View Full Version : Jill

11-22-2008, 07:43 AM
Hi Jill....What a pretty little lady you are. I just love your color.
I have not heard of your breed before. It sounds like you have found
a wonderful family to love and take care of you. Congratulations on
DOTD. Have a wonderful life.
A Dog Lover:love::love::love::love:

Ginger's Mom
11-22-2008, 07:58 AM
Good morning, Jill. It is so wonderful to meet such a pretty Jindo this morning. And how nice of you to rescue a Jindo. They are such hard dogs to place, but you obviously have a familiarity with this special breed. I don't think I have ever seen a white Jindo before, but Jill certainly does look very pretty. I would love to see more of her and her brother Jack. Congratulations Jill on being our very special Dog of the Day. And thank you and Jack for making room in your home and lives for this special girl.:)

Daisy and Delilah
11-22-2008, 12:05 PM
Hello to you, Pretty Girl!! WOW!! We're very excited to meet a Jindo today. We don't know your breed either. How cute is it that you and brother are Jack and Jill? You sound like a great doggie, Jill and we're happy you found your forever family. How cool that you and Jack are such good buddies. Congrats on your big day!! Please tell Mom to give you and Jack kisses galore from us to celebrate!! Happiness always!!!!:love::love::love::love::love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny, Brrrr, Florida :cool: :cool:

11-22-2008, 12:06 PM
Oh Jill, you're a beauty! Jack and Jill, so cute! I'm sure you two pups have a lot of fun! Congratulations on being DOTD!
Have fun!:D

11-22-2008, 03:18 PM
Hello there beautiful Jindo Jill!:love: I hope you and your beloved, best fur pal Jack are having a fun day celebrating your Dog of the Day reign! What a treat to have a Jindo as our extra special Saturday honoree! When I first clicked on your photo I was thinking perhaps you were a Sato; Satos are affectionately referred to as Puerto Rican "street dogs" who have a big rescue following here in the U.S...I certainly will be Googling Jindos to learn even more about your roots!:love: But for now, the most important thing is knowing that a doggie as sweet and beautiful and deserving as you found her way to her forever home and family; to her forever Mom and beau, Jack!:) Heartfelt thanks to your guardian angel, your proud Mom, for deciding on rescue, and to the Jindo Rescue Project for making your homecoming a reality! As your Mom says, you have made her family complete, and she is one lucky lady, having you and Jack as her best friends and loyal companions for life! Congratulations, big hugs and loads of kisses to you Jill, and to Jack too! Enjoy your much deserved day of honor sweetheart, and every moment of your happy, love filled life!:love::love::love:

11-22-2008, 04:14 PM
Hello Jill,

What a beautiful pup you are sweetheart.:) I loved your story & intro
and it's a pleasure to meet you today. I am so happy that you gained
a loving family and a brother to boot.:) Congratulations on being our
honored guest as DOG OF THE DAY. Wishing you all a long & happy life
together. Hugs & kisses sweet girl.

11-22-2008, 05:50 PM
Hi, Jill! You are a very pretty girl, and you look so happy, too. Glad you were rescued and now have a nice, loving family and even a doggie brother to play with. Life is pretty good! Enjoy your special day with your family. Congrats on DOTD!:D

11-22-2008, 06:07 PM
I am from the cat side, but when I saw your photo, I just had to drop a note to say you are a very beautiful dog...I hope my cats will not mind.....