View Full Version : One or Two kitties?

12-09-2008, 09:01 PM
I know many of you on hre have more then 2 cats but i was just wondering is it a whole lot more money to have 2 kitties then just 1? I know the vet bills will be doubled but since i like to buy litter and can food in bulk will i really notice a difference? Thanks. I have been corresponding with a man on craigslist who needs two rehome 2 brothers he adopted 3 months ago. :love: I hope it works out.

12-09-2008, 09:04 PM
I think most here will agree, the more the merrier! :D Especially if you are looking for two that are already bonded. Why is this guy giving them up? :mad: It's great that you are looking at a pair as they are harder to re-home sometimes. Good luck!:love:

12-09-2008, 09:07 PM
He said he is giving them up because one of the kitties just can't get used to their dog. The man seems very honest as he is even contacting the shelter tomorrow to make sure it is within his contract to adopt them to me.


12-09-2008, 09:33 PM
Yes more kitties cost more. The biggest vet bills (barring accidents or illness) is usually when you first get them and then again when they get old and tend to have more health problems. The inbetween parts aren't too bad if you think more of prevention and quality, rather than skimping on things.

I don't know exactly how much more a second kitty would actually cost. On litter/food you probably would benefit from buying bulk, but with two faces eating the food/using the litter, it would dissapear faster.

I've seen surveys that say anywhere from $180 to $400 for each cat (not counting the first year for initial shots, spay/neuter).

Rather than make a hasty decision, sit down with your finances and figure out how much you can afford to spend per week/month/year on a pet. Call around to the local veterinarians to find out what the average prices are for shots, spay/neuter, yearly boosters, flea preventative, etc. Check your local pet stores for prices on food/litter/supplies. If you can afford those things and not have to decide between paying the rent and feeding the cats, and have enough to put away for a rainy day fund for ER vet bills etc, then by all means get two kitties and enjoy them!

12-09-2008, 10:37 PM
In my opinion 2 cats don't really cost much more than 1 except for routine vet care or if they both get sick. I looked at the link you provided and they sure are adorable.:) I think that having 2 cats is a great idea because then they have a playmate and a buddy to hang out with when you're not home. I hope that everything will work out for you. Good luck.:)

12-09-2008, 10:41 PM
Those are two adorable kitties!! It looks like they're already up to date on their shots. So unless they get sick you would only have the routine vet check ups. I haven't noticed a big difference with TWO more animals. Of course I had a surgery to pay for, but that doesn't count. :p
I hope you are able to get them. :D

12-10-2008, 05:18 AM
Of course 2 cats will cost more. 2 times the vet bills, 2 times the food, more litter (probably not twice). But many vets give a discount with 2 cats and getting food either in bulk, on sale or with coupons can be helpful.
BUT, having 2 cats is MORE than twice the pleasure. Watching a cat interact with another cat is precious.

12-10-2008, 07:52 AM
Thank you for all your responses. I am more then sure i can afford the two.my last cat was so spoiled i probly spent enough for 2 kitties on him. :D I really am hoping for the man to get back to my today. I would love to get two so when my boyfriend starts school or a new job (he got laid, he worked for Linens and Things)one would not be lonely.

12-10-2008, 07:56 AM
Yes more kitties cost more. The biggest vet bills (barring accidents or illness) is usually when you first get them and then again when they get old and tend to have more health problems. The inbetween parts aren't too bad if you think more of prevention and quality, rather than skimping on things.

I don't know exactly how much more a second kitty would actually cost. On litter/food you probably would benefit from buying bulk, but with two faces eating the food/using the litter, it would dissapear faster.

I've seen surveys that say anywhere from $180 to $400 for each cat (not counting the first year for initial shots, spay/neuter).

Rather than make a hasty decision, sit down with your finances and figure out how much you can afford to spend per week/month/year on a pet. Call around to the local veterinarians to find out what the average prices are for shots, spay/neuter, yearly boosters, flea preventative, etc. Check your local pet stores for prices on food/litter/supplies. If you can afford those things and not have to decide between paying the rent and feeding the cats, and have enough to put away for a rainy day fund for ER vet bills etc, then by all means get two kitties and enjoy them!

