, 09:59 PM
I have this same problem with my 3 youngest (Josh, Sassy, Sabrina) regardless of which cat in the house goes to the vet. Usually it's Josh & Sabrina that start most of the hissing which of course gets everyone else upset. So here's what I do no matter who goes to the vet.

I put Josh in the upstairs spare bedroom before I even bring the vet visiting kitty home. I usually have to leave Josh up there for 2 days before he's lonely enough to come out (yes I do go up and spend time with him so he's not actually alone the whole time).

Then I lock Sabrina in the bathroom before bringing the vet visiting cat home. She usually only has to stay in there for 5-7 hours, only once did she have to stay overnight in there.

Sassy usually does ok with the other cats so long as I don't let her sniff the vet visiting cat right away.

Once Sabrina gets to come out, I have to supervise her very closely, and if things go well she stays out, if not, back in the bathroom she goes for a few more hours.

Once Josh gets let out, same thing. If I let him out too early he gets Sabrina going, then they both get Sassy going and I'm back at square one again. I also have to make sure to feed the 3 separately and further apart for a couple days (normally they all 3 eat out of the same bowl).

And yes, I have to go through this EVERY time a kitty goes to the vet, no matter if it's one of these 3 or someone else that goes. Needless to say any trip to the vet results in a few days of kitty upheaval in the house. lol

Good luck with your kitties.