View Full Version : Keltiedog

12-16-2008, 08:30 AM
Hi Keltiedog......You are so pretty. It looks like you are ready for
Santa. I hope Santa will be very good to you. I hope he will bring you lots
of toys so you can chew on them instead of the furniture. I know you bring a lot of love and joy to your family. Have a wonderful Christmas
Pretty Keltiedog.

A Dog Lover:love::love::love:

"Ive Been FFFrosted"
Thanks Cassie's Mom

Daisy and Delilah
12-16-2008, 10:19 AM
Hello pretty girl!! Aren't you adorable in your Christmas antlers? We think you've been a nice girl. You sure look like one. We're so happy that your loving family rescued you and gave you a wonderful home. We have to agree with LH Camry......we hope you get tons of toys for Christmas so you won't chew up anymore furniture. Be a good girl!!! Congrats on being our DOTD!! Kisses to you from us please. We wish you happiness always!!!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

12-16-2008, 02:21 PM
You are just too adorable in your reindeer horns - LOL! Enjoy the holiday season! :love:

12-16-2008, 04:13 PM
Hello Keltie,

What a good sport you are, wearing your Christmas costume.:) I think
you are a good girl & will get some extra treats on Christmas morning. I
loved hearing how your personality as bloomed since you've settled into
your forever family.:) Congratulations on being chosen as our special guest
DOG OF THE DAY. Sending you many hugs & kisses sweet girl.:)

Jake's Mum
12-16-2008, 04:38 PM
Keltiedog is absolutely adorable! I can imagine that she is cheeky! My "Shegal" (sheltie/beagle mix) is quite cheeky as well and looks a lot like Keltiedog. Loads of love and biscuits to you and your family! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :-):)

12-22-2008, 05:04 PM
OMG! Fly little raindeer fly! JK! Wow what a pretty face just look in those big eyes!!