View Full Version : What am i going to do?

12-04-2008, 01:25 PM
:(MY Cat wally is sick with what my vet THINKS is heart disease. He was doing good after getting his chest cavity drain for the second time but then he started to get worse. He hasn't eatin more then a few treats in 3 days and will smell food and gag at it. He sits by his bowl like he wants to eat then walks away .I called my vet for help and the receptionist said she was in surgery she would call me back. I called after 4 1/2 hours to make sure tghey didnt forget me and again, they will call me back. When i finally got a call back it wasnt even the vet it was her receptionist. I had asked what type of heart disease he may have and if we could try some kind of medication for his heart (he's only on a diaretic). She told me the doctor has no idea what kind of heart disease he has and i would need to go to a Cardiologist. But she wasnt sure if that was a good idea because he gets so stressed and they can't get near him unless they gas him. Her only advice was to try giving him 5mg of pepcid-ac once a day to ease nasuea so maybe he could eat. I've been doing nothing but crying. I have no more money to afford a specilist. I already owe $500 or so dollars to my other vet. I am just heart broken and sick over this. I'm sorry to ramble and i really don't expect an answer because i have no question but What am i going to do? and no one here can answer that. From what i've read about heart disease that got as severe of symptoms as his the outlook seems bleak because from what i can gather (even though my vet didnt say this) i think the first time we took him in his heart was failing. :(
What am i going to do?:(

12-04-2008, 02:18 PM
How old is he? Would either of the vets allow you to make some sort of payment plan? Is he seeming to be in any pain or suffering?

12-04-2008, 02:25 PM
How old is he? Would either of the vets allow you to make some sort of payment plan? Is he seeming to be in any pain or suffering?

He is only a year and a half old. I am already on a plan to paying my current vet. He isn't in pain but he seems depressed. It's hard for me to look.

12-04-2008, 05:19 PM
Has an ultrasound been done on Wally? Somehow you've got to find out what kind of heart disease he has. If your cat isn't eating, that isn't good and because he's so young, probably what he has is treatable and he could have many good years ahead of him. For your vet to tell you that Wally has heart disease and then not return your phone calls is unacceptable.

I do understand the shortage of funds. I've been there so many times that I've lost count. However, there is Care Credit and also IMOM that you can investigate which could possibly be a solution. I know that you don't want to run up another vet bill but if your cat isn't properly treated, he could get worse and maybe even die. Is it possible to have a garage sale or to put some things for sale on eBay? This time of year people are looking for Xmas gifts and w/the economy in the state that it's in, they're looking for bargains, too.

As I've mentioned before, my Pidge has heart disease and she's 18 1/2, on meds and is holding her own. She isn't uncomfortable at all, she's sociable, eats well, has no nausea, etc. so if she can be treated, it's not unreasonable to be optimistic about Wally.

You may not necessarily need to see a cardiologist but just another vet who knows more about heart disease than your current one does. My vet isn't a cardiologist but he can read an ultrasound whereas my local vet admitted to me that she isn't very good at it. So perhaps get a referral and explain your situation to another vet who is more able to help you. Some vets will work w/you regarding financing if you talk to them about it beforehand.

Try not to despair and please keep us updated. Keep the faythe. :love:

12-04-2008, 05:59 PM
Im not sure i now how to apply for help... or if i qulify because i have no credit. Every vet i've called has referred me to a cardiologist. Every cardiologist i've called has a high exam fee that scares me. Too make it all more difficult i dont have a car and need to scramble to find a ride. I want nothing more then to do the best for the love of my life but im so overwhelmed i cant think. i've been having my boyfriend make calls because he can keep from crying while on the phone unlike me. Is anyone here from Plymouth MA area and have any thoughts on who to see?

12-04-2008, 06:17 PM
This link lists four vet schools in Mass. Even if none of them are close to you, call them - they may be able to refer you to the type of vet you need. If one of them IS close to you - YAAY! They will charge way less than actual vets - and often give exceptional care.


Good luck!:love:

12-04-2008, 07:57 PM
Im not sure i now how to apply for help... or if i qulify because i have no credit. Every vet i've called has referred me to a cardiologist. Every cardiologist i've called has a high exam fee that scares me. Too make it all more difficult i dont have a car and need to scramble to find a ride. I want nothing more then to do the best for the love of my life but im so overwhelmed i cant think. i've been having my boyfriend make calls because he can keep from crying while on the phone unlike me. Is anyone here from Plymouth MA area and have any thoughts on who to see?

I will call my vet tomorrow and see if he can refer you to anyone there. Don't give up and in the meantime, try Catty1's suggestion. :)

12-04-2008, 08:50 PM
Thank you so much. None of those teaching hospitals are very close to me and i have called a bunch of vets an have been looking for one that is proficient in heart issues. I was going to make an appointment and was trying to get a ride. But my mother does not understand and all she kept saying was your going to spend a fortune ,what if he needs this or that. I couldn't handle all the negitivity. So needless to say we are fighting because she just doesnt get it: THE MONEY IS JUST MONEY. If i can get a payment plan or care credit i have no problem paying it back. I just want my baby to be him even if its just for a while. So now i am rideless and doubting my judgement. I cry and after a while the tears no longer come and im just in pain and breathless. All i want to know in the end is that i did everything i could.

12-04-2008, 09:57 PM
Here's a link to Care Credit. It's interest free if you pay back within 3 months. Please apply!


Can your boyfriend not drive you? A friend or neighbour if you have a tiny bit of gas money? Can you or your BF borrow mom's car?

There is a way, sweetie! :love:

PT Prayers for Wally!

12-05-2008, 09:03 AM
I have an appoinment at 4:15 with a cariologist. Wish us luck. I cannot get approved for CareCredit because i have no Credit. Lets hope i can get enough money together. I am planning on asking the owner of my company for a personal loan and am hoping i can scrape together a few hundred on my own. I got my sister to give me a ride. Has anyone heard anything about Mr. Moses? He works at Roberts Animal Hospital in Hanover MA. Keep your fingers crossed for us. I will be paying a $90 just for the visit with the doctor and if he needs sedation (which he will unless they can chill him out) it will be $60. Then if they decide he needs a cardaic ultrasound that will be $360ish. So yeah, off to get a loan. THank you for all the kind words and great ideas. I will update when i get home.

12-05-2008, 10:03 AM
I hope this will give you all the answers you need, and that Wally starts healing soon. This illness is not curable, but very very manageable.

Bless your sister and people with hearts. :love:

12-05-2008, 10:05 AM
Anyone wanting to donate for Wally the Cat, here is the link to the vet!:)


12-05-2008, 12:25 PM
I have an appoinment at 4:15 with a cariologist. Wish us luck. I cannot get approved for CareCredit because i have no Credit. Lets hope i can get enough money together. I am planning on asking the owner of my company for a personal loan and am hoping i can scrape together a few hundred on my own. I got my sister to give me a ride. Has anyone heard anything about Mr. Moses? He works at Roberts Animal Hospital in Hanover MA. Keep your fingers crossed for us. I will be paying a $90 just for the visit with the doctor and if he needs sedation (which he will unless they can chill him out) it will be $60. Then if they decide he needs a cardaic ultrasound that will be $360ish. So yeah, off to get a loan. THank you for all the kind words and great ideas. I will update when i get home.

I just got home so I wasn't able to post earlier. My vet was busy this morning so a receptionist called me back w/referrals for you. I'll PM you w/the info, even though you already have an appt. w/a cardiologist.

12-05-2008, 07:22 PM
Medusa, Wally has gone on to The Rainbow Bridge.

His memorial thread is here. (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=2097519)