View Full Version : Chloe

12-17-2008, 07:18 AM
Chloe....What a beautiful face to see first thing this morning. You are so pretty. No wonder your family wanted to honor you. You deserve to be
DOTD. Hope your family will make your special day special for you.

A Dog Lover:love::love::love:

12-17-2008, 07:33 AM
What a beautiful dog you are. You also share a Birthday with my Sheltie Chauncey he was 12 on the 11th so Happy be-lated B-Day and congratulations on your dog of the day, your family must be proud! My sister had a wonderful Maltese who enriched her life for 15 years.

Daisy and Delilah
12-17-2008, 09:19 AM
Aren't you a little cutie patootie, Miss Chloe? We love your cute little Christmas sweater that Grandma got you. Your picture is so festive and perfect for this time of the year. Kudos to Jake and Luke for nominating you for DOTD. Congrats to you for being chosen. It's our pleasure to meet you today, sweetheart. We know you're the little darlin of your house and a slightly distant neighbor of ours. Please tell the family to pass out lots of kisses to you today. Some from us to celebrate. Of course, some for Jake and Luke too. Happiness always!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

12-17-2008, 11:45 AM
Greetings darling Chloe and a very happy Dog of the Day to you!:) Oh what a precious little doll baby you are, Chloe! (You've got my heart melting at my feet...:love:) I see you've donned your ultra adorable holiday duds, anxiously awaiting Santa's arrival, no doubt!:D That's one beautiful sweater your Grammy picked out for you, so festive and comfy/warm...long sleeved:D Bet you've got your Grandma wrapped around those precious paws of yours...Grandma's can be pushovers!;)

As this is your 2nd Christmas Chloe, well, you're already a pro at the "naughty or nice" thing; you know the drill!:p Make sure to leave out those cookies and some milk for the big guy, and continue to be the sweetest, most lovable, bestest furkid and friend a family could ever hope for and you can't go wrong! Just ask Luke and Jake, you're already the best, and how blessed they are to have you to grow up with, their loyal and loving best friend and companion!:love::love::love: Lots and lots of loves, smoochies, and wishes to you and your wonderful family for a very Merry Christmas, and many, many, many more happy ones to come! Congratulations, adorable Chloe!!!:love:

12-17-2008, 12:51 PM
I just couldn't let the day go by without saying "a big congrats on being today's DOTD"!
You look so adorable in you Christmas sweater - and I love that sly little look in your eyes and that toothy smile! :love: I'll bet Santa won't be able to resist that look either, and that he'll leave lots of goodies for you!
A very Merry Christmas to you and all of your family!

12-17-2008, 04:24 PM
Hello Chloe,

You are an adorable pup Chloe & it's great to meet you today.:) I love
the sweet picture your people posted. What beautiful eyes you have,
they are so expressive sweetheart.:love: Big congratulations on being
our delightful DOG OF THE DAY. Sending many hugs & kisses just for you.

12-18-2008, 04:32 AM
What a pretty girl. She looks like a perfect dog for the new Presodent elect and his family, She is a mixed breed and probablly don't shed much. Hope you and your beautiful Cookie have a wonderful Holiday season.

12-22-2008, 05:00 PM
What an angel!! WHAT A PRETTY FACE!