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11-17-2008, 09:10 PM
I've just learned of "soap nuts," and was curious if anyone on here uses them?

They are a natural tree product, and hypo allergenic, among other things. Here are 2 sites which offer them for sale.



11-17-2008, 09:17 PM
I have to us HE and it can get pricey so I use the sears brand but there is one from costco that is liquid that I like also...don't remember the name.

11-17-2008, 10:15 PM
I also use HE. Whatever brand is the cheapest when I need it. As we have such a great water softener, I only need to use about 1 teaspoon per wash - so a big container lasts a looong time.

I think the CostCo brand is Kirkland?

11-17-2008, 10:43 PM
What's HE? :confused:

I use whatever liquid soap is on sale. We also use a touch of Oxy Clean.

11-17-2008, 10:50 PM
What's HE? :confused:

I use whatever liquid soap is on sale. We also use a touch of Oxy Clean.

HE = high efficiency

11-17-2008, 10:55 PM
I use Tide Free - no perfumes or dyes to aggravate my allergies.

11-17-2008, 11:04 PM
I have tried the kirkland brand, didn't really care for it, its another brand that they sell there.

11-17-2008, 11:05 PM
Ramanth, You have to use the HE in the front loaders because they can't have a detergent with too much sudsing since they use less water.

Scooter's Mom
11-17-2008, 11:23 PM
I have been using Purex lately. I got a great deal on it; after the sale price and my coupons it was about $1 a bottle for the 32 load bottle size. It's their "natural" line, so it doesn't irritate my allergies. I have about a years worth of laundry soap counting the Tide I already had.

Lady's Human
11-17-2008, 11:36 PM
Natural tree product and hypoallergenic wouldn't seem to mix.

11-17-2008, 11:36 PM
I use a industrial all-purpose cleaner called Jungle Jake, its made by Stearns and it relatively safe for the environment. Recently I bought an organic cleaner called Holy Cow that has the same uses but its a little more pricey. I always go for non-toxic and environmentally friendly products except for the "green works" stuff which I don't believe is non-toxic or good for the environment, all it has to do with being green is that you reuse the bottle, big deal its still gonna give you cancer and three eyes and an extra limb growing out your chest.

11-18-2008, 05:11 AM
I use Method products.....

11-18-2008, 07:49 AM
I usually use what's on sale but have recently delved into making my own. You can make your own liquid or powder. I'm looking into making powder soap when I'm done with the jug I'm using now.

11-18-2008, 11:06 AM
I use "laundry balls". They are two balls (the size of a tennis ball) filled with soap pellets. Just throw them in with your wash. I also use Oxy Clean. It makes my whites literally glow in the dark.

11-18-2008, 11:20 AM
:) I use Gain & just Love it.. I get the fruit order kind of Gain.. I have never heard of Soap Nuttss..

11-18-2008, 11:28 AM
I did the math. And I suck at Math.

But in the homemade laundry soap it equals out to roughly a .01 a load.

I saw an ad for Gain/Cheer in the paper 20-32 loads jugs 2 for $9. That equals out about .07 per load.

From this particular Site. They have 64 oz (640 loads) of soap nuts for $58 which equals about .10 a load.

Ordering Tide from Amazon.com
4 jugs of the ultra tide - equals 208 loads for $72 is about $.28 a load.
Anyone that wants to check my math - I'd appreciate it! :D

11-18-2008, 11:35 AM
I use Charlie's Soap (http://www.charliesoap.com/index.asp). I've been using it for about a year and a half (since right after Nathan was born) and I've been really happy with it.

11-18-2008, 11:37 AM
I've been using the liquid All free clear for many years and I love it.:)

11-18-2008, 01:30 PM
I use Tide Free - no perfumes or dyes to aggravate my allergies.


What about those soap nut things and allergies? I've tried using some "hypo allergenic" or "all natural" laundry detergents, and I still itched like crazy!

11-18-2008, 01:32 PM
I usually use what's on sale but have recently delved into making my own. You can make your own liquid or powder. I'm looking into making powder soap when I'm done with the jug I'm using now.

You gonna share your secret recipe?? ;)

11-18-2008, 01:41 PM
I've been using the liquid All free clear for many years and I love it.:)

Ditto here. Publix (grocery store chain) has a store brand that is very similar and less expensive, but we don't shop there regularly.

11-19-2008, 04:38 PM
I use Cheer, and Shout for pre-treating stains.

Daisy and Delilah
11-19-2008, 04:45 PM

I love the smell.....:)

11-19-2008, 05:04 PM
Posted this laundry tip a while back.

I cracked open a can of smoked clams in oil and spilled some on a poly blend shirt I had on.

I got two nice stains outta the deal and went home and tried everything to get them out. I even tried Dawn dishwashing liquid on it to pretreat the stain.

Nothing worked until I picked up two cans of the lanolin hand wash stuff at an autoparts store. I can't remember if it said it could be used on soiled clothing-but I rubbed some on these two stains, tossed it into the wash and pulled it out and both stains were gone.

Now I keep a can by the laundry soap and don't freak out when I spill on clothing that is a blend of materials.