View Full Version : Lilly

12-04-2008, 06:39 AM
Lilly.......You are so pretty. I believe you like to pose for pictures.
It looks just like you are waiting for your picture to be taken. Congratulations on DOTD. Lilly, I hope your day will be special for you and your doggies
A Dog Lover:love::love::love:

12-04-2008, 07:19 AM
Congratulations, Lilly on big DOTD. Paws up to you & your family for that great pleasure and we will continue honoring this day of pleasure for you. You are a very pretty dog and I'm sure you're Mom's (or dad's) Dog of the Day everyday. ;)

Daisy and Delilah
12-04-2008, 10:24 AM
We love the statement your human made about wondering how they did without you before they got you. Isn't that what we all think? You are one gorgeous pupster, Miss Lilly. Your markings are unique and just beautiful. We would love to see you snuggling up when you've been a bad girl.:) How cute!!! Congrats on your big ole day as our DOTD!!! Please don't forget to tell the family that three Floridians are sending kisses to you and your fursibs. That's our contribution to the party!! Happiness always!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida:cool: :cool:

12-04-2008, 01:45 PM
Happy Dog of the Day, adorable Lilly!!! Your heartwarming story of rescue is a living testament to the priceless rewards of rescue!:love: We give great thanks to your family for giving such a deserving doggie a paw up in life, a second chance at happiness! But we know who the truly lucky ones are, don't we Lilly?:D Beautiful, smart, as sweet and gentle as they come...any family would consider themselves blessed to have a furkid as special as you! And oh!!! Gotta love the "weird ears!":D:cool: That's what we affectionately call those "every which way," "helicopter" ears, at our house! You're too precious, Lilly!!!:love:

Hope you and your furry sibs, Roscoe and Spencer, are all enjoying an extra special day of celebration, being spoiled to the max and treated to all your fave foods and fun adventures!:D Make sure your Mom gives all 3 of you, bunches of extra hugs and kisses, for me!:love::love::love:

12-04-2008, 04:11 PM
Hello Lilly,

You are a very pretty pup & it's good to meet you today.:) It makes me
happy to know how well you blended right in to your new family's life. I also
think you were heaven sent.:) Big congratulations on being chosen as our
special DOG OF THE DAY Lilly. Sending hugs & kisses too.

12-04-2008, 07:11 PM
Aw Lilly, you're so pretty! Congratulations on DOTD! I hope you're having a fun day!:D