View Full Version : Doesn't know she's huge

09-11-2002, 02:56 PM
Hi guys. Funny Story. My neighbor has this beautiful puppy that is half bull dog and half golden retriever I think. She is a beautiful dog though. Well I was visiting the other day. While sitting in the recliner, the dog jumps up and sits in my lap. She sat there as though she weighed 5 pounds rather than 50. It was hilarious. She has no idea how big she is. I just petted her and let her stay, it was quite cute. Does anyone else experience this with their larger pets?

09-11-2002, 03:09 PM
This cracks me up!!!!! :D :D Wish you had a picture of her! ;)

Missy sometimes do it to me , most especially at night while watching TV. I'd like to sit on the floor, and as soon as she sees me on the floor, she would sit on my lap :D :D Missy is now 65 lbs. and I'm very petite, more or less 105 lbs, so we look funny together!!! WIsh I could sit on her lap!!! :D :D

09-11-2002, 03:09 PM

Rio is about 85 now, and he has never really been little; at 12 wks he was already 35 pounds.

Anyhoo, he's mamas big lap puppy. 9:00 pm sharp, on the couch in mama's lap, elbow in the muscle above the knee. He stays like this for about 20 minutes before the last potty break.

By this time, the knee no longer feels anything.

09-11-2002, 03:11 PM
I guess this is a common situation. I am petite too, 95 pounds with a 50 pound cutie in my lap. I will try to get a picture of her and scan it for ya'll. She really is a lovely dog.

09-11-2002, 03:11 PM
Oh Rio BABY!!! :) :) :) Do you have a picture of her? She must be SOOO CUUUUTTTTEEE !!!!!;) ;)

09-11-2002, 03:13 PM
Yup! Oh my I am only 120 and my 95lb rott loves to sit, lay, lean on me whenever she can. My 68lb shep mix sits on me when I am on the floor. The lightest dog at 52lb you have to drag on your lap.

09-12-2002, 02:23 PM
We won't talk about my weight, but our 110 pound Danes both think they're lap dogs. They sit in my lap and watch TV with us. Actually all of our dogs like to sit in our laps, with the lone exceptions of Vonney and Dudley.

09-12-2002, 03:16 PM
ha! I love Danes, wonderful, loving dogs.

09-12-2002, 04:00 PM
Oh yeah! This happens quite often.

Smokey and Pork Chop think they fit great on my lap. Sometimes together.
Smokey also thinks he's light as a feather and sleeps on my legs.

09-12-2002, 06:17 PM
I must be one of the few on this board that don't let my animals on the furniture. Keisha never wanted to get on it, and Angus was just always too big. And Roxey...too hairy! So therefore that means Huney can't be on it either, even tho she doesn't really shed or weigh very much, but it wouldn't be fair to let her and not let the other 2.

09-12-2002, 07:56 PM
We are definitely headed in that direction!!! We don't allow Malone on the furniture, just because within the last 2 years we got all new couches and chairs, etc. However, when he was teeny-tiny I would let him sit on my lap while I'm at the computer. Now at almost 40 lbs. he's a hunkin balooba (as we call him) :D I can just imagine that when he doubles he will still want up on Mommy's lap, and she's too much of a softie to say "NO!" :D

09-12-2002, 08:49 PM
Of course they're allowed on the furniture.
I'm not getting on the floor to cuddle! hee hee. :p :D ;)

09-13-2002, 07:44 AM
I'm with you Manda!! lol I'm entirely too lazy and gimpy to get on the floor and not only that, but Mike works 3rd shift and I need someone to keep me warm!! hehehehe

09-13-2002, 09:35 AM
How cute! Drake too thinks he is a lap dog! He's 95 lbs and growing!!!

09-14-2002, 06:58 PM
Hey, that is Deisel and Phoebe all the way!! They both think they weigh about 25lbs. Deisel usually won't get on the furniture but Phoebe always tries to sneak onto the couch. We are trying to teach her not to lay on the furniture.

09-15-2002, 05:43 PM
I try not to let Keegan on the couch but that is a loosing battle. I think she knows that Kylie gets up on the back of the chairs so she thinks its no big deal. Kylie used to sleep on the back of my old couch and one day I happened to turn around at the right time and she was really relaxed and stretched out and went to roll over and rolled right off the back of the couch!!! Now I have a futon and she doesn't get on it much.
Keegan does jump up on the chair when Kylie is on the back of it when she wants to "get the kitty" but I try to nip that in the butt!!
I will eventually let her get on the bed, and sleep with me once she proves she can not destroy stuff out of her crate!
I used to let Shaianne sleep on the bed with me.
When I first got Shaianne I was sitting in the chair that has really wide arms on it and she wanted to be up there with me so she jumped up and stood over me with her front paws on one arm and back paws on the other. Then she turned around and laid on my lap!!! Not a small feat for a 70 lb greyhound!!!
My parents neighbor at their cottage have a 110 lb Rottweiler and he thinks he is a lap dog also!! He jumped up my dad's lap and almost upset the rocking chair!

09-17-2002, 01:41 PM
Yeah, it's hard to keep pets off the furniture. They just give you that look and it's all over with then. They win, you lose! Ha!

09-27-2002, 10:55 AM
Both Katie and Bull think they're lap dogs and at 80 and 50(and he's still growing)lbs. it's no small feat to fit us all on the couch/chair. There have been a few times (when I actually slept on my back) that Katie has tried to sleep on my chest. That's a scary thing to wake up to, not being able to breathe and a dog but in your face.

10-02-2002, 02:08 PM
My dog Hercules's favorit spot to sit is in my lap and he's 110lb Rotty/aussie X. He still thinks hes 5 lbs (acually I think he was born weighing that much:D ) still that my favorit spot for him to sit too!

you can see pics of him and my other 2 dogs in my profile

10-10-2002, 08:40 PM
Josie does that :] She's not -that- big, she weighs 50-60lbs, but a lot of the time I invite her up even though she squishes me! lol.

10-11-2002, 08:29 AM
I only wish Jake would sit on my lap!! My husband (who is not a dog person) has him trained to stay off the furniture, even though I tried to sneak him onto the furniture while Bob was away. I gave up on that.

10-11-2002, 08:35 PM
My lil brothers Great Pyrenees thinks he is a lap dog when he gets in the house,i was sitting in the chair once and Charlie decided that he was going to sit in my lap.owwww it hurt he is about 150 pounds,my littlest brother,6yrs, calls him his "cow" because he is black and white and is BIG!!!Me and my mom couldnt get him up until he decied he wanted to get up about 15 minutes latter........
