View Full Version : Bobby goes awalking

11-29-2008, 06:48 PM
A dog going for a walk is not an unusual occurrence I know but life has changed so much for us in the last year since we moved home I just wanted to record one of the differences.

My health problems and the area we used to live made taking Bobby for a walk a rare event in the previous few years and then because I was pretty ill for a while when we moved here. But when I began to feel better I was kind of forced into taking him out. One, because I no longer have a garden where I can just let him out to run in and the 'We'll take him for walks' promise from the family never did materialise. And two, for my own health, getting out and about is helping me too. I can't go far, or too fast, but Bobby is pretty good 75% of the time and so we get by. :)




http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Bobby%20Boy/Bobby%202008/th_Bobbytakesawalk.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Bobby%20Boy/Bobby%202008/?action=view&current=Bobbytakesawalk.flv)

11-29-2008, 07:18 PM
Oh Bob........ :love::love::love:
How about I come over and you take me for a walk???? :):)

11-29-2008, 07:22 PM
walking with him is good for both of you! Helps make the bond even tighter. Keep it up! He seems quite pleased with this new development.

11-29-2008, 07:58 PM
Bob, you're so handsome! It looks like you were enjoying your walk! It great you're both out and about.:)

Killearn Kitties
11-30-2008, 05:21 AM
Hi gorgeous! :love: How about being good 100% of the time for mummy?

11-30-2008, 09:50 AM
Aww, isn't he just gorgeous! He certainly did take you for a walk didn't he! LOL! It's nice you have green surroundings nearby he an explore. :)

Give him some scrithies from me. :love:

11-30-2008, 10:36 AM
It sounds like life is improving for both of you, Chris! I'm glad you and Bob can go out now and have fun together. I am sure he enjoys it alot :love:

11-30-2008, 10:56 AM
Oh Bob, I just love the video of you walking around and getting your "messages". I also loved that you knew exactly the right gate to go to because that is your home. You look so happy and I know that makes your Mom very happy too.

11-30-2008, 05:29 PM
Thanks for the nice comments everyone. :D

Oh Bob........ :love:
How about I come over and you take me for a walk???? :):)
Oh, slick, I can just picture it, you would both have such a good time ... and I'd sit on one of the benches and watch. :D

walking with him is good for both of you! Helps make the bond even tighter. Keep it up! He seems quite pleased with this new development.
Well, we've been together for over ten years now so our bond is pretty strong. :) But you are right, walking is good for the both of us and yes, he is very happy indeed to be going out and about again, as am I. As long as the weather isn't too nasty and my lungs let me, we will be walking on out there.:D

Oh Bob, I just love the video of you walking around and getting your "messages". I also loved that you knew exactly the right gate to go to because that is your home. You look so happy and I know that makes your Mom very happy too.
Well spotted Gini! :) And yes, doing right by my boy and seeing him happy does indeed make me happy too. :D

11-30-2008, 05:53 PM
Bob sure look happy on his walk.:) My two pups love walks as much
as food & that's saying a lot.:) It's good to hear from you Bobby boy.

Ginger's Mom
12-01-2008, 10:12 AM
Oh Bob, that smile absolutely melts my heart every time I see it. I am so happy you and Mom get to go for walks together. I sure wish I were on your walk route, you could come in and rest for a while with me. :)

Edwina's Secretary
12-02-2008, 10:49 PM
Get your leash B:love:O:love:B:love:...I'll be right there to take you for walkies!

12-04-2008, 04:52 AM
Thanks all. :)

Liz, opposite for Bobby, food is his first love, I think even above me. :D

No walk yesterday. On Monday I slipped on some black ice whilst going to shut the gate hurting my ankle/foot and lower back, yesterday was way icier and what with my 'injuries' and the way he tugs on the lead it could have lead to a real disaster. Maybe today though.

4 Dog Mother
12-04-2008, 10:29 AM
Oh, Bob, what a good boy you are taking your mom for a walk! And not pulling her constantly! Sometimes it's hard being a dog and not going as fast as you like isn't it? My pups complain about that a lot too. Not that they get that many walks either though.

I hope you are healing from your injuries, Chris and the weather is becoming a bit nicer and warmer for your walks!

12-05-2008, 06:02 AM
Thanks Diana. :) All is much less painful now and no ice yesterday so I did take Bobby for a short walk. He may have to do without today though, we have almost torrential rain and as much as I love him I'd be a complete idiot to take him out in it. But who knows it may brighten up later. He has his paws crossed :D (actually he is fast asleep and snoring away in his crate :rolleyes:).

12-05-2008, 06:09 AM
I really enjoyed going along on your walk with you and Bob. :) What a good boy he is! I wouldn't want to post any of my walks with Ripley because it would be basically....walk, walk, lift leg on mailbox, walk, walk, lift leg on bush, walk, walk, lift leg on mailbox (you get the idea :o ). Bob you smelled all of those delightful smells and never felt the need to leave a "little of yourself" behind! LOL! :D

12-06-2008, 07:25 PM
HI, BOB! :love: :love: You're so handsome! I wish I could join Edwina's Secretary and walk with you! I'll just enjoy looking at your photo :)

12-07-2008, 06:24 AM
Thanks ladies. :)

I really enjoyed going along on your walk with you and Bob. :) What a good boy he is! I wouldn't want to post any of my walks with Ripley because it would be basically....walk, walk, lift leg on mailbox, walk, walk, lift leg on bush, walk, walk, lift leg on mailbox (you get the idea :o ). Bob you smelled all of those delightful smells and never felt the need to leave a "little of yourself" behind! LOL! :D
Pam, I had a German Shepherd, Duke, who was just like that it would take half an hour just to walk to the end of the street, no exaggeration. :rolleyes: Unlike Bobby who, though he loves to 'read' the messages, his own are left with a fair distance between. :D

However Bobby has no shame in when it comes to stopping in the middle of the road to poop. :rolleyes: There are lots of narrow-ish roads with no pavements where I live and three of those are on our way to and from the park. Being in the middle of the road cleaning up poop whilst a car, or two, is waiting to pass is not fun. He has now learned to 'go' before we leave home, but, as he is an 'at least two a day' dog, it does still happen now and again before we reach the spaciousness of the park.