Everything said here makes perfect sense. My only warning, for lack of a better word, is if just one cat becomes seriously ill, that will throw everything off, as you well know since you just experienced high vet bills when your sweet Wally became fatally ill. Just recently my favorite cat RB Puddy was costing me nearly $1000 a month in meds and vet bills and I had 6 other cats to take care of. I'm not trying to scare you or say that this will happen to you but it could. Having two cats means twice the vet bills, twice the amount of shots, twice the amount of food and litter, etc., (you'll need 3 litter boxes now, one per cat plus one) not to mention needing reliable transportation if you need to rush them to the vet. (If I recall correctly, that was also an issue when Wally was sick.) If you can honestly say that none of this poses a problem, then by all means, adopt two kitties. :)

12-10-2008, 08:10 AM
I understand everything about vet bills being double ( as i said in the original post) and i very well understand cats can get sick. My boyfriend would also like these guys (he doesnt want one to be lonely) and will help me pay for yearly vet bills (and emergency) and food and litter when he can (he gets a good amount of unemployment that he wastes. Since Wally was My cat and i didn't feel he needed to pay anything as i had it undercontrol).
Medusa, with Wally i was haveing a little trouble getting him to vet because it was a specialist 4 or 5 towns over. But from that whole experiance i learned i have plenty of friends and family willing to take me if need be. When i posted about no ride i was more freaking out then being rational. So once i made calls to people i didn't think of at first i had no problem.

12-10-2008, 08:46 AM
I think 2 cats is double the pleasure, double the fun! Actually, hard for me to remember back to the day sof "only" 2, lol.

These brothers are young, adorable and used to being together. That will be great! Just be sure to -
- get copies of the vet records
- get something signed by this person saying he is giving the cats to you. Then YOU can go directly to the vet they have been seeing and learn if there are any issues. This will also help if he can't find the rabies certificates; you can go to the prior vet and get copies.

I learned the hard way when I adopted Ruffles from a very nice woman. The woman was elderly, moving into senior living and could only keep one cat. I already HAD Ruffles, and when I went to the vet, naturally they wouldn't give me a thing without proof. Fortunately, it was just a matter of me phoning the woman, driving back to her home, having her sign a paper I wrote up myself. There really wasn't any "problem," just time and such. Once I had that, the prior vet's office gladly gave me what I needed, answered my questions, and so on, no troubles at all.

12-10-2008, 09:59 AM

Laura's Babies
12-10-2008, 12:25 PM
I am lucky with the vet I have. I have 4 cats and always take them in, 2 at a time... he only charges me 1 office visit for 2 cats and I really think he lowers his costs on multiple pet households. Sometimes he even gives me a break on the cost of their meds if I have 2 meds to pick up at a time.

12-10-2008, 12:59 PM
I am lucky with the vet I have. I have 4 cats and always take them in, 2 at a time... he only charges me 1 office visit for 2 cats and I really think he lowers his costs on multiple pet households. Sometimes he even gives me a break on the cost of their meds if I have 2 meds to pick up at a time.

My old vet used to do that, too, plus he'd give me meds that he had in his office free of charge. Not so w/the vet I have now but I love him to pieces so no complaints. :)

12-10-2008, 01:17 PM
My vet, if you take in 3 or more AT ONE TIME, you get a discount on the office visit part of the bill. It's about 5 dollars off. Once I took 5 cats in (had the appointment made that way). Afterwards, he said if I bring in any more at one time he'd have to reserve the entire day for me! :D

Now I just take 3 at a time, a mix of dogs and cats works as well for the discount.

12-10-2008, 02:35 PM
Minimum cat-tage is 2. You can never have too much cat love. They also need a partner to play with when no one else is around. When one is not in the mood the other is and it's more fun when it comes to mischief.

12-10-2008, 09:37 PM
I am getting these little guys tomorrow!!!I talked the man who is giving them away today and they will be droping them off at my home so they can meet me an see where they will be living.

Scooter's Mom
12-10-2008, 10:58 PM
I am getting these little guys tomorrow!!!I talked the man who is giving them away today and they will be droping them off at my home so they can meet me an see where they will be living.

Make sure your boyfriend is there with you when they drop the kitties off. Or at least someone else... it's never good to be alone with strangers.

12-10-2008, 11:09 PM
Make sure your boyfriend is there with you when they drop the kitties off. Or at least someone else... it's never good to be alone with strangers.

That is a good point! I didn't really thing much of it because he said he will be bringign his 2 girls with him and maybe his wife but i wil try and be sure my roommate will be here since my boyfriend will be out. Thank you for making me think of this.

12-11-2008, 05:19 AM
I am glad you are getting these two! :D :D Can't wait to see them.

12-11-2008, 08:40 PM
Waiting to read an update on how it went getting the two new kids!

12-12-2008, 09:10 AM
They are here! I got them at a little after 8 last night. Unfortunaty i didnt get to post because im getting sick and went to bed. My boyfriend and I took some pics and i will post them when i get out of work. They are too sweet.:love: