View Full Version : eye vet visit

09-16-2002, 08:18 PM
well I took Emma and Louise, and Patches and Charlie to the eye vet this morning... everyone is doing better, Louise's eyes don't look like there was ever anything wrong with her, same with Charlie. Emma had wide eyes this morning, even though she has still been holding the one eye half closed, but she is so much better than last week. Patches looked the same as he has, not like he did at first(most of you probably remember seeing that pic of his eyes at their worst?) but still has had stuff in the eyes.
so the vet said, Charlie doesn't need any medicine, and to continue Emma and Louise's pills(still 1 day) and ointment, but not the drops. and the ointment only 2 x a day now instead of 4:)
that for 2 weeks more. For Patches, the same as the girls, but for 3 weeks.

oooookkk, giving Louise medicine(after I catch her!) is not easy, in fact it is a real challenge! but I hope after the next 2 weeks thats the end of this. still am not sure what it is for sure. just glad it is getting better with the meds he prescribed! Patches' will get better then come back when the meds are stopped, so I am anxious to see if this stops it for good for him:confused: I guess time will tell.

today was my day to not get charged for some things...the vet didn't even charge for Patches and Charlie! and after that I dropped them home then went back out, and I had lunch, then pie, I ordered 2 pieces of pie, one to take home, and the waiter didn't add it to the bill, even after reminding him...he just said don't worry about it!:cool: :cool:

09-16-2002, 09:53 PM
Wow! You and the kitties had a pretty good day! I'm so glad to hear that Patches, Charlie, Emma and Louise are doing much better. Yes! I remember that photo of poor Patches! I felt so bad for him. It's good to know his eye is clearing up. Phew! It'll be worth it going through the challenge of giving everybody their medicine for a while, then they'll be good as new! I'm sure your little ones will be just fine. :) :)

P.S. Way to go on saving some $$ at the vet and with the pie! :D

09-16-2002, 10:13 PM
I'm glad to hear everyone is doing better. And you got free pie :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-17-2002, 10:12 AM
Glad to hear things are going better with the kids. And free pie to boot! Sounds like things are looking up. :)

09-18-2002, 12:09 AM
I'm so glad to hear that things are finally going well for you and your cats. :) It sounds like you finally have a very good doctor. Hopefully all of your cats will recover soon and have no more eye problems or any other problems. Good luck. :D I bet the free piece of pie tasted extra good. :